GOTY 2016 thread

There were two games worth playing in 2016

1. Tyranny

2. Stellaris

That's my list complete.
There were two games worth playing in 2016

1. Tyranny

2. Stellaris

That's my list complete.

Tyranny was good if what felt less than PoE. I felt had they added more content and with more time I would have liked it more. I still really liked it.

Stellaris just with about every other Paradox game ive played i have mixed feelings about. Its one of the better ones for sure but they make some downright boneheaded design choices, shitty DLC policy and unfinished state of most of their games on launch.
Dishonored 2 is probably my GOTY. With "honorable mentions" going to Tyranny, Civilization VI and This is the Police.

Stellaris would probably be included in the above if it had been released in a more "complete" state, but having to wait for 4-5 expansion packs/DLC in order to enrich the game is typical Paradox policy. The same could be said for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, whose ending screams "you have to buy the DLC in order to complete the storyline".
Actually there's one GOTY ("DLC") 2016 I have. It's gadgetzan update for Hearthstone, which upgraded my Discardlock deck to Demon-discard hybrid, makes it even saltier.
Mankind Divided was a massive disappointment.

So, I'm going for Dishonored 2.

Albeit, Blood and Wine is probably better. It's just it's an expansion not a game.
Mankind Divided was a massive disappointment.

Honestly the story was just...meh. There were questions that were left unanswered such as Janus' identity (probably for future releases) and the David Sarif conversations. I don't like how the technology is so different from the original Deus Ex. The original looked as if it did continue from our current technology, whilst Mankind Divided has flying automated gun turrets and robots that aren't huge and move in a cumbersome manner. Then there's all those new augs I never used and (this is a really petty point btw) the punches feel so weak compared to Human Revolution.

I felt they didn't do enough with the whole Natural/Aug people segregation as well. I thought it was weird how you could just go through Natural checkpoints and be asked for ID, yet going through the Aug checkpoints no one says anything and everyone else is hassled. I did laugh when I took a Natural train and got dirty looks from people and then got bollocked by the police.

I liked playing HR and MD but I don't think I'll ever replay MD.
It's quite sad to think that the reason I haven't played any 2016 games is because my computer is shite. Fucking hell.

My PC is 2 years old and I have a fucking 760ti card. I manage to run everything mostly on medium sometimes high with tweaks in 2016. I think by next holiday season im going to need a new card or else face not having to play anything in 2018.
My PC is 2 years old and I have a fucking 760ti card. I manage to run everything mostly on medium sometimes high with tweaks in 2016. I think by next holiday season im going to need a new card or else face not having to play anything in 2018.
I have a INTEL HD GRAPHICS 5500 card. Laugh all your want. God it's depressing.
Honestly the story was just...meh. There were questions that were left unanswered such as Janus' identity (probably for future releases) and the David Sarif conversations. I don't like how the technology is so different from the original Deus Ex. The original looked as if it did continue from our current technology, whilst Mankind Divided has flying automated gun turrets and robots that aren't huge and move in a cumbersome manner. Then there's all those new augs I never used and (this is a really petty point btw) the punches feel so weak compared to Human Revolution.

I felt they didn't do enough with the whole Natural/Aug people segregation as well. I thought it was weird how you could just go through Natural checkpoints and be asked for ID, yet going through the Aug checkpoints no one says anything and everyone else is hassled. I did laugh when I took a Natural train and got dirty looks from people and then got bollocked by the police.

I liked playing HR and MD but I don't think I'll ever replay MD.

I have considered re playing MD, but I have to see when the DLC comes out and if its worth it. It more or less improves on and polishes nearly every game play aspect of HR. But the story suffers from some of the same issues and some newer ones. For starters the obvious cut feeling of the game. Secondly because like Bioshock the newer Deus ex's pretend to be about something (aka racism) but only ever touch on the issue and never fully discuss it. In other words its themes are more less non existent/in consistent.

Reason I included it was simply because game play is king to me and I value deus ex more for its gameplay than story. And I REALLY like deus ex games, especially the newer ones.
Civ 6 takes the cake for me. It's more of a training-wheels game than Civ 5, but Civ 5 needed a ton of patching/DLC in order to make anything enjoyable. Civ 6 laid the foundation out nicely.
Blood and Wine is easily the best expansion, but as far as full releases go its either Tyranny or Dishonored 2. Everything else was horse shit.
all i can say is im really pissed off at myself for not buying The Long Dark while it was just on sale. i guess smaller indie early access games is the opposite of goty material, but yeah as we're p much saying that's not where were looking for hope. maybe someone can talk abt it or games like it. i know someone played it, and its still in development (but 2016 was intro of its interesting story mode)

i really like the presentation of it. all i play are open world survival/exploration games for temporary false worlds, all games let me down if they let you peel back and look for anything underneath. similar to what tim cain related (positively) abt playing fallout 3, i do p good if i just make up shit as i go along. this game tho idk, watching the videos the story mode really does seem to capture something i always want to be able to feel in dying worlds, pangs of the desperation and sorrow i'm seeing around me while i really can't do fuck all but makeshift shit here and there that may keep myself and a few others safe if i'm lucky. there's this open optimistic completely paradoxical ambitious mood to post-apoc games that makes no sense to me, this "a post-apocalyptic world is just more for you to take over, impact like a messiah figure" and it's so tiringly stupid. it limits the grandeur a big endless imposing world can impress on you. when i look at all the games that are made now and qualify as goty material, i can barely lift my gaze long enough to catch anything that i might like--consistently there's just been nothing
I still liked BF1 though for me probably game of the year even though I wish story was long and online their where a limited on machine guns etc. However it pretty cool game and defiantly for me FPS of the year not that that means much these day though. I think alot of game are coming out this year and next to be honest. I think pokemon sun and moon was decent though and its always good to see a pokemon game I think now though we need a propper pokemon consol game.

I'm glad no one said fucking skyrim remastered was Game of the year jeus christ fuck me now