GOTY 2016 thread

I still liked BF1 though for me probably game of the year even though I wish story was long and online their where a limited on machine guns etc. However it pretty cool game and defiantly for me FPS of the year not that that means much these day though. I think alot of game are coming out this year and next to be honest. I think pokemon sun and moon was decent though and its always good to see a pokemon game I think now though we need a propper pokemon consol game.

I'm glad no one said fucking skyrim remastered was Game of the year jeus christ fuck me now

Go on any Bethesda forum and suffer.
Finally picked up Mother Russia Bleeds with the right folks to play in coop. It's pretty much Streets of Rage done right, which makes it GOTY 2016. Though the last boss was too RNG to win.
Doom was fun, Civ 6 was noice, Dishonored 2 (lmao my friend was talking about how it Bethesda makes so many great games like New Vegas and both Dishonored and I was dying laughing about how they just publish that shit) um. I dont really know any other games.
I played so damn few new games, I really can't make a choice.

I wouldn't really put Metroid Prime Federation Force down as a GOTY.

Owlboy was nice but hardly a GOTY either.

I have not finished Deus Ex Mankind Divided either so until I do I will reserve my judgement.

Still need to play the new Shantae, but I want to finish Risky's Revenge and Pirate's Curse first.

There sadly weren't really many titles I really wanted to play last year. Dishonored 1 was okay but it did not appeal sufficient enough to me that I want to play Dishonored 2.

Doom 2016
. Well I actually like Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil (not play it over and over again of course).
But I much rather played fan mods and TCs for Doom 1 and 2 than the new Doom. (I liked Brutal Doom Hell on Earth SP, Blade of Agony Chapter 1, and Shadow of the Wool ball)