Glutton Creeper approaches launch


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
You might remember Glutton Creeper Games, who purchased the rights for a Fallout d20 pen & paper game nearly a year ago. Originally slated for a 2006 Christmas release, the game has been held back for months, without a good indication of when it will finally be published. Glutton Creeper has recently updated their Fallout d20 news section, revealing the estimated release date.<blockquote>April 27, 2006 (they appear to mean 2007 - ed): Final revisions have been turned in the editor, and final print layout is underway. We plan on seeing print by the end of May.</blockquote>Link: Glutton Creeper Games, Fallout d20 PnP page.
"Coming Soon:

Fallout PnP: d20 Survivor's Guide (June 2007)

Fallout PnP: d20 Overseer's Guide (Q4 2007)

Fallout PnP: d20 OPS (July 2007)"

i want it now!
or yesterday!

or not at all, if it sucks

well, at least they give us some signs that they are still alive
Unless there have been some insane changes since the last releases (search through the news forum for those), the game sucks.
Kukident said:
arguments would be thx <3

Are you serious?

Rarely does anything so utterly and completely suck. From using the completely wrong system and raping the setting to terrible execution, the whole concept was doomed from the start. So, like <s>Sander</s> Ziltoid said, unless they made some profound changes, it will suck.
You really need to name news items more accurately, I honestly thought it was about the monkey game.

Or out of a cannon, into the sun.
