Girls and Fallout

sickfuck_diablo said:
Anyway my boyfriend plays really lame video games, like football, or fishing for fucks sake. I tried to explain how Fallout is way cooler and more edgy than, say, GTA.. but I couldn't really argue cause I was playing and needed to concentrate.

See, if you people knew about marketing, you'da figured this out a while ago heh heh. Videogames, like all other products, are typically made for a specific Target Audiance. Example: I see lots of 9-16 year old girls playing The Sims, because that's probably the group the game is marketed to specifically. Consider where we see advertising: on Spike TV (tv for men, for those of you who don't have it), you see advertising for action games with lots of violence and mayhem, or racing games etc etc. But if you watch shows aimed at younger kids, like Spongebob or Blues Clues, you'll see adds for games like Mario Cart and The Sims.

Let's think about this as though we are Interplay's marketing devision. Fallout 1&2 have a pretty specific target audiance: they are RPGs, so they are already going toward the RPG playing crowd. They are also PC games, so we cut out half of the game consumer crowd since thats the console game people. The Fallout games are violent and involve guns and combat: while this is not nessesarily something women are universally not interested in, I think we can all agree that more men like this than women*. And a third variable in Fallout's target audiance is age range, which is probably the broadest scape of the videogame age demographic (probably something like: 10-25 year olds), and then cut up because of the violence in the game to the 'mature' rating crowd (17-25). So now we have Fallout's target audiance: 17-25 year old male RPG players. This is why you see far more guys playing Fallout than girls. The number of girls who enjoy playing violent RPGs is much smaller than the number of guys that do, so the game companies will market the game toward guys since they stand a greater chance of making money that way. Advertising is expensive, so they are going to put it where the majority of the people who will buy the game will see it, and since the majority of people buying the game will be men, you see adds for these games in Maxim magazine rather than Cosmopolitan.

*By nature, women are typically less agressive and testosterone driven then men, because in our Ape days of ancient times, males fought over women and then fought to protect them. So now in today's modern society where combat is not requiered to survive in everyday life, men need other outlets to let out their natural agression, IE fast cars, action movies, and violent videogames.
I'm new to this site, and prob. never would have joined had I not had a very annoying issue with the game.
That said, I am female, and do know many girls who game, both of the attractive and less so variety.
However I know very few who go on forums.
Just because we like games, doesn't mean we like to talk about it. (or want to read the incredibly masturbatory posts such as those seen earlier in this thread!)
there's jocky girls who love GTA, there's geeky girls who love RPGs, yes, there's not as many as men, but we're definitely out there.
its really a funny thing. when all my guildmates were grinding in wow, i relogged to my lvl 15 sorceress and trolled mats out of everyone and their dog pretending to be female and new to the game. damn i was RICH. still a geek, but a rich one. there were comparably many gaming women in wow, even in "high-end" guilds. i still recall my favorite paladin companion for arena, she was an extremely competent player (me=warlock, rogue and retri paladin) and real fun in teamspeak, really dry humour.

anyway, i find it really funny how every girl and woman i know talks everything to smithereens, then resuscitates it verbally to just kill it again by incessant chattering... and they are very very underrepresented in gaming fora. otoh, i dont really know girls that play, most of them are the usual wii or xbox-casual gamers who do a few minutes of wii-sports or something like that. that doesnt really qualify.
hnich said:
That said, I am female, and do know many girls who game, both of the attractive and less so variety.

Pics or you have chesthair and a beerbelly by default.
Wow, a 3 years old necromancy...

Anyway, FO female gamers are a shy bunch, so they don't post much. I only know 7 regular posters, and they hang out at UV.
There's a ton of girls and women on IE modding forums. Some of them played Fo too.
My best friend played Fo. Sadly, she's Beth fan...
alec said:
hnich said:
That said, I am female, and do know many girls who game, both of the attractive and less so variety.

Pics or you have chesthair and a beerbelly by default.

..then wouldn't I just steal a random pic from the net?
Sometimes I put on the clothing of the women and pretend I am a girl, then I play Fallout and I say I am a girl who plays Fallout.
Does this mean I qualify?
Forget girls and Fallout, what about girls in Fallout? Katija is smokin' hot, and Tandi is kinda cute in a 12 year old kind of way. Lynette in FO2 is quite attractive in an annoying arrogant bitch kind of way ....
I work with a girl who plays Fallout... odd thing is, she mentioned the game before I did! I told her about NMA too, so we may be getting another girl haround here too...
Josan12 said:
Forget girls and Fallout, what about girls in Fallout? Katija is smokin' hot, and Tandi is kinda cute in a 12 year old kind of way. Lynette in FO2 is quite attractive in an annoying arrogant bitch kind of way ....

That girl in the Cathedral. The one you have to give the password to so she will show you where to go. That one. She looks exactly like an ex of mine.

Everytime I see her and talk to her in Fallout, I am overwhelmed by sadness.

I can be a very emotional gamer.

Isn't ther some line in the "you are a Fallout Junkie if..." post that says "you are a total jusnkie if you have fantisized about Katja or Tandi... or Katja AND Tandi"?
Yeah, I've been guilty of that one...
What about "Ice" from Tactics? She was hot... I mean cool, er, I mean... um... yeah...
My girlfriend plays games. Mostly on the PS2, though. And usually not the same games as me.
She plays Sims, Doom 3, Final Fantasy, Zelda, Silent Hill, Resident Evil and the likes.

And of course she's smokin' hawt to boot. :D

I am trying to get her to like Fallout, but I'm not sure if I'll succeed, though. She got to Shady Sands...