Oracle said:any new player animations to show?
Oracle said:any new player animations to show?
GlowHound said:How hard and/or time consuming is critter editing anyway?
GlowHound said:I've never done anything like it or modded anything ever, but I've been thinking I might want to learn how and help out with the Long Hair Dude.
And I have lots of free time.
Username said:I'm a bit confused over why this is taking so long though, I've never modded fallout so bare with me.
I mean you already got the models for the guys, basicly. Just change the hairdo on each animation, right?
THen when it comes to a new armor your just copy it.
I'm a bit confused, especially since many of the different armor suites seem to be moving forward in different pace.
Grayswandir said:You can download gimp, it's almost as good as Photoshop, but it's free (and legal).