Glowing Grounds

i really enjoyed all the artwork. Great job. I think this is probably one of the best work i have seen of fallout theme in a very long time if not the best.
Imagine what it'd would be if such artwork were on Beth page during the countdown to the teaser...
I got to admit that now Xulm's comic is "over", it's your pic of the week that I impatiently wait for. :ok:
Sue said:
or maybe it's just on the lens

Indignation and contempt! How such an arms expert wouldn't know that the ant would be blurred in such a case is beyond belief!
Here is image #6, EVACUATION ROUTE.

The full-size version in Amaz-O-Color can, as usually, be found here.
This one was the first I started working on, one of the last I completed though...
Yeah, like someone has said earlier, your pics are far more interesting than the artworks given by Bethesda on their website during the countdown.
Now that is one nice compliment!
But to be fair it should be said that I spent much more time on my pics than would make sense for a commercially driven studio. On the other hand, a professional (given he has received a proper briefing regarding tone and atmosphere) should be able to achieve the same or better results with a fraction of the efforts I needed.
Yeah, but you've proved that with humble graphic tools and a lot of work, something great can be done. So from a company like Bethesda I'm expecting something superior... maybe I'm too demanding :shrug:
It is a crescendo of magnitude which your stunning pictures have invoked upon my humble spirit soul.
McRae said:
Yeah, like someone has said earlier, your pics are far more interesting than the artworks given by Bethesda on their website during the countdown.

No they're not.

The artwork given during the countdown were all excellent, if perhaps somewhat nondescript, pieces of concept art.

If you compare this to the later pieces of BoS concept art or some screenshots, then yes, this is better.

But better than Craig Mullins' art? Heck no.

PS: only one more to go? that make me the saddest.
hey, you know what we say, that there's no accounting for tastes. It was just my point of view.
Craig Mullins is without doubt one of the most impressive concept artist, however his work for Bethesda was way below what he usually delivers. Check!
Might be he was not briefed very well, might be timelines were extremely tight, I don´t know, still by Mullins-standards these images were disappointing IMO. As for the concept art displayed here , the images 10, 11 and 12 are just mediocre and image 9 is real crap. Of course the purpose of concept art (like storyboarding) is not to look pretty but to show an idea e.g. to modellers, level or set designers. If it looks stunning it´s nice, but that´s generally not what it´s made for. If it does not look good however, you shouldn´t show it proudly around like Bethesda does or like the BOS makers did.

Generally comparing 3D art to 2D concept art is really comparing apples and pears. You might compare of course things like originality, composition use of color and so on, but technique-wise there are a completely different skills involved. For true 3D mastership you may want to visit, without exception outstanding work.
another awesome pic.

as for rubbing shoulders with Mullins? sorry, but no.

but who knows, with a little guidance and practise you might get there some day...

i couldn't even do a tenth of what you do.
Who´s rubbing shoulders with Mullins?!

Maybe my posts have been a bit unclear in regard to that. What I said is:

1. The comment "more interesting than the artwork given by Bethesda during the countdown" is one nice compliment. And I still think it is a nice compliment. "Interesting" is not the same as "perfectly executed", at least according to my understanding.

2. Mullins art for Bethesda is technically not as impressive (one exception being the aircraft carrier image IMO) as the stuff I knew from him. Again, check And in my opinion it´s not as interesting as most of his other works either.

3. For reasons I explained above I find it kind of difficult to compare 3D to 2D art. Nearly all CG art sites have seperate sections to display and discuss 3D and 2D art. So if you´re thinking about what could´ve been done better in my images (which I do - a lot), it might make more sense to compare my work to that of other 3D artists. Superior stuff can be found, for example, here.

And no, I won´t get where Mullins is, for a lot of reasons. One being that I do nearly no 2D stuff. Which I should, but that´s another issue.

So honestly, where you actually see shoulder rubbing I don´t know.
At least unfair to try to compare a paid for, industry veteran, which can allocate far more money to his creations and learning techniques and years of experience to a hobbyist.

That said, SD is one of the best creators in Fallout art community and his works are always excellent. He's better than a lot of commercial work I've seen.

His current works are excellent as usual, and much more Fallouty than Mr. Mullins' that some tried to compare him to(and like I said, there can be no comparison, far more because as SD himself stated it's 3d vs 2d, cannot be really compared).

For the record I consider SD's best work to date to be the Redviewer scene. That could easily be in the Fallout original.

As for Mullins, his artwork for Bethesda was pretty good for any generic game...WITHOUT Fallout in the title. He's way off when Fallout is put on play. Even if they didn't brief him or helped him, there is a huge Fallout community and it wouldn't be that hard I like to believe to do his homework(and that's what makes or breaks you as a professional).

BUT, we're talking about FO3 here, it's not like it is the last of the problems with this game. I'd be extremely happy if the problem stayed there, but we all know now there are far more concerning problems with it.

SD, as a fan has an extra advantage, that he knows what Fallout is about, so every way you look at it, his work apart from being a joy to look at screams Fallout as it's supposed to be.(which is what gives validity to Brother None's complaints on game makers not knowing Fallout or being fans of fallout, though it goes a bit overboard in my opinion when it extends to game testers, whose work isn't to give the Fallout tone, but to see if there are bugs and such, unlike game makers who should have a good grasp of what they're fiddling with)

And I'll agree with brother None, I too anticipated the concept art on Bethesda's site, but with a different motive: NOT to admire it, but to see if they finally managed to get a better Fallout grasp than the previous shot, which they failed to do every single time. Infact, the only thing that I really liked of Bethesda's work so far was the trailer(excluding the Atrocity armor bits), which was as Fallouty as you can go. I'm afraid it will be the only thing however, but who knows, miracles happen.

And since this is a Glowing Grounds thread which I derailed, I have to say, excellent work so far, my personal faves are Trading post and Control room, which are on par with the Redviewer scene IMO.
I look at "Trading Post" and dream that it is a screenshot of a Fallout sequel that I'll get to play some day.
This. Stuff. Rocks. When I get to doing my own fallout ripoff/spinoff/mod or whatever one day, I'm totally hiring you for all loading/menu/end screens. :shock: