Glowing Grounds

Yesterday I uploaded image #5 to my site, TRADING POST.


Check out the full-color/full-resolution image here!

What do you mean, that entrance feels familiar?!
The last art reminds me of Fort Abandon from Van Buren in a way... Fort Abandon earlier that has been abandoned.

And honestly, "Trading Post" is probably the best fallouty artwork I have ever seen, and I've seen shitloads of stuff. It has all what perfect fallouty scene needs. :ok:
Goddamn right on man. Looooove it!
How the hell do you do it? What
programs? it doesnt look like 3DS to me......
Thanks for the friendly feedback fellows! Glad you like it!

I´m away from home right now, so I won´t be able to upload the next image before monday evening.
Thanks patriot, good to see all the work is appreciated!
Jesterka, I just replied to your PM, I´ve been away the weekend with only limited access to the internet, sorry.
Image #5 is uploaded, it´s called ANT HUNTING.

Notice the ambigous title, spot the ant and win a plasma rifle! Batteries not included.