Gun Control

People get shot in The UK. Mostly get stabbed. Some get beheaded. others blown up.
Hardly ever. in uk compared to us
And please don't change the subject to stabbing and beheadings, we are talking about guns.
Out 321 million people in USA over 200 million own a legal weapon and there are 88 percent firearms per 100 people in America.


Nah, no gun culture there.
Its time to accept that we are not in the wild west or the revolutionary war anymore, and people just dont need guns.
Your graph fails to mention that most of those "gun incidents" are suicides.
Oh, and congratulations on your 206th mass shooting this year, USA!
Congratulations on your third (or is it fourth) terrorist attack this week, Germany.
Suicide doesn't count because suicidal people are weak and their demise strengthens society. More guns for depressed people!
in the US, we have a crime problem.

a criminal can, and will find a way to get a hold of a gun. i can safely say that the majority of gang banging thugs have obtained a pistol or what have you illegally by whatever means.

"banning" guns won't stop them, and it won't stop a mass shooter either
in the US, we have a crime problem.

a criminal can, and will find a way to get a hold of a gun. i can safely say that the majority of gang banging thugs have obtained a pistol or what have you illegally by whatever means.

"banning" guns won't stop them, and it won't stop a mass shooter either
It did in the UK.
It did in the UK.
It didn't in France.

Mexico has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world and yet, in 2012, Mexico had 11,309 gun murders (9.97 gun homicides per 100,000 people) compared to the United States that had 9,146 gun homicides (2.97 per 100,000 people).
The country has only one legal gun store (the Directorate of Arms and Munitions Sales), compared to at least 63,709 legal gun stores and pawn shops in the United States as of Feb. 10, 2014. Mexico's gun store is on a secure military base and customers must present a valid ID, go through a metal detector, and turn over cellphones and cameras to guards. To actually buy a gun, customers have to show proof of honest income, provide references, pass a criminal background check, prove any military duties were completed with honor, and be fingerprinted and photographed. If allowed to purchase a gun, the customer may buy only one gun (choosing from only .38 caliber pistols or lower) and one box of bullets. So yea, as you can see by how wonderful of a country Mexico is, stricter gun control doesn't equal an abolition of crime and the ushering in of a Utopia. Also who would have thought, an extremely corrupt country is one that doesn't like it's citizens owning firearms. Hmmmm.
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*Bans guns*
*Cumbria Shootings still happens*

Good job. :ok:

But I guess acknowledging that wouldn't fit the narrative and we can't have that.
There's no such thing as gun control, just the government using it's guns to take the guns of civilians. I believe a more accurate term is the centralization of guns in society.

Generally this fails to accomplish it's goals, and creates a thriving black market for guns.

Note, there were as many mass shootings in France in 2015 as there were in the US. Why? Maybe it's because folk do these for a reason rather than just because they have guns.
Recent findings from Europol: more than 160 prop (deactivated) guns smuggled to Italy by Cosa Nostra, activated again, and distributed all across Europe, or to ISIS occupied territories in some cases. This won't happen anymore in Slovakia, since our new (2015) legislative doesn't allow to sell the prop guns this way, I think that Cosa Nostra and other groups would simply find new source of weapons and the business would continue.
It didn't in France.
I mean, the anti gun - control logic is so flawed. Lunatics get hold of guns and kill people, so we should make it easier to access said guns? And don't come back at me with that bullshit about everyone owning guns. Half the idiots who buy them don't do training. And I don't mean how to shoot straight, they don't understand when to shoot.
*Bans guns*
*Cumbria Shootings still happens*

Good job. :ok:

But I guess acknowledging that wouldn't fit the narrative and we can't have that.
Lol shut up.
Thats one mass shooting, pretty sure the only one that happened in 2010. All together in that year there were 60 gun shootings. Meanwhile in America, there were 11,078.
Generally this fails to accomplish it's goals, and creates a thriving black market for guns.
Generally you are wrong because most nations have banned guns, and there are no thriving black markets. And where is your evidence. Any sources?
Note, there were as many mass shootings in France in 2015 as there were in the US.
I call bullshit. In the USA in 2015 they had 294 by Oct 2nd. France had about 2
It won't stop anything right away. But it might start reducing the statistics for better results in the longer run.

Crime in the US has been dropping and there wasn't a gun ban. when they banned Semi-Auto rifles back in the 90's it didn't do anything since nobody uses Rifles to commit crime.

There is a reason why the deaths are as high as they right now, but bringing that up gets you labeled a racist.
so we should make it easier to access said guns?
Yes because making it borderline impossible for ANYONE to get access to guns has worked out so well.

In American, in 2004, an estimated 16% of state prison inmates and 18% of federal inmates reported that they used, carried, or possessed a firearm when they committed the crime for which they were serving a prison sentence. In 2004, among state prison inmates who possessed a gun at the time of offense, fewer than 2% bought their firearm at a flea market or gun show, about 10% purchased it from a retail store or pawnshop, 37% obtained it from family or friends, and another 40% obtained it from an illegal source. This was similar to the percentage distribution in 1997. So the lions share of people getting their hands on guns comes from an illegal source or they just get it from a friend or family member.