"Global Warming has killed no one, and despite the poles supposedly melting faster then ice creme in the Sahara."
Explain that to the people who have been affected by the tsunami (unless you believe that the tsunami washed out the effects of global warming in that area, that is the only thing I could think of to support the above statement), blizzards the likes of which stupid people in SUVs skid around in and cause more problems than SUVs are supposed to help (because they bought the vehicle, that automatically infers ability to drive it!), having crops destroyed due to very unseasonal weather changes, fishing villages going hungry to the point of death because fishing is much poorer, etc.. Although I think I masterfully parodied the US Govt's initial reaction to the one situation. Kind of like...yours, CCR. Congrats on being such a model Christian citizen. We should all take example.
(Although it is funny that you seem to read more into DDT being the savior of people despite the new plague of DDT-resistant insects a few years down the line that actually make more people sick if they use more DDT. A free basic entymology lesson for you, too, this morning. Too bad you couldn't have applied the "sequence of events" part of that skewed thinking to the more relevant aspects of this discussion, like the effects of global warming.)
I do understand that there are a number of factors with weather, but the least of which should be the constants. Guess what? Those are going. It doesn't take much imagination to conceive of what the sudden loss of a planet's polar ice caps would mean. I say sudden, because like the glaciers, those have been around for thousands of years.
Wait, the glaciers are quickly melting as well, some are gone now.
To put it simply, the tsunami wave, El Nintendo, all of the recent bullshit that we've been experiencing while we still have ice caps and halfway regular patterns, is all going to seem like child's play when the situation becomes fucked enough for even the common
vacci erectus to comprehend.
Or, you could just believe that they all will suddenly re-freeze next winter...
Then there's also the mentality of "Hey, it's already happening anyways...", but considering that Earth weather patterns are easier to identify in history than tomorrow, the glacier ice and many other methods of detecting the levels of CO2 and other gasses have been used to paint weather patterns over eons, especially the more recent one.
Usually, things tend to balance each other out. Something happens, the nature of things helps it swing back into balance or briefly in the other direction. Unfortunately, most of the readings have been pointing towards the artificial expansion of a number of factors that haven't been present in a weather profile on record before.
So we're in for a very unpredictable period where a lot of scientists are scared shitless because they have no historical basis to use as a static model to compare the current variables to. Should we prepare for what does appear to be happening or just wait and see what happens?
I don't need to stick my finger in the lamp to know I'll get a shock if it's plugged in and turned on. Of course, those polar ice caps could be Photoshopped like the original Lunar Landing.
John Uskglass said:
What on earth are you talking about Rosh? Millions of Christians would be effected if anything you are talking about happened; half the megacities of the earth would be underwater (including Rio De Jainero, Lagos, etc..), all of them with 10+ million Christians. IF anything, mroe Christians would be effected then non-Christians, as Christainity generally dominates the costal regions of the world. (See Africa, Mid East, etc...)
Nice try, but I was pointing out that those already dead and starving in fishing villages are already dead because of climate changes, which seems to be of little concern to you, even less now that you have to use hyperbole to evade your original moronic statement. I didn't say that it wasn't going to affect Christians, so please, come up with something more laughable next time because logic obviously wasn't the basis of your reply. Built upon my observations was a remark of irony, because it really does seem like unless it has some effect on you, you seem to think it isn't happening to the point of possibly causing unknown effects (Kind of like the US and much of the remaining world, it seems), just because we should use history as an assumption although we have seen
nothing historically close.
Which is another aspect of a very poor "scientific method".
And I take insult from the idea that I only care about people who worship 'my god'. JC did'nt say anything along those lines, especially when you consider how many Gentiles he helped, not to mention his favorable view of the Samaratans.
Good, please do take insult. Maybe next time you wouldn't have said anything to unbelievably retarded like "Global Warming has killed no one, and despite the poles supposedly melting faster then ice creme in the Sahara. " Frankly, I think the ego of a kid counts for less than the lives of people who are starting to feel this first, but some kid from the Midwest who can present even less backing than said hack thinks everything is okay because a scientific hack of a writer says so. Even in the natural order of things, it means the world first floods and bakes the fuck out of the ground, which will make current agriculture hell. Then I could also point out another fact - most of the world's ice ages have been with larger land masses. This allowed for a MUCH better chance for special survival and evolution. Something I'm fairly certain that Kansas isn't alone in outlawing.
Sorry, Wooz, the last Ice Age ended 7000BC, and lasted for about 70k years; you'd have have the Pleistocene superglaciers covering the North Americas - each ice age the earth has gone through has been progressively worse. This arises from smaller, spread land masses retaining less heat and stability to offer the world an easier time to swing back to a more habitable climate.
But I suppose farmers could take advantage of the closer, higher, and possibly easier to desalinate oceans by the time the caps fully melt. Considering that a lot of the populace has drowned by then, they might actually have less of a strain put upon them; less mouths to feed. Maybe by then, either science or God will have evolved all of the food supply to not only grow in the new climate, but also feed everyone. Then they will make enough money to go down and buy one of the tropical isles in order to survive the Ice Age for the next (optomistic) estimated...120,000 years.
Gee...thanks, CCR. Though your dogmatic approach, inability to understand context, and evasive replies, I, too can see the positive side of things!