Gun Control

Yes because making it borderline impossible for ANYONE to get access to guns has worked out so well.

In American, in 2004, an estimated 16% of state prison inmates and 18% of federal inmates reported that they used, carried, or possessed a firearm when they committed the crime for which they were serving a prison sentence. In 2004, among state prison inmates who possessed a gun at the time of offense, fewer than 2% bought their firearm at a flea market or gun show, about 10% purchased it from a retail store or pawnshop, 37% obtained it from family or friends, and another 40% obtained it from an illegal source. This was similar to the percentage distribution in 1997. So the lions share of people getting their hands on guns comes from an illegal source or they just get it from a friend or family member.
So a friend or family member who owns a gun. That problem would be solved if they were prohibited, and non of the family members would own guns.
And on the subject of illegal sources, its almost comically easy to smuggle/do illegal shit with guns in murica because your laws are so lax.
And on the subject of illegal sources, its almost comically easy to smuggle/do illegal shit with guns in murica because your laws are so lax.
>presents facts and statistics
>y-you're wrong anyway because I say so!
Quit using points already debunked earlier in the thread. Like I said, strict gun control countries like Mexico and places in Europe still get guns. Refer to the my previous post about Mexico and look at this post about Europe.
Recent findings from Europol: more than 160 prop (deactivated) guns smuggled to Italy by Cosa Nostra, activated again, and distributed all across Europe, or to ISIS occupied territories in some cases. This won't happen anymore in Slovakia, since our new (2015) legislative doesn't allow to sell the prop guns this way, I think that Cosa Nostra and other groups would simply find new source of weapons and the business would continue.
Fuck the definitions. 294 attacks, the majority of them with 3 casualties each are awful and need to end.
Do you know where the majority of those attacks happen and by whom? Because I don't think it's a direction you want this thread to go.
Yeah f**k logic, let's just do a kneejerk reaction and everything will be all right, even though these laws don't prevent terrorists from getting weapons, don't prevent criminals from getting them, and don't have much bearing on crime!

Note, most of these "mass shootings" you're talking about count casualties, not kills. The difference is that casualties include injuries not just kills.
Yeah fuck logic, let's just do a kneejerk reaction and everything will be all right, even though these laws don't prevent terrorists from getting weapons, don't prevent criminals from getting them, and don't have much bearing on crime.

Vergil, that post about Europe shows that many of the gun runners are bring arrested. And its stopping in slovakia. And I wasn't denying stats when I talked about your smuggling in the USA. Just explaining why it's so bad. Its easier to smuggle in the US because of your lax laws.
Note, most of these "mass shootings" you're talking about count casualties, not kills. The difference is that casualties include injuries not just kills.
Many of them were kills, and because some were casualties doesn't really harm my side of the argument.
Its easier to smuggle in the US because of your lax laws.
That doesn't even make sense. if you had lax gun laws it would make getting firearms illegally, mute. I bet you have the idea you can just stroll right in and pick a gun out of the gun aisle at Wal-Mart.
Enlighten me
The majority of gun related crimes (especially homicide) is black on black (and sometimes black on white) violence in majority black areas. A lot of the time involving gang related activity. So it's not an epidemic of random people walking around and lighting up schools all the time. It's generally blacks shooting other blacks. I'm going to get crucified here but that's what the stats show. Don't shoot the messenger.
Vergil, that post about Europe shows that many of the gun runners are bring arrested.
Yet with all those gun laws theres still all those gun runners and more out there.
And its stopping in slovakia.
....and continuing elsewhere just as strong.
And I wasn't denying stats
Right, you just refuse to post any yourself.
Its easier to smuggle in the US because of your lax laws.
If lax gun laws are to blame for gun crimes than why is Mexico such a cartel ridden shithole and why have some of the biggest terror attacks in recent history happened in France? And if it's so easy to get a gun legally why are the majority of crimes happening with illegal firearms?
Many of them were kills, and because some were casualties doesn't really harm my side of the argument.

Yes it does, one person dead and two who got grazed by bullets isn't a mass shooting.

That post about Europe shows that many of the gun runners are bring arrested.

“You can find Kalashnikovs for sale near the train station in Brussels,” acknowledged a Brussels-based European Union official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the record. “They’re available even to very average criminals.”

And it is still that easy to buy guns in Europe.
Wait... Vergil you know how you keep on mentioning that banning guns won't stop criminals from getting guns? I agree, that makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that countries that ban guns utterly don't have as much mass shootings or shootings in general (like Australia) even though civilians wouldn't be able to defend themselves...
What doesn't make sense is that countries that ban guns utterly don't have as much mass shootings or shootings in general
You mean like France?
Also comparing comparing the crime statistics of Australia and the United States (who has States with a larger population than your entire country) is ridiculous.
You mean like France?
Yes, I mean countries like France and Germany. Even while their countries are filled with migrants, have relatively low security (being improved) and a really close distance to ISIS territory... they still get less mass shootings then America.