Montez said:
Did they fix wildlife being unstoppable killing machines
i tested and boars seem to hit less fast as they used to, so at least it's a bit better. i didn't test with other stuff.
Montez said:
or crossbows being near useless?
crossbows were never useless, Montez. sure, they cant be used for kite abusing, but they were far from useless. you need to recognise when the use of a crossbow is practical and useful. you cant simply think that the crossbow is a kind of bow and use it in the exact same way.
i havent checked the crossbow changes though.
Montez said:
Also, I'm not sure if I just haven't got the hang of the new combat system yet or what, but one-handed weapon use seems pretty suicidal.
1h+shield is indeed worthless. don't bother with it. i fought through one third of the game with it. needless to say it was slow and extremely frustrating.
dual wield or 2h are the way to go (i prefer dual wield).
Montez said:
I'm level 15 right now and if it weren't for halberds I don't think there's any way I would have gotten this far, since every enemy in the game seems to have a greater reach than me and everything just quick-hits you to death if you let them get close.
run in, use a quick hit to make the enemy recoil (probably need some swordskill for that of course) and then start normal fighting. often the fight is lost if you don't get the first hit. dont forget the multitude of special attacks (quick attack, attack from parry, normal attack, power attack, coup de grace)
as for wildlife, simply never try to melee it (unless the beast is distracted)... because that's just hopeless most of the time.
Kotario said:
Apparently armor has been fixed as well, now providing substantial reduction in damage.
paladin armor (and artifact jewelry) was already kinda nuts, so i didn't notice much of a change.
anyhow, I also finished the game yesterday. i was rather surprised. i hadnt expected the game to end that way. while i had searched the entire land, i didn't expect it to end without one particular epic fight, but it did (well for me anyway). i took the goody twoshoes ending & it was rather boring. it was way too up beat for an ending (even for the 'good' ending), going so far that i really hated it. in hindsight, the neutral (adanos) or pseudo-evil (xardas) endings might reveal to be a lot more interesting.