Gun control

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Ancient Oldie said:
Although not exactly related to gun control, I have a quick question on the theft stats of Sweden. What is the exact policy for stopping and arresting a thief in Sweden. When I used to work in Walgreens, if we didn't have direct evidence that a person was stealing, we couldn't do anything. And lets say that we did see that they had, for example, stuck something in their pockets, we really couldn't arrest them and had to wait till they went outside so that a cop could officially arrest them. The most that we could do in that situation is tell them to put that stuff back, get the fuck out, and never come back.

If, for example, Sweden had a stricter policy on convicting and arresting thieves, it could explain why they have a higher theft stat. Murder, on the other hand, doesn't have as many "rules" surrounding it for obvious reasons.

You're right. To see why the Swedes are tougher on theft would require that we look at their laws and the power they give to citizen arrest.

THe problem for Walgreen's isn't criminal but civil. False Imprisonment (and we can often tie libel to that) pays some nasty damages, including punitives. If the Walgreens guys try to stop the possible suspect inside the store, they prevent his movement, and if he's clean (like he dropped the materials before the arrest) you get hit hard.

At the same time you have the other extreme.

Personal story- My mom was just in Switzerland dealing with a death in the family, my grandmother. My grandmother was old school, she kept a lot of money in her apartment which she told my mother about - the idea being to keep the state from getting it. Well, the problem is that she was old and there were other three people with access to the house. Mom gets the news, flies to Switzerland to check on grandmother, checks the apartment- guess what? The money is gone. So my Mom (a widow who has been trying to make ends meet for the last 20 years) gets hit with a ton of bills that my grandmother thought she prepared for.

I contact a lawyer buddy of mine in Switzerland about whether to bring the police in. He says forget it. Bringing up charges, making accusations, is a crime in this case and the police will do nothing. So one of three people walk off with thousands of Swiss Francs and there's nothing that can be done. Fucked up.

Sometimes the numbers are skewed because crimes are never deemed committed in the first place.

With regard to religiosity, conservativism and sexual frustration- I might have been unclear. Actually, they say that married folks that stick together usually have more and regular sex than non-married folks. Although you ask more married folks and you often hear a different story. Bill Cosby used to have a funny bit about marrying Catholic, "Pope says you got to do it, you got to do it...."

About sexual frustration and gun ownership as a means of empowerment, I'm curious to see what the psychologist say about that. Something about performance anxiety, empowerment, maybe fear of 'shooting blanks'? No, I'm just kidding. I don't see it.
APTYP said:
Ancient Oldie said:
Maybe I did go a bit overboard.

A bit?! How about calling Gwydion names on replies to EVERY quote? Never mind that 2/3 of the replies are actually exercises in verbal abuse...

...and for that, I apologize to both Gwydion and the board. But if you would actually read my replies they weren't just exercises in verbal abuse, but also responses to each one of his convoluted points.

APTYP said:
Still, if there are two things that I can't stand, it's intellectual dishonesty and skewed logic.

You must really hate gun control freaks then...

If they make arguments as fallacious as the ones Gwydion did, I would. Just because I'm against handguns doesn't make me a gun control freak. If you would actually take some time and look at the points I made, you would see that overall handguns do cause more harm than they do good.

Seems to me you're more interested in defending your pal than you are in actually looking at what I wrote.

APTYP said:
Heck, I would respect him a lot more even if he just came out and said, "yeah, I like handguns because I like to shoot at paper targets and hope one day I can put that training to good use on a criminal. Plus, feeling a gun in my hand gives me a feeling of empowerment that I otherwise wouldn't have."

Everyone who complains is bitching, criticism is a sign of envy, if you fuck a man you're not a fag... Machismo cynism is apparently the pinnacle of cool, congratulations youth of America! Ever seen Gwydion talking about his guns? Then why do you figure his defense of firearms to be a sign of some irrational affection?

And you're not being cynicle... :?

And yes I have seen him argue before, and the reason why I see his defense of firearms as a sign of irrational affection is because he makes blind, irrational, dogmatic defenses for handguns.

It seems that you too suffer from that same malady...

APTYP said:
Everyone has their vices. It's when you try and justify them with poor arguments that you lose your integrity. Also, it's obvious by other posts he's made and by what other forum members have said that he truly does have an obsession with guns.

Only in topic devoted to firearms. So far you've made what, 20-30 posts, and most of them are gun control chants, I guess you have an obsession to abolish Second Amendment and bury Gwydion, you crazy fuck! :roll:

Try five posts bud...

as for my obsession to abolish the second ammendment...

Ancient Oldie said:
Why didn't you include my quote on supporting rifles??? Would it be because if you did, it would make your whole second amendment theory utter bullshit??? I thought so...

It's funny how you accuse me of "verbal abuse" and cynicism, and yet you are doing the same. Does anyone else smell hypocracy. Isn't it about time that you made some sort of argument that supports handguns...

APTYP said:
I know for a fact that routine assaults on taxi drivers stopped abruptly in a region in Russia when one driver pulled out a revolver on his assailants, killed two and crippled for life another. And that's all the evidence I need on benefits of legal gun ownership.


You do seem like the type that only needs an example of vigilante justice to justify making handguns legal. Maybe the "Taxi Driver" quote is more fittingly applied to you....

You did read that part I hope.
APTYP said:
A bit?! How about calling Gwydion names on replies to EVERY quote? Never mind that 2/3 of the replies are actually exercises in verbal abuse...

Ok, we have raised the issue of civility here, already....

You must really hate gun control freaks then...
I think its true that extreme issues on both sides of this tend to get irrational and nasty. I think Sander pointed this out earlier, when the argument gets extreme, people stop being logical and emotions get in the way. Ideally, we can keep that in perspective.

This is a hot debate, but a lot of it comes down to a matter of evidence.
APTYP said:
Everyone who complains is bitching, criticism is a sign of envy, if you fuck a man you're not a fag... Machismo cynism is apparently the pinnacle of cool, congratulations youth of America! Ever seen Gwydion talking about his guns? Then why do you figure his defense of firearms to be a sign of some irrational affection?

I am not sure where the beginning this is going, but I think you are missing the point- this is meant as argument about guns. I don't see where the homosexuality comes into it and cynism should be a first step in the intellectual pursuit of truth. After all, go back to the Socratic method- question everything.

The problem is that when confronted with evidence, the responses are not holding up to a lot of the evidence that is being brought forward, and a lot of the evidence offered is sometimes pretty sketchy. Yet the position keeps coming back in a variety of threads, which tend to get us off some interesting subjects and back on this.
APTYP said:
Only in topic devoted to firearms.

No actually the last top went from imperialism to gun control. That's why this thread began. In part because I asked him to.
APTYP said:
I know for a fact that routine assaults on taxi drivers stopped abruptly in a region in Russia when one driver pulled out a revolver on his assailants, killed two and crippled for life another. And that's all the evidence I need on benefits of legal gun ownership.

Actually this point was raised before- that criminals are deterred when there is a possibility of confronting a victim armed with a dangerous weapons. It's an interesting issue, but the evidence is still unclear on it, as discussed above.

For example, same kind of thing, a few years back a fellow on the NY subway (I think it was Bernie Gates- not to be confused with Bill) was mugged by a group of kids carrying screw drivers (which they would use to stab him). But Bernie had been mugged before and carried a pistol. He shot one, then went after the others (in otherwords going past self defense to vigilantism). There was widespread belief that crime went down in the subways after that. But its unclear. Crime had been going down in the city overall. Furthermore who is to say that the criminals didn't just choose different victims- thus no net change. We also had something similar happening with cabbies in New York, more carried guns.

Not surprisingly, the way the criminals got around that was by getting more guns that were easily accessible. Thus, next time you are confronted, in a subway, this very nervous 16 year old kid who wants to mug you might just shoot you because he's so damn nervous. Or the cabbie goes to a dark street and gets shot in the back of the head, or through the window.

Net result- more death.

But the same logic also goes to an argument that the reason why most people in the South of the US are generally nicer than the North is because they are all heavily armed. You don't want to piss them off, because next thing you know everyone is reaching for a handgun. Yet violent crime is terribly high in the US already.

If guns do not stop the rate of murder, more guns may actually accellerate the number of murder because (1) guns are easy to get (and you know someone is making a buck in all of this) and (2) criminals are predisposed towards deadly violence because of the 'first shot wins' rule. In Russia, a country with very high crime, what do you end up with?

A state with a ineffective police force and an increasily armed population that is more willing to use self-help. Historically, we know that economic and political progress comes when self-help is replaced by a state that manages domestic safety for the benefit of society. (See Bates, Prosperity and Violence).

If we compare some of the numbers above (provided by Briosafreak and myself)- you are more likely to get shot in the US then in Sweden, but you are more likely to get your ass kicked by a Swede than an American- where would you rather live?
APTYP said:
I know for a fact that routine assaults on taxi drivers stopped abruptly in a region in Russia when one driver pulled out a revolver on his assailants, killed two and crippled for life another. And that's all the evidence I need on benefits of legal gun ownership.

Homocides per 100,000 population in Russia from 1997-1999: 20.52
(from Brio's link)

That said, the AOF'ers once linked to some statistics that showed the Dutch homocide rate to be around 8 to 10 per 100,000. It didn't hit me then, but it seems pretty obvious that this number includes euthanasia...Uhm, just saying.
Hah, the computer killed lengthy replies to Ancient Oldie, welsh, and Kharn. To sum it up:

Ancient Oldie is a dogmatic fuck who can't be allowed in another debate because his arguements consist exclusively of "how dumb can you be not to see that such and such is so and so?!"

To welsh on cabbie episode, painfully ignoring all of the stuff I wanted to say: in the hypothetical situation you mentioned that would take place if handgun ownership was declared legal in Russia, you would have an increase in a number of homicides (including self-defense cases), but otherall crime rate would drop dramatically as other violent crimes including assaults, rapes, and robberies would go way down. And I think people would ignore the homicide increase because a gun does give one a sense of security and belief that you can respond with a deadly force to any threat. We'd get a much-needed increase in population's morale at an expense of a few hundred more dead life-time criminals and victims who surprisingly stand an equal chance to be maimed or crippled for life in brutal attacks.

To Kharn - I didn't say that in cabbie episode taxi drives didn't survive the assault, on the countrary, most of them 'simply' ended up in a hospital with a concussion and a few broken ribs, minus the money and the car (losing an automobile in Russia is equivalent to losing a house in America, though).
Ancient Oldie is a dogmatic fuck who can't be allowed in another debate because his arguements consist exclusively of "how dumb can you be not to see that such and such is so and so?!"

Ancient Oldie just gave Gwydion a bit of his own medicine, and you`re a dogmatic fuck too so shut up.

if handgun ownership was declared legal in Russia, you would have an increase in a number of homicides (including self-defense cases), but otherall crime rate would drop dramatically as other violent crimes including assaults, rapes, and robberies would go way down

The country in the world with the highest number of homicides and robberies is South Africa, where gun ownership is allowed.
Maybe better social conditions and an interventive modern and less corrupt police force could help more than more guns in the hands of the people that drink more vodka in the world.
But i`m all for legal regulamented gun use, just the idea that having
guns everywhere will make a difference doesn`t seem right, remember Texas.
Jeez, now even Briosafreak is getting nasty.

Folks. How about we call a truce. We are all adult enough to disagree without cursing each other out. .

APTYP said:
Ancient Oldie is a dogmatic fuck who can't be allowed in another debate because his arguements consist exclusively of "how dumb can you be not to see that such and such is so and so?!"

Again, lets call this a truce here. Whule cursing each other out might seem like fun, it just gets people pissed off. The Greeks might have thought that was good for free speech, but I think it better if we ease down on emotions and speak rationally.

APTYP said:
To welsh on cabbie episode, painfully ignoring all of the stuff I wanted to say: in the hypothetical situation you mentioned that would take place if handgun ownership was declared legal in Russia, you would have an increase in a number of homicides (including self-defense cases), but otherall crime rate would drop dramatically as other violent crimes including assaults, rapes, and robberies would go way down. And I think people would ignore the homicide increase because a gun does give one a sense of security and belief that you can respond with a deadly force to any threat. We'd get a much-needed increase in population's morale at an expense of a few hundred more dead life-time criminals and victims who surprisingly stand an equal chance to be maimed or crippled for life in brutal attacks.)

Well APTYP- I will repeat. I would much rather live in a country less prone to shooting each other than getting into a good old fist fight. Barfights you usually can walk away from. Gun fights send people to the hospital or the morg.

What I was trying to point out is that you probably have deterred crime for a short term. In the long-term the danger of violent escalation will probably increase, or the thieves will pick on new victims or will commit the same crime but instead of merely threatening violence, they shoot first and ask questions later.

At the same time, by making it easier to have more guns, you actually increase the opportunity for criminals to use those guns to commit other crimes. You actually compound the danger to society, reduce confidence in the police, promote more insecurity- thus more guns.

THere is no reason to think that the number of dead criminals or victims will even out, in fact, you probably have a higher chance of more violent crimes and more victims- based on what ANcient pointed out- first shot advantage to the criminal.

The costs and benefits between the sense of personal security and empowerment that comes with having a gun (which one could think of as a individual gain) comes at a cost to the collective (greater insecurity, violence, crime) with a long term effect of hurting the individual.

At the end, the answer is not arming society broadly. Rather, it is more a matter of going back to the issues that count- economic revitalization, control of self-help violence in society, greater public security as a public good from the state.

APTYP- I am very sympathetic to you. Russia has gone through some really bad times as it tries to reform. But you have to figure out what works and what doesn't- and the only way to do it is to look at comparisons from around the world. Those comparisons don't support unregulated guns or a highly armed society.
Hmmm, how about we at least agree not to use ANY swear or derogative terms in gun threads?

In fact, I think I've had it with this. A reasoneable debate is great, but from now on, if anyone (including you (and me, for that matter), Brio) steps over too many lines you risk losing the message at best and losing the thread at worst.

Think about what's more important, expressing your annoyance about your opponent not agreeing with you through swearwords or learning and progressing through reasoneable debate.
Briosafreak said:
Ancient Oldie just gave Gwydion a bit of his own medicine, and you`re a dogmatic fuck too so shut up.

No I'm not, I gave Ancient Oldie a taste of his own medicine, you prick. Unless you belive that 'only dogmatic people endorse civilians owning firearms' which is itself a dogma!

But i`m all for legal regulamented gun use, just the idea that having
guns everywhere will make a difference doesn`t seem right, remember Texas.

Gasp! You admitted it yourself! Dogma man *points*! See? No cussing, you bunch of beeps.

The country in the world with the highest number of homicides and robberies is South Africa, where gun ownership is allowed.

Well gee, the country is fudged up (no cussing! makes me such a nice man you can take me home to meet the parents), what do you expect?

Maybe better social conditions and an interventive modern and less corrupt police force could help more than more guns in the hands of the people that drink more vodka in the world.

Actually my original solution was to terminate the prison system and execute everyone who is or was a convicted criminal. And probably eliminate all ethnic russians since they are the ones who drink 'more vodka in the world' as opposed to dozens of other nationalities, that and being all-around moral and physical wrecks without a shred of morality, religious or otherwise. Russia, or rather ex-USSR territory, is being flooded with immigrants, mainly from Caucas and China, Moscow is divided between jewish oligarchs and chechyen mafia, St.Peterburg is a well-known gangland, and it's worse in the 'provinces', where in the world can you get better social conditions and less corrupt police force if all russians know is how to to steal, drink, and be servile?

In any case, I was thinking of United States in that example, I went with Russia for consistency. Russia is a whole new ball game for obvious reasons, just like South Africa. Okay, enough about the newest member of the third world countries club...

The costs and benefits between the sense of personal security and empowerment that comes with having a gun (which one could think of as a individual gain) comes at a cost to the collective (greater insecurity, violence, crime) with a long term effect of hurting the individual.

At the end, the answer is not arming society broadly. Rather, it is more a matter of going back to the issues that count- economic revitalization, control of self-help violence in society, greater public security as a public good from the state.

This answer is obvious, everyone knows it. But it's an ideal answer, one that ironically requires a very strong government that wouldn't squabble over power between two parties, one that wouldn't have critical issues, and definitely enforce its decisions. In other words, an oppressive government where people are lightbulbs and the goal is to keep as many of them lit up.

In the meantime, can't you at least give me something to defend myself with that wouldn't stink or crackle? Hell, stun guns are illegal in Philadelphia, thank you very much!
No I'm not, I gave Ancient Oldie a taste of his own medicine, you prick. Unless you belive that 'only dogmatic people endorse civilians owning firearms' which is itself a dogma!

Aptyp i said it with love, you know that. And on the dogma thing i was just saying that you are dogmatic ABOUT EVERYTHING! :)
Everyone knows that, you dogmatic tartar, but you :wink:

where in the world can you get better social conditions and less corrupt police force if all russians know is how to to steal, drink, and be servile?

Add more guns and you have the recepy for a South African security crisis type of context...

Actually my original solution was to terminate the prison system and execute everyone

Now that is indeed a definite solution...

What can I say that can top the psychopathic, genocidal buffoonery that has spewed like a stream of corrosive vomit out of APTYP mouth. He's doing a good enough job digging his own hole. I also love his use of the word dogma. It's similar to watching a baby play with a brand new toy for the first time, throwing it around and not having a clue to what it really is.

Keep up the good work, APTYP. Even Charlton Heston would be disgusted by your arguments.
...right. Never mind that it was you who first crashed the otherwise intelligent and civil debate with your rhethoric that didn't contribute anything to the topic. By the way, thank you for violating the warnings given by THREE admins to keep things civil. Goodbye!
What? Is this it? Is the entire gun advocacy (that monster which has consumed so many otherwise interesting posts) dead?
APTYP said:
...right. Never mind that it was you who first crashed the otherwise intelligent and civil debate with your rhethoric that didn't contribute anything to the topic.

Get off your high horse and stop flamebaiting. All your posts have had a flame directed at me. Even though I can just as easily (and effectively) flame back, I'd rather have a good discussion about gun control and your bigoted points of view.

Have you even bothered reading my 2nd response to Gwydion, if my rhetoric didn't contribute anything, then why don't you quit with your personal attacks and prove you have something of substance to add by refuting the points I made and with some stats to back up your claims. Do you need me to quote that whole block?

I would also like to see how you justify this statement:

APTYP said:
Actually my original solution was to terminate the prison system and execute everyone who is or was a convicted criminal. And probably eliminate all ethnic russians since they are the ones who drink 'more vodka in the world' as opposed to dozens of other nationalities, that and being all-around moral and physical wrecks without a shred of morality, religious or otherwise. Russia, or rather ex-USSR territory, is being flooded with immigrants, mainly from Caucas and China, Moscow is divided between jewish oligarchs and chechyen mafia, St.Peterburg is a well-known gangland, and it's worse in the 'provinces', where in the world can you get better social conditions and less corrupt police force if all russians know is how to to steal, drink, and be servile?

You and Hitler have something in common: a total disdain for the ethnic russian race. Do you hold the same opinion of all slavic races, Jews, and Africans???

By the way, you hold the distinction of being the first racist european I have ever met. May I ask where you are from and why you consider yourself above the supposedly "corrupt and drunkardly" russians.

I do admit, I'm quite prejudiced also. I truly despise stupidly ignorant bigots. However, I'm wouldn't go so far as killing all bigots; shooting them in the genitals and preventing them from tainting the gene pool is good enough for me.

APTYP said:
By the way, thank you for violating the warnings given by THREE admins to keep things civil. Goodbye!

I believe the admins were directing that towards you and your pointless, inflammatory remarks. However, I don't want to assume anything since since they are the ones who have the final say around here.

welsh said:
What? Is this it? Is the entire gun advocacy (that monster which has consumed so many otherwise interesting posts) dead?

I think the other advocates either can't come up with a truly logical argument that justifies hand guns or are ashamed of being on the same side as a proven racist.
By the way, you hold the distinction of being the first racist european I have ever met. May I ask where you are from and why you consider yourself above the supposedly "corrupt and drunkardly" russians.

Arthur lives in the USA but he came from Russia. He got a bit carried away with the discussion, like usual, but overall his stronger replies came from the fact that he didn`t see that this thread was in continuation on that other one, so he thinks you were attacking people gratuitiously.

Well time to move on, i wanted to close the thread for the shear annoyance factor it carries, but Gwydion has been away fo a while and may bring some new arguments so i`ll leave it open.
Ancient Oldie said:
I think the other advocates either can't come up with a truly logical argument that justifies hand guns or are ashamed of being on the same side as a proven racist.

In Russia, americans are widely considered infantile and mentally inferior to russians. Yet you are on their side? Anyway, if you have more crap to share with me, use PM. Briosafreak, do something, you're admins for god sakes.

There is a logical arguement that's being often forgotten and ignored because both sides seek proof that their solution is best for the society. And it is that every man has a right to defend his life and property, with lethal force if necessary. The reason why you can't use rifles is because you are not going to carry them around with you when you go out, they are too heavy and tend to scare people. Also, a rifle bullet has a very high penetration, so you can't use it indoors because it'll go straight through american cardboard walls and can kill your neighbor. In order to be able to protect yourself at all times you need something lightweight, easy to use, highly concealable, and reasonably powerful, which brings us to handguns. If they ever come up with 100% reliable stun rayguns, I'll probably trade a handgun for a raygun for concealed carry.

This is the arguement. Not a cure for crime and not accident-proof, a gun is not a magic wand that turns a peaceful neighborhood into a gangland or the other way around. It is simply a tool to protect a right far more ancient than Constitutional Rights or Moses' Ten Commandments.

By the way, welsh: in Britain, if a criminal can't buy a gun, he makes one. So much for banning firearms...
APTYP said:
In Russia, americans are widely considered infantile and mentally inferior to russians. Yet you are on their side? Anyway, if you have more crap to share with me, use PM. Briosafreak, do something, you're admins for god sakes.

APTYP- That's regretful, especially since so many Russians come to the US for its schools. I have always thought that Russians were a bright people with many leading scientists and scholars, which has generated much to culture and civilization. I think most Americans probably think that way, even if they feel sorry for the bad state that Russia is in.

That Russians feel such sentiments is probably why you find so many Americans being defensive about their country to foreignors and often disgusted by what they hear from abroad about the US. There is a certain pride in the US, that I think most Americans should have that.

But it is frustrating when many in the US try to benevolent to people abroad and yet receive so much malice from those with whom we have no ill will. It's no wonder many in the US are turning away from the problems in foreign countries.

If you don't get it, try putting yourself in this position. You offer someone, a stranger, a hand in friendship or even an offering hand and that person spits in your hand. Do you offer it again. Now, Americans have been getting that for over 30 years. You can almost understand why many in the US would prefer if we just ignored the rest of the world.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying Americans are perfect. In fact, often the label "Ugly American" is much deserved. Americans can be arrogant, self-centered, and boastful. But we should not stereotype (least people all say that Russians are all insane commies, drunks, sex offenders and criminals). Such stereotypes are often true, but you can find insane republicans, drunks, sex offenders and criminals in the US probably as easily as in Russia (well not Republicans, thank God!)
APTYP said:
There is a logical arguement that's being often forgotten and ignored because both sides seek proof that their solution is best for the society. And it is that every man has a right to defend his life and property, with lethal force if necessary..

I am going to ignore most of the distinction you raise between handguns and rifles because this is the more important point.

The position you are taking here is a bit extreme. It is in fact more extreme than any other argument posted thus far. In essence you are suggesting that the right ot self-defense should be unfettered. One always has the right to defend themselves.

The notion of self-defense, comes from the right to be secure in the person, to live the life you want to- and thus ties itself to individual rights or civil rights. Civil Rights were at the heart of early US constitutional development, as found in the Bill of Rights. When it comes to rights, most Americans still think in terms of civil rights and is one of the reasons why gun control is such a big issue in the US while not so much in Europe.

But the notion of civil rights has not interpreted to mean that those rights are unconstrained or even universal. For example, many would accept the right to procreate and have a family, but not the right to rape or incest. Many would argue for the right to vote, but not to everyone (criminals, children and the mentally incompetent are often denied this right). The right to speech is constrained against libel, conspiracy to commit crime, "shouting fire in a theater." Right of religious freedom is constrained (no virgin sacrifices please, but also no spoking peyote). The notion of government, from the civil rights view, is based on the idea of having a government that will give fruit to what are believed to be these inherent rights.

Empirically, the notion of inherent rights is flawed. There are no inherent rights. We are merely born, what we get as rights is a consequence of political and social history. THe notion of inherent rights is a constructed idea, an idea traceable to a religious idea that the world is a system of logic and order, and that from this logical and ordered world we can discern rights.

So the right to have self defense is not without constraint. Remember the notion of self defense can be seen as part of the right to live, right to live a life of one's choosing, the right to be secure. When rights conflict then we have to use that sound logic and order to make sense of our world and start making choices about what rights matter more.

Now I mentioned civil rights- in the US this means basically individual rights. But there are economic and social rights too. The right to labor, the right to work, to unionize, etc. These rights are a consequence of economic history, primarily of industrialization. There is also the right of society- of ethnicity to be recognized as such, to have social identity, etc.

Now in the US we are big for civil rights- the rights of the individual over that of society. In Europe there is more communitarianism. THey have their notion of civil rights but they are also more keen towards economic and social rights, generally. Thus Europeans are more likely to have stronger constraints against the individual excess than the US.

Now compare the emprics, as provided by Briosafreak and one finds a startling finding. Generally the Europeans are living a less murderous lifestyle, that there are fewer gun related homicides, that the society is safer. One could also look to Europe and examine quality of life issues and in many ways find the Euros to be better off than the Americans.

APTYP said:
This is the arguement. Not a cure for crime and not accident-proof, a gun is not a magic wand that turns a peaceful neighborhood into a gangland or the other way around. It is simply a tool to protect a right far more ancient than Constitutional Rights or Moses' Ten Commandments....

If you mean to go back to the law of the jungle, the state of anarchy, than you are right. But according to Hobbes, the anarchical world makes life "nasty, brutish and short" - ironically much like Russia today.

The notion of law is, in many ways, an attempt to constrain that anarchical world through the power of religion and the fear of higher supernatural forces.

But the big question you don't answer- are unregulated guns more likely to create a peaceful neighborhood or a gangland environment. That's the issue that you have basically sidestepped.

APTYP said:
By the way, welsh: in Britain, if a criminal can't buy a gun, he makes one. So much for banning firearms...

As discussed with CHolor Ex, they do that in Indonesia too.

In Singapore I was told that a person with a part of a gun, not a complete working gun, could be thrown in jail for breaking the law. Yes they have the occassional robbery and murder, but the crime rates in Singapore are incrediably low. Compare that wiht less regulated or regulable countries of Asia and you find that these are less safe.

But that's the point here. Since a society should reflect the values of the people. But values are not cast in stone. They change, they adapt. In a democracy the country should promote those values while recognizing the rights of the minority. However, special interests often advocate ideas, on either end of the spectrum, in order to influence opinion. And sometimes those interests lie.

That's why we are having this discussion, isn't it. Not just to bullshit and advocate, but to know what is real and what is false?
APTYP said:
Briosafreak, do something, you're admins for god sakes.

Something? Like ban you? Ehehehe

Anyway, if Brio hadn't gotten to this thread before I head, I would've ejected it linea recta to the vats...Oh well, DEFINITIVE last warning, then, this time I won't even let Brio interfere, if anyone goes into the huge lack of civility field again, this thread'll go bye-bye.
The computer killed my reply again - Invalid_Session. Must be a session time-out. Pity, I spent a lot of time thinking about this.

If you don't get it, try putting yourself in this position.

You don't have to argue with me, I don't belive in such silly things. They really are a product of envy, bitterness, and rationalization technique.

THe notion of inherent rights is a constructed idea, an idea traceable to a religious idea that the world is a system of logic and order, and that from this logical and ordered world we can discern rights.

Very well, rights are a product of mind and subject to circumstances. However, it does not make one's right for self-defense any less valid because we do not yet live in a society without violence. As for any effects that come further down the road as a result - that's why we have politicians, to come with acceptable solutions. Worrying about how me having a gun will impact nation-wide crime rate is ridiculous, I'm more worried about my safety now when I walk home at night from work.

If you mean to go back to the law of the jungle, the state of anarchy, than you are right. But according to Hobbes, the anarchical world makes life "nasty, brutish and short" - ironically much like Russia today.

No, that's not necessary. The people's right to bear arms has been protected in the United States for two centuries, and I don't see any signs of an anarchical world here.

But the big question you don't answer- are unregulated guns more likely to create a peaceful neighborhood or a gangland environment. That's the issue that you have basically sidestepped.

Because I didn't advocate unregulated guns being sold at a street corner like oranges. In fact, I think most of the important laws such as mandatory background check and age restrictions were decisive at preventing people who shouldn't have guns from owning them legally. And since stopping illegal guns is a problem for the police, not legislators, it is irrelevant to the discussion.

In Singapore I was told that a person with a part of a gun, not a complete working gun, could be thrown in jail for breaking the law. Yes they have the occassional robbery and murder, but the crime rates in Singapore are incrediably low. Compare that wiht less regulated or regulable countries of Asia and you find that these are less safe.

Well in United States a receiver is not a working gun (sometimes it's just a metal box with a few pins and holes in it), but it's what's considered a firearm here. In fact, you can buy any part of a firearm online and have it ordered by UPS, but to buy a receiver you have to go through a licensed firearms dealer.

Still, since I'm not familiar with Singapore laws I'll assume that ownership of a firearm, licensed or otherwise, is forbidden for civilians. Doesn't mean that it contributed to low crime rates - simply showing statistics doesn't work here, you must show a clear link between banning guns and dropping crime. Even if you will, I can always say "Well, that's Asia! It's an Eastern civilization at the other end of the world, what do you expect?"

Kharn said:
Something? Like ban you? Ehehehe

I wasn't the one who started it all, and I think that after the last 3 years I've proven that I'm not a flame-happy maniac who needs to be expelled. But thank you for a vote of confidence, you dirt scum! :(
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