Gun Control

No pinkos allowed in America. We scared them all away when we had the Red Scare.

I don't think you do a lot of long distance hiking if you can't see the use in smart storage. Modifying the handle of a knife, hatchet, or stock of a rifle adds more space not in your pack. The fact you can not see multiple uses for a firearm, besides killing people, tells me this discussion will not go very far.

Never said I was a gun nut either. The only gun nut thing I can do is build an open bolt 9mm smg and anyone can do that.
No pinkos allowed in America. We scared them all away when we had the Red Scare.

I don't think you do a lot of long distance hiking if you can't see the use in smart storage. Modifying the handle of a knife, hatchet, or stock of a rifle adds more space not in your pack. The fact you can not see multiple uses for a firearm, besides killing people, tells me this discussion will not go very far.

Never said I was a gun nut either. The only gun nut thing I can do is build an open bolt 9mm smg and anyone can do that.
Tell that the American Communist party.

My smart storage is a bag that I can wear on my back and easily carry, not a gun that I have to buy, change and take with me when I won't use it. Guns are manufactured to have ONE purpose and that's killing animals and people. The fact that you have to tinker around with your gun just to have another purpose shows that. Also, why have a gun to carry small things when you can buy a backpack, which is cheaper and carries more space?

That's still... I'm Australian. Nuff said.
You really are bad at spotting comedy. Do you know who is also bad at spotting comedy? Communists. Are you by chance a communist?

That's still... I'm Australian. Nuff said.

As a Russian, I'm counting on it.

Make up your mind bud. You're one or mixed tribe.

My smart storage is a bag that I can wear on my back and easily carry, not a gun that I have to buy, change and take with me when I won't use it. Guns are manufactured to have ONE purpose and that's killing animals and people. The fact that you have to tinker around with your gun just too have another purpose shows that. Also, why have a gun to carry small things when you can buy a backpack, which is cheaper and carries more space?

I'm not sure how you missed the entire point of making more space for storage. Hollow stocks, that can also be waterproof, make great storage containers. One of the best examples of this is the AR-7 as it is designed around this concept with additional room for storing other supplies.

Yet this all comes back to one thing and one thing alone. Why do you care about OUR county. We were founded as an isolationist republic and still have some remnants of that. Why you seem to think you can have any input on what our laws should be is just questionable. Just for that I'm going to start a campaign to ban vegemite as it is a cancerous edible sludge.

Think of the children. Ban vegemite now. It is only used to cause cancer.
You really are bad at spotting comedy. Do you know who is also bad at spotting comedy? Communists. Are you by chance a communist?
You are really bad at comedy.

Make up your mind bud. You're one or mixed tribe.
I'm both... is there a problem or have you decided in your godhood to make it so you can only be one nationality? I've got a Russian passport, Russian family and Russian heritage. I've also got an Australian passport, Australian family and Russian heritage (because fuck Australian heritage and history).

I'm not sure how you missed the entire point of making more space for storage. Hollow stocks, that can also be waterproof, make great storage containers. One of the best examples of this is the AR-7 as it is designed around this concept with additional room for storing other supplies.

Yet this all comes back to one thing and one thing alone. Why do you care about OUR county. We were founded as an isolationist republic and still have some remnants of that. Why you seem to think you can have any input on what our laws should be is just questionable. Just for that I'm going to start a campaign to ban vegemite as it is a cancerous edible sludge.

Think of the children. Ban vegemite now. It is only used to cause cancer.
Why do you need guns, when you can get better, cheaper and just as waterproof backpacks that do the same?

Oh I don't know... because the US is a world power that affects pretty much every country in the world. Sure, do that.

If you have stats to prove that it causes cancer growth then please, do ban it.
If we ever saw such an case. Fascism and Communism are still around for example.
Same for many religious ideologies.
I find it odd you use these examples. No one ever tried to exterminate either.
Ghengis Khan on the other hand exterminated entire regions if they had angered him somehow. He once supposedly exterminated every man, woman and child in a city which did not want to trade with him.

Either way, you're right you can't easily exterminate an 'general' ideology like communism. Even if you purge all references to Marx, someone else will come to relatively similar conclusions. But it certainly lies within the possibility to kill every muslim on earth. It might not be pretty nor cheap, but it's possible.
(obviously that would be retarded, but it's practically possible given time & resources)

Yes ... but genocides usually don't happen from the minority against the majority.
How many people would stand up in the US against a genocide against muslims for example who make 4% of the population, if there was some 20 years of propaganda, lies and missinformation hammered down on the people by a tyrannical government. Throw in a bit of fear, facts and xenophobia and you get a recipe for disaster.
At least the muslims would have guns to attempt to PREVENT genocide. Or have a chance to make their disappearance costly to the idiots trying to exterminate them?

It was a gradual process that took years and was exploting resentiments that existed for a long time.
Hence why upholding the right to bear arms is so important in a patriots eyes in the USA? Gun regulation is an insidious process which can take decades to chip away at your freedoms. In the end, you're left with nothing. No one will be able to tell just when it went wrong, as the process was so slow and sneaky.

I thought this thread was about the U.S. and its gun control. Europe has nothing to do with us.
It isn't? It's about all gun control?
I find it odd you use these examples. No one ever tried to exterminate either.
Ghengis Khan on the other hand exterminated entire regions if they had angered him somehow. He once supposedly exterminated every man, woman and child in a city which did not want to trade with him.
Because I thought we where talking about ideologies/ideas and not people. If we talk about ethnicities, this changes the whole picture. But ideologies are extremely persistent, because well, you can't shoot them. You can only shoot people.

At least the muslims would have guns to attempt to PREVENT genocide. Or have a chance to make their disappearance costly to the idiots trying to exterminate them?
Yeah, well I guess we can consider this a moot point by now, since I think we are basically on the same page here, we just differ in how effective it could be. I mean it is pretty much obvious that an armed group is harder to fight compared to an unarmed group.

Hence why upholding the right to bear arms is so important in a patriots eyes in the USA? Gun regulation is an insidious process which can take decades to chip away at your freedoms. In the end, you're left with nothing. No one will be able to tell just when it went wrong, as the process was so slow and sneaky.
Which also means that if a society is moving in that direction, there is only very little that can be done, in my opinion. More and more americans feel that gun regulations should be in order. What kind or how many? I have no clue. I am not that invested in all the details. But at least from a few polls I have seen, if they can be trusted, around 70% of the US citizens are in favour of changes. And It doesn't seem to be like just a small and short lived movement, since it was present for years, pretty much a decade if not longer. Considering the growing number of mass shootings in the recent years it is very likely that it will also take more momentum.

What will come out of it? Who knows! I certainly don't. I mean hey, maybe the Americans will get used to mass shootingsat some point? That could be possible as well. But if the US decides in 50 years to go the way of France or Australia with their weapons, and if they find the enough representatives to support it, well that's democracy at work I would say. It is afterall the will of the people in the end. Not that they always know what is best, I personaly think that fighting guns is only fighting the symptoms, oh well. But that's how it simply goes. Societies change over time, what ever if we like that or not. All we can do, is to keep the debate going, criticise opinions and present arguments.
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Why do you need guns, when you can get better, cheaper and just as waterproof backpacks that do the same?

Because it is my God given right, and it was written that way so no man may change it even if they lack faith. The right to self defense is a basic Western concept that extends from Hobbes and has persisted to this very day. Making self defense a thing beyond mortal men makes it set in stone. If a man is to cause harm to me or my property then I am in the right to shoot him; it extends to property as property is an extension of one's self and their liberty.

Besides you do not need to worry about the U.S. people using their second amendment on you. You need to worry about our government arming rebels to fight you in any nation you go to because resources are apparently worth it. Weather or not that is right is up for another debate.

But if the US decides in 50 years to go the way of France or Australia with their weapons, and if they find the enough representatives to support it, well that's democracy at work I would say. It is after-all the will of the people in the end. Not that they always know what is best, I personaly think that fighting guns is only fighting the symptoms, oh well. But that's how it simply goes. Societies change over time, what ever if we like that or not. All we can do, is to keep the debate going, criticise opinions and present arguments.
That would just result in another civil war. Which while that would be fun and very profitable I'd rather us not surpass the past kill count of the last one. Keep in mind a small amount of people started our revolution as well as the civil war. They all had quite a bit of power over the people that followed them.

Besides more and more Americans are supporting hate speech laws with time in jail just like France and Germany. Who knows if they get enough people to represent them we to can have such laws instead of becoming complacent of hate speech. Because really that 1st amendment is really old and out dated and does not respect my emotions.

We're not a democracy and never have been. We're a Representative Republic and will remain such until the Union dissolves. The Law is God and God is our Constitution. No mortal man can surpass such or restrict such. May it be hate speech laws or banning standard capacity magazines.
Besides you do not need to worry about the U.S. people using their second amendment on you. You need to worry about our government arming rebels to fight you in any nation you go to because resources are apparently worth it. Weather Besides more and more Americans are supporting hate speech laws with time in jail just like France and Germany. Who knows if they get enough people to represent them we to can have such laws instead of becoming complacent of hate speech. Because really that 1st amendment is really old and out dated and does not respect my emotions.

We're not a democracy and never have been. We're a Representative Republic and will remain such until the Union dissolves. The Law is God and God is our Constitution. No mortal man can surpass such or restrict such. May it be hate speech laws or banning standard capacity magazines.

Most people, especially in academia and philosophy, are actively against hate speech laws, and there is a growing reactionary movement against that idea, so don't write off the US just yet in that regard. As well, the fact that there is, and has historically been, a balance between Democrat and Republican representation means that, for better or worse, there will be no major gun reform. An exception to this would be a mass attack on the President. LBJ would have never passed most of the Great Society legislation if he couldn't play off JFK's death.
I know there is a vast hatred of hate speech laws; I was just using that as an example. ;) We should keep an eye on the professors spreading the ideas of hate speech laws though as that is where a lot of that regressive thought comes from. The only problem I see is we have a lot of people working towards allowing any speech, even so called "hate speech", yet they hold moderate or no opinion on gun rights or gun control. Liberty is as cracked as a concrete side walk.

The most that would be done is another Assault Weapon ban like the one from the 90s. Then no one will sign it back in and we'll go back to "normal" once more. The only thing worth worrying about is loosing the Supreme Court as that guarantee's a few decades of false narrative.
That would just result in another civil war. Which while that would be fun and very profitable I'd rather us not surpass the past kill count of the last one. Keep in mind a small amount of people started our revolution as well as the civil war. They all had quite a bit of power over the people that followed them.
Considering how crazy you americans are, I am inclined to actually believe that! ;)
Heh, must be an European thing, because for me the mere thought to get in to war because of gun regulations or restrictions seems completely far-fetched. But hey! I don't judge :P.
That is fine. Ya'll have to deal with the rising Central-Right parties taking your nations over come 2017; that is if Putin does not invade by then for your insanity. How is that Union working out with so many nations bringing up votes to leave it by the way?

Then again only us "crazy" Americans would think gun control and hate speech laws that land you in jail are crazy. Almost like we value liberty more than life. Oh well at least I can still yell nigger and people and not go to jail. Have fun doing that in the European Union. :)
Because it is my God given right, and it was written that way so no man may change it even if they lack faith. The right to self defense is a basic Western concept that extends from Hobbes and has persisted to this very day. Making self defense a thing beyond mortal men makes it set in stone. If a man is to cause harm to me or my property then I am in the right to shoot him; it extends to property as property is an extension of one's self and their liberty.

Besides you do not need to worry about the U.S. people using their second amendment on you. You need to worry about our government arming rebels to fight you in any nation you go to because resources are apparently worth it. Weather or not that is right is up for another debate.
Sure... as the glorious revolution WILL happen in all capitalist nations, for so has the great comrade Lenin and Marx said. The violent overthrow of corruption and greed by the worker is set in the stone of historic dialect. The worker will rise up and take the property's owned by the rich, gifting it to those who are loyal to the revolution, to ensure equality and equity!
The liberals that are in this thread are so triggering.
Because it is my God given right
Q:Why do you need it? A:Because it is my right.
I think you're confusing rights and needs. Also, like all rights, it's clearly man-given.

Oh well at least I can still yell nigger and people and not go to jail. Have fun doing that in the European Union. :)
But... I don't want to yell that. Why would I want to yell that? It wouldn't get you jailed, though. Try "kill all niggers", maybe.

The first article in the German constitution establishes the inviolability of human dignity as a fundamental right. Hate speech laws aim to protect that right, mostly. Freedom of speech is established in article five.
But you can't have freedom without guns Buxie, sure the NSA can spy on you and your 15th amandment can be violated, but! It will happen while you have guns freedom.

That is fine. Ya'll have to deal with the rising Central-Right parties taking your nations over come 2017;
At least our nomines don't insult veterans and their mothers. How's that saying?
People who live in dynamite houses shouldn't throw bombs. Or something like that.
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