I've got to resurrect this thread.
Spoilers might be possible, so don't read this if you still want to see the movie.
SuAside said:
Bradylama said:
SuAside: Any word on how they'd work out the fake trailers if they split the production?
no clue. the reasoning they're using is that the european audience never had a concept like a grindhouse (movies back to back). but i'm guessing they just want to make people pay twice for the same movie...
That's it. I've seen it in October on two successive days. Both movies were shown in the smallest room of the cinema (I guess the screen was about 6-10 meters wide and there were about 30 seats) and there were about ten people watching. (I thought more people would watch Planet Terror, since it was the opening might) So the atmosphere was actually fitting...
The Machete trailer was shown before Planet Terror. They didn't show any of the other trailers.
I liked both movies very much. I didn't find Death Proof boring at all. I loved all those little references to Kill Bill and his other films.
I wouldn't say Planet Terror was "better", because you can't really compare it to Death Proof. It's a different kind of film. During the first half hour of Planet Terror I had a strange feeling, the kind of feeling you get, when you know that the plot will turn out _really_ bad. The feeling soon went away because the film made a change from deadly serious to hilariously funny.
I haven't seen any trailer prior to watching Grindhouse, so I really had no idea what to expect. All I knew was that Tarantino and Rodriguez made a B-movie-like double-feature, Tarantinos part featuring some kind of serial killer chasing some chicks and Rose McGowan wielding a leg-mounted M16 in Rodriguez' part. Boy, was I surprized to encounter a guy with some kind of testicle-scissors collecting the balls of his foes, hordes of zombies being shred to pieces by a chopper and Quentin Tarantino trying to rape a one-legged stripper while parts of his dick start to fall off.
This film deserves a lot more appreciation. Well, at least I can say I'm one of the few people who have seen it.