Switzerland seems to have a healthy culture in that regard. Much less fetishization of guns and more viewing them as tools, necessary, but dangerous and demanding of respect and caution.
Right now the only major safety courses I'm aware of are from the NRA, which as this topic has shown people think are the literal Devil who wants to kill all of the babies and the Civilian Marksmanship Program, who as a government agency don't really advertise that fact.Yeah, firearm safety seems like a good thing to teach at school actually. Teach them to respect weapons because they are not toys whatsoever. Might help with accidents among kids that play with guns.
Well isn't military service there mandatory? we got rid of conscription back in the 60's, though I have heard some wish to bring it back. And sure Switzerland if far more racial homogeneous but that has nothing to with anything because nobody wants to look like a racist.Switzerland seems to have a healthy culture in that regard.
Ah, the classic "Concern Troll" method of personally attacking someone. "Hey guys I swear I'm on your side, but you bad and you wrong and i have concerns about how you act! I sweeear I'm on your side though and believe what you believe, so listen to what I say!"@SilverStarApple/Epsilon7 bro, like... chill. Calm yourself. You’re being a massive cunt, and instead of forming arguments you’re shitting all over yourself and going “HURRDURR SEE THE LIBS RUN”.
Just... I support gun ownership. I am on your side.
And I find you fucking insufferable.
Ah, the classic "Concern Troll" method of personally attacking someone. "Hey guys I swear I'm on your side, but you bad and you wrong and i have concerns about how you act! I sweeear I'm on your side though and believe what you believe, so listen to what I say!"
It's been a while since someone has lied to me and lied about what I say while pretending I'm worse than what I oppose.
It reminds me of that time I was on an Atheist forum, and some former-Muslim now-atheist friend of mine was talking about things that make Islam an awful religion. He brought up how the Islamic bible, the "Quran", says to commit terrorism and raid trading caravans like the Raiders from Fallout and diddle kids. Also mocked how the Quran says "The sun sets on earth in a muddy bog somewhere". A so-called Atheist with a Forum Signature full of anti-christian quotes decided to play the "I don't like Islam either but you're mean and wrong and poopy mouth shitty poop! Your shitty arguments are poop!" card.
Really, what's with the scatological fascination you lot have? Poopy this, shitty that. Farty this, doodoo that. I don't blink when Marxists call me a Nazi for not supporting Karl Marx. Do you honestly think I'd be bothered by some screechy lunatic yelling "U have shitty opinions!!!!" in my face?
The things Islam says about Jews, Christians, and Atheists (See the Quran for examples) are worse than the things Christians and Atheists say about the idiocy of the Islamic faith.
The things Liberals say about Conservatives (Remember Maxine Walters calling for more hate crimes against conservatives?) are worse than the things Conservatives say about Liberals (calling them crazy and explaining why they're wrong and why their "utopianism" doesn't work).
I mention that former-Muslim friend of mine for a reason. See, he was raised in an Islamic household where Islam is the norm. He used to spend all his time in circlejerks and echo chambers where Islam is the norm, loving Islam is the norm, and criticizing Islam is forbidden. He spent his time in places where supporting Islam was normal and speaking out against Islam got you insulted and mocked and banned. If he wasn't exposed to channels like the Apostate Prophet and its insightful, truthful, and funny videos on the absurdity of the Islamic faith and its many contradictions, he would have never noticed the holes in the religion he was raised to believe. He used to think all religions were as bad as his, but if he never saw things like this, he would have never realized that Islam is unique in its awfulness. Mosques don't get bombed by non-Muslims during Ramadan, Christians don't bomb Mormons during Easter, and Atheists don't bomb fast food joints on Earth Day. Islam is special and more deserving of more criticism than the other religions out there. Many other religions are pretty silly too, and many other religions say violent things, but Islam is the worst one in both respects.
If you really oppose Marxism, you won't have your delicate sensibilities harmed by criticism of Marxism.
If you really support gun rights, you won't have your delicate sensibilities harmed by criticism of gun-grabbers.
You have to specify that you like gun rights because your actions (attacking me and lying about what I say) don't support that.
People who want you raped don't deserve your respect. They aren't entitled to it. They have to earn it, by getting over their pro-rape stance and seeing what's wrong with it.
People who want you disarmed don't deserve your respect. They aren't entitled to it. They have to earn it, by getting over their pro-disarmament stance and seeing what's wrong with it.
Look at the previous pages in the thread to refresh your memory about the arguments I've made, if you need it. I've formed rational arguments against an irrational and anti-humanist position. I've brought up examples of countries that put gun bans into place and can't prove the gun bans helped, and I've brought up examples of countries that went full leftyfascistcommie after the gun bans.
If Liberals win, you lose your gun rights. Your life gets worse. Don't you understand that? They're committing voter fraud by importing rapefugees from the third world, and buying their loyalty and votes with free shit paid for by the taxpayer's dime, because they know their marxist policies aren't popular with the working class they exploit. I can name countries ruined by the Liberal policies Liberals will never stop supporting. Liberals think that if they get their way, they will create a perfect utopia without scarcity or any crime including thoughtcrime. But in reality, if they win, America will end up worse than Venezuela. Yet I'm here, trying to explain this to everyone, including Liberals who have demonstrated a clear unwillingness to engage in logical and respectful debate. I'm still trying to talk things out with Liberals who giggle and hurr-durr, ignore my points, ignore my arguments, and childishly insult me for thinking they can be saved from the cult that owns them.
Do you really, genuinely think what they do to civilizations isn't as bad as me calling them dumb cunts? Does it really bother you that much when I call Liberals wrong, or explain why Liberals are wrong? Christ, get some fucking perspective. I don't swear often, but nothing's lower than a fake conservative who can't resist backstabbing his country and the values it was founded upon for woke brownie points. At least the Liberals are honest when they gloat like supervillains.
Well, that's certainly an opinion. I'd ask if you had any reasons for it, but that'd go beyond this thread that I'd like to keep more orderly from now on. So anyone thinking about writing a Bible-length sermon about how this guy is wrong or whatever, can it. No further engagement with it, and Tribal, don't post inflammatory shit like that unless it has a proper point.America isn't great and the younger generations is starting to realize it due to social media giving them easy acces to communicate with "foreigners". I can't and won't identify myself with the white people of America. American apartheid is real. The American white mans shame. Lol I actually really hate America not Americans some of you is allright. But I'd whipe my ass with your flag without hesitation.
In my own opinion only military or law enforcement should have acces to weapons.
America isn't great and the younger generations is starting to realize it due to social media giving them easy acces to communicate with "foreigners". I can't and won't identify myself with the white people of America. American apartheid is real. The American white mans shame. Lol I actually really hate America not Americans some of you is allright. But I'd whipe my ass with your flag without hesitation.
In my own opinion only military or law enforcement should have acces to weapons.
Isn't it strange how that blatant racist hates America and all of its people based on blatantly fallacious and faulty reasoning, yet still thinks they should be unarmed and only America's Enforcers should have access to guns?Those are strong opinions coming from someone who's never had to wager anything.
You ever not write papers on this topic?
Isn't it strange how that blatant racist hates America and all of its people based on blatantly fallacious and faulty reasoning, yet still thinks they should be unarmed and only America's Enforcers should have access to guns?
It's like hating cops, but also thinking only cops should be allowed to own guns. At the same time. Doublethink. Like someone saying "Fuck America's government, but also America's government should be able to censor and arrest whoever they want".
I'll never understand kids like that who think repeating the "America bad" marxist lies they were taught in high school makes them "Edgy". It makes them ignorant of history. They aren't "Free thinkers", the people who get censored for disagreeing with them are free thinkers. White americans ended the slave trade in Africa that existed for centuries before they showed up, tribes in africa and native american tribes were conquering and enslaving each other and we put a stop to that once we eventually collectively agreed that yes, slavery is bad. If America is bad because it conquered land, guess what? No land originally belonged to anyone, every group conquered their own land at some point and then had it taken by someone else. Bring up anything bad that's ever been done to white Americans now or in the past and ask if they deserve sympathy for that, and the marxist will say "hahaha they deserve that for being weak and letting it happen". Ask if the marxist's Favourite Groups of "Oppwessed People" deserve what happened to them for being weak, and he'll explode. Hatred motivates him, an irrational hatred of white people and their success without any understanding of what made them successful. They're just Useful Idiots who will vote for ANYTHING if they're told it will hurt the people they hate.
By the way, this post (like my previous ones in this thread) exposes obvious hypocrisies in the anti-gunrights mob and their mindset. Hating a government while also thinking it should have absolute power over its people is irrational.
That is relevant to a discussion on whether Liberals should be able to restrict mankind's gun rights a little more this week or not. Nobody cried off-topic when I was insulted for having a brony avatar lmao. (also what's with lefties whining about Fox News sometimes? I don't like fox news either, I'm a Libertarian and fox news is owned by the same megacorps as NBC, CNN, and the rest of them)
Another explanation on why gun rights are good and necessary is also relevant, even though the anti-rights "activists" don't read those. At the best of times, anti-gunrights bans are forced onto countries that don't need them. They barely change anything and can't be proven to improve life in nations that already had declining crime rates. They might even cause a crime rate spike, or contribute to crime rates rising after the ban. On bad days, anti-gunrights bans aid and abet leftyfascist commie tyrants. There is no good reason to ever support gun bans and oppose human rights.
I'm going to bring back an overlooked argument I used a few pages back, I hope that's okay. More people are in this thread, so hopefully someone will be able to say something in response to it instead of simply ignoring it.
If the countries Gun Control Advocates tend to use as examples to promote Gun Control tend to reveal that Gun Control isn't all that effective, what can we learn from the example Gun Control Advocates don't use?
Even if Australia, the UK, and Japan were good examples of gun control laws working (Which they're not), why would that be the end of the story?
Why shouldn't we weigh these examples against National-Socialist Germany, Communist Russia, or Maoist Communist China?
The government banning guns before becoming tyrannical is pretty relevant when you remember that the Constitution was written to guarantee the rights of its citizens, and the second amendment was intended to give people the right to own guns they would need to defend themselves and stop tyrants.
Who would look at history and think their government would do a better job of protecting them if they became MORE weak and helpless? Not someone who should be allowed to make decisions that affect me. If you want to give up your guns, do so. Get a tattoo, try a fad diet, I don't give a shit what you do to yourself. If you want to take my guns, try it yourself and see how well that works out for you, instead of trying to get jackboots to do your oppression for you. The debate over gun laws would be a better and more constructive place without religious nuts whose understanding of the topic begins and ends at "all guns bad. gun bans good. only gun nuts disagree. beep boop calling me a NPC is racist".
Remember, it's not as if there's just a couple of bad governments here and there with strict gun control laws. Literally all of the most horrific and tyrannical governments that have ever existed have had strict gun control laws. Hell, tyrannical governments that existed before guns were invented did the same shit by banning proper weapons! Remember when they had to use nunchuks and other farming tools as weapons in China? You know, because their real weapons had been confiscated by an authoritarian government?
There's a reason why tyrants love ruling over a helpless disarmed populace that can't fight back. You can basically do whatever you want to an unarmed populace.
Venezuela. The country that proved Liberal "utopian" promises only lead to dystopian nightmares. Are you sick of hearing that name yet? It's the country that transformed me from Liberal to Libertarian. Hearing what went on in that country, hearing about the rapefugees in Europe, and the "What emails? I don't know how email servers work! That information doesn't exist and only fucking racists know about it!" Liberal response to Hillary Clinton's illegal private email server, those were what convinced me to leave the left. Now I'm a Libertarian. Free Dread Pirate Roberts!
In 2012, two years before their humanitarian crisis, they banned private gun ownership. As you can probably guess, they didn't get this law passed by saying "We want to make it easier for us to oppress our people". No, they brought out the usual "Muh safety" lie, a lie The BBC helped sell. "We have to improve security!", after all.
Yeah, they improved security. For the politicians! The rich fatcats who eat well while their people starve. They get away with it because they have armed guards and the commoners don't.
The murder rate in Venezuela rose after the gun ban. And because the police are the only ones in Venezuela allowed to own guns, criminals started to target and kill cops to take their guns.
And if it wasn't clear enough that Venezuela's gun control is being weaponized against political opponents of their marxist regime, in April of 2017, Maduro gave 400,000 guns back to private citizens...
But only the ones who pledged their loyalty to him and his commie regime. The ones who "counter-protest" at peaceful protests by throwing rocks and guns at peaceful protestors. The ones who get to ride around with cops and get taken to protests. The ones who get away with shooting at peaceful protestors, while the cops get involved and start breaking limbs if good people fight back and the commies start getting their asses kicked again.
When the Venezuelan Government banned guns, was it because they were secretly planning on oppressing their people?
Honestly? It doesn't matter.
Because it still allowed them to do it.
And that's not just a stain on the credibility of "Gun Control". It's a stain on the credibility of everyone who wants to force it onto others, whether that's bit-by-bit or all at once.