welsh said:At Johnny - I am glad you have so much faith in the NRA. I don't. You have an organization taking the lead and eliminating competitors for that leadership... that's troublesome. After all, its not the NRA's second amendment, but society's. YOu mix a bit of business and the desire of the organization to perpetuate itself- and you have dangerously mixed motives.
If the NRA is depending on my faith, it's an organization in trouble. If you came away from my NRA commentary believing I am an advocate of the NRA, either I didn't do a very good job explaining my position, or maybe you misread it.
I believe the second ammendment is an individual right, just like the other nine in the Bill of Rights. It no more belongs to the NRA then it does to Sarah Brady.
welsh said:And yes, while we do have target shooting, I would qualify that guns are made to kill people. Rather, guns are made to cause violence. Target shooting is a sport about who is capable of delivering that ability in a precise and/or rapid way. Whether a person target shoots a .303 or a .50 machine gun, its still a tool meant to deliver violence. How it is, is up to the user.
You are right about target shooting in the sense that it involves precision and/or speed. And for many disciplines, including several of the ones I enjoy, it is indeed about simulated combat. But I don't think there is anything wrong with that. We as a race are entertained by violence. It is why we had gladiatorial matches in ancient Greece and Rome, and why we have the NFL.
Fallout is a game in which we get the opportunity to try out vices of all sorts in simulation, including murder, prostitution, slavery, theft, and drug use. One could argue that violent video games serve no other purpose then to appease blood lust and desensitize people to violence. I argue that it is an outlet for natural aggression, and that most folks can play and enjoy it without succombing to the urge to rape, maim, and kill. And in that regard, I see no moral difference between shooting a man in a video game, shooting a man in paintball or laser tag, or shooting a paper illustration of a man in IDPA.
We can reasonably disagree on the use and possession of firearms, and on the effects they cause on society, but for those (not you) who say there is no sporting purpose, or that those who would find sport in competition are somehow flawed individuals, seems rather hypocritical.
Edit: I like having fun, and I hate getting shot as well. So at least the feminists and I have something in common.