Great Storyline Games

Hm. Few i can think off the top of my head -

Deus Ex,
Zork: Nemesis,
Black Dahlia,
Azrael's Tear,
Beneath a Steel Sky,
Gabriel Knight (1, 2 or 3, all are equally good imo),
Septerra Core.
Only suggestion I would have is Dreamfall that's recent. The older Sierra games were great. Quest for Glory and Space Quest specifically.
I'm assuming you played The Longest Journey already...

Deus Ex
Broken Sword 1&2
Gabriel Knight series*
Omikron: The Nomad Soul
Full Throttle
Grim Fandango

*:Old Man Murray marked the third installation as a suicide of adventure games... Well, I gotta agree with some stupid logic in puzzles but storyline made up for it... At least in my case.
Now that i think about it, i never finished deus ex because of the lack of space when i had the old computer (10GB of HDD)
Full throttle, now that was a game.


"Yeah ben?"

Half-life 2 and Deus Ex are certainly two of the best in terms of storytelling. The former especially, though I'm guessing you aren't looking for a shooter of sorts.
1.Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magic Obscura

also good:

Fallout 1 & 2
The Longest Journey
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
PS:T of course. Next for me would be Arcanum and then Fallout 1.
Earth Defence Force 2017. The the trials and tribulations of Storm 1's struggle under the brutal occupation force of the Ravagers.
Torment is probably the best-written.

People who say Fallout 1-2 kind of have their heads screwed on backwards. Not that they're not still better than gaming standards, but story just isn't the point of Fallout, and you can tell. The story is not very original, and it's always kept in the background.

Bloodlines might have the best story overall, especially because of the ending - which is brilliant when you consider how it's been presented up until then - and the presentation.

Most fascinating game story is easily Pathologic. If you can get through it.
^ I have to agree with B.N. on FO story, since, well, there's just not too much to it, neither is it stellar. Writing=/=story, and all...

Almost same for Torment, although it is very-well written. The side-stories for Torment were great, and the individual encounters, but again, that doesn't make up a good story in the end.

I really liked the BG2 story, with the whole "son of god" kind of concept, especially with the war between the children in TOB. Admittedly, not the most original story, but certainly very entertaining.

Tsukihime has the best story I've seen in a game. Then again, it's a visual novel.

Overall though, the more linear the game, the more emphasis on the story, usually.
Still, it's the presentation of the story that rox0rs for me in Fallout 1. Of course all this is very subjective.

The endings of Bloodlines are cool too... just remembered the anarcho ending.