all i can say is im really pissed off at myself for not buying The Long Dark while it was just on sale. i guess smaller indie early access games is the opposite of goty material, but yeah as we're p much saying that's not where were looking for hope. maybe someone can talk abt it or games like it. i know someone played it, and its still in development (but 2016 was intro of its interesting story mode)
i really like the presentation of it. all i play are open world survival/exploration games for temporary false worlds, all games let me down if they let you peel back and look for anything underneath. similar to what tim cain related (positively) abt playing fallout 3, i do p good if i just make up shit as i go along. this game tho idk, watching the videos the story mode really does seem to capture something i always want to be able to feel in dying worlds, pangs of the desperation and sorrow i'm seeing around me while i really can't do fuck all but makeshift shit here and there that may keep myself and a few others safe if i'm lucky. there's this open optimistic completely paradoxical ambitious mood to post-apoc games that makes no sense to me, this "a post-apocalyptic world is just more for you to take over, impact like a messiah figure" and it's so tiringly stupid. it limits the grandeur a big endless imposing world can impress on you. when i look at all the games that are made now and qualify as goty material, i can barely lift my gaze long enough to catch anything that i might like--consistently there's just been nothing