Brother None said:
Moester said:
While Oblivion did have some scripting problems, I'm sure they will have corrected quite a few of them by the time Fallout comes out, especially when you consider that Fallout isn't meant to have a global law and order system like Oblivion did.
I always love this "I'm sure they", "they must have" talk. I used to be like that.
Oooh, here's a toughy, relative to Morrowind, Oblivion only added heaps and heaps of scripting problems. So what is the trend?
Moester said:
I think that if you go on a murder spree in the town odds are that even if you are allowed to retun that your gameplay will be radically altered by your actions.
Uh ok how?
Well, while I'm not quite the expert on gaming engines, it seemed to me that the main difference in the AI in Oblivion compared to Morrowind, is that Morrowind had generally static NPCs who had as much mobility as table hockey figurined while not attacking. And Oblivion attempted to have completely dynamic characters that moved and interacted with each other a lot more to give it the feeling of a "living breathing world" The actual ramifications of this were quite severe, and I think Beth got caught trying to do too much at the same time. With the added experience of a couple of years of playing and feedback one would hope that they have isolated at least some of the problems and found fixes for them. I find it hard to imagine (although I know it happens) that a gaming studio willingly ignores the problems encountered in a previous game while designing a new one.
What is the trend between Morrowind and Oblivion? I think that we see the implementation of a lot of good ideas, things that were in many ways missing from one game to the other but the ideas in themselves were not refined to the level one would like to see in a finished product.
I think the great failure of radiant AI in Oblivion was that the designers did not envision a lot of the things that players were going to do to it. Have they learned from their lesson? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
As for how there could be a significant difference in gameplay from going into a town pre and post murder...Well I imagine some token "I hope you die" and "We're wathcing you" from characters as we pass them. But I envision most characters having extremely truncated conversation trees, radically inflated prices at the stores, and in some cases people looking to attack you as a means of revenge. I think of bandits going into small towns during the old west. In most cases, people had no choice but letting in the town, especially if the Sheriff and his deputies were casualties of said gang.
Definitely something that can be implemented well, ambiguously or badly.
I think that any player who isn't willing to role play in an RPG of this type can for all intents and purposes kill the game. It was possible to basically shoot your way through 99% of the game in Fallout 2 and still get a good ending for your people. Like a guy who just wiped out half the wasteland would be a great leader for his people.
Some bugs and scripting snafus are probably inevitable...but will they break the game for someone who is looking to roleplay? I seriously doubt it.