Girls request help through facebook...


Vault Senior Citizen
Boy oh boy, this should make you wonder what happened to the public education system/parenting.

In a nut shell, some girls were trapped in a storm drain and they got help by updating their facebook status :shock:

Either the school system is failing or they can't remember the number of 911 or their parents are dumb enough never teach them how to dial a phone... :ugly:
Clearly it's not good enough to say 'well they should have rung emergency services', the point is that they didn't, and we need to think about why that's the case and what strategies can be used in the future.

Hit them.

What ever happened to beating your kids when they did stupid shit like that?
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
What ever happened to beating your kids when they did stupid shit like that?

Here's another question, what the fuck do 10 and 12 year olds need cell phones for? This is the only type of situation that it would be at all reasonable for them to have a phone for and I'm sure that there are less expensive alternatives that would obviously work better (alert authorities rather than post on facebook). Course I also don't see why they would need facebook pages but I hate social networking sites in general.
Give em a pre-paid cellphone for emergencies only, and block all social networking sites and instant messaging services on their computers.

Problem solved, and their chances of being raped by a myspace/facebook pedo drop drastically.
How'd they end up in a storm drain in the first place?

I don't know about you guys but if a friend of mine on facebook updated their status to "Hey, I'm stuck in a drain, please help me." I would think it more a joke than anything else.
Well, it *was* Australia...

Getting caught in a drain happens (kids play, you know?) but if I'd let them spend the night in there, just to teach them not to be stupid.

And they could have easily remembered the emergency telephone number. Seriously, it's not that hard.

Joke aside, there HAVE been campaigns to bring across the §$&// emergency number in various countries. I specially like this one. Doesn't help as long as parents don't teach their kids the most basic everyday survival techniques, eh?
Looks like they've got phones from their parents and they weren't told that you use them to call people or for help.

Parent: Here it is your first mobile phone, honey! Have fun.
Kid: Geee mum, thanks!! Now I'll put it with my other toys on the shelf in my pink room.
This is one of those situations in which nature could have eliminated 'stupid genes', but instead they survive to be passed on.
"Application programmers strive to create more idiot proof programs, the universe strives to create better idiots. so far the universe is winning."

this should be called: proof the universe is winning
God this irritates me, how in the hell do 10 or 12 year old girls have cell phones?

Their parents are sure winners.
Pablosdog said:
how in the hell do 10 or 12 year old girls have cell phones?
Nah, that's actually the last thing that worries me about that.
It's rather: how the hell do 10 or 12 year old girls not understand the concept of an emergency call?
"Hi facebook! Me from my cellphone! I just got raped and am laying in a gutter, bleeding and broken. Can someone call for help?"
I hate how every time some kid does something stupid enough to make the news, people take it as an indication that there's something wrong with either kids in general, or education in general.
More likely it's just the individuals who are morons.
Sander said:
I hate how every time some kid does something stupid enough to make the news, people take it as an indication that there's something wrong with either kids in general, or education in general.
More likely it's just the individuals who are morons.

Well it is becoming more frequent.
TheGM said:
Well it is becoming more frequent.

More people (growing population) + faster communication just means that you hear it more often, and not that it's becoming more frequent.