Yeah, the only accurate way to compare the US is to take some third world countries ...
I think their arguments tend to always "Them liberals!" Honestly can they ever come up with a better argument instead of always bringing left and right wing politics into the fray? Or blaming liberals for everything? Because it seems popular in the U.S. to blame liberals for everything. "It's damn hot outside today! Those damn liberals. Oh my smart phone is too damn slow! Those damn liberals. Net Neutrality is dead! Those damn liberals." Honestly I can't take the left too seriously these days as I think they're delusional. But on some days. Right wingers just blow them out of the water for how nonsensical they can be.I thought right wingers are the guys with opressed feelings and always complaining that 'not beeing' open to all relationships is seen as offensive by SJWs.
You're a very odd and confusing fella.
Note I didn't say "No matter how bad knife crime gets in London I doubt it's homicide rates will ever be as high as New York" I said "No matter how bad knife crime gets in the UK i doubt it will ever be as high as the US"
Most people have a wrong idea about liberals anyway.I think their arguments tend to always "Them liberals!" Honestly can they ever come up with a better argument instead of always bringing left and right wing politics into the fray? Or blaming liberals for everything? Because it seems popular in the U.S. to blame liberals for everything. "It's damn hot outside today! Those damn liberals. Oh my smart phone is too damn slow! Those damn liberals. Net Neutrality is dead! Those damn liberals." Honestly I can't take the left too seriously these days as I think they're delusional. But on some days. Right wingers just blow them out of the water for how nonsensical they can be.
Note I didn't say "No matter how bad knife crime gets in London I doubt it's homicide rates will ever be as high as New York" I said "No matter how bad knife crime gets in the UK i doubt it will ever be as high as the US"
Your racsim sickens me.Yeah, the only accurate way to compare the US is to take some third world countries ...
Apparently objecting to you putting words in my mouth, when I explicitly said what I meant in the original post is backpedaling.![]()
Son, you tried to move the goal posts. I just demolished the whole stadium.
"Crime in the UK will never reach US levels"Apparently objecting to you putting words in my mouth, when I explicitly said what I meant in the original post is backpedaling.
Had you taken the time to read my original post, I set exactly the same goalposts as I did in the later post. Did not shift a thing.
But I know reading the post you are responding to is too much to ask for someone so certain their opponent is fallacious that they set their title to "The Voice of Reason"
No it hasn't."Crime in the UK will never reach US levels"
It has gotten worse.
I didn't say london didn't count. Congrats on proving you can't go a single post without strawmanning whoever you are responding too. How about actually reading what other people saying, rather than responding to whatever argument is most convenient for you to respond to?"B-b-b-but London doesn't count!"
The worse SJWs act, the worse our opinion of SJWs become. That's just how image works. You google "Right-winger gets owned" or some shit and you'll find some fringe crazies ranting about unaffiliated apolitical things like the "chemtrails" myth. You google "Left-winger gets owned" and you'll see SJWs on the news, on talk shows, on web shows, and SJWs marching in the streets and getting interviewed, making an ass of themselves by being this leftist.You keep saying "The Facts Disagree with you" but never actually post any facts.
To quote an earlier post of mine on this thread:
Guns aren't banned in the UK.
If you have a genuine reason to own a gun in the UK, you can own one. Many farmers and hunters own guns. It's not that rare to see them in more rural parts of the country.
Also, this whole "See, if we ban guns people will just use knives for murder" is a totally fallacious argument. It ignores that the actual amount of homicides you can commit with weapons.
You can kill far more people with a gun than you can with a knife due to their range and lethalness.
No matter how bad knife crime gets in the UK, I doubt it's homicide rates will ever be as high as the US, which is only a few places below Somalia in terms of homicide.
Got a single reason for believing actual people on the left are like this, other than nonsense stereotyping?
Leftism is fallacious.
No, really. Leftism is fallacious.
No, really. Leftism is fallacious.
It's founded on the fallacious belief that leftist ideas are inherently better, because they're leftist. And they're better because they're thought by leftist people, who are smarter and cooler and have better-smelling farts, because they're leftist. Meanwhile, Centrist and Conservative ideas are smelly old dumb old-fashioned things for big dumb cousin-fucking farty-pants bible-thumpers from flyover country.
Careful guys, don't you dare making fun at it. It hurts my freedom of speech. Wait, is that how it's supposed to work?For them, shit like this is not proof of their mental ineptitude, but a hilarious zinger:
The worse SJWs act, the worse our opinion of SJWs become. That's just how image works. You google "Right-winger gets owned" or some shit and you'll find some fringe crazies ranting about unaffiliated apolitical things like the "chemtrails" myth. You google "Left-winger gets owned" and you'll see SJWs on the news, on talk shows, on web shows, and SJWs marching in the streets and getting interviewed, making an ass of themselves by being this leftist.
"I could post some sources, but you'd say they aren't real sources"As for the "u say u post facts but i dont see any so dere" argument, why would you say that? Why would you deny reality? Good men with legal guns can save you from bad men with guns. I can show you some sources, but you'll say "Those aren't real sources" because they aren't your sources. They aren't Buzzfeed or CNN.
"Knives are banned in the UK"Knives are banned in the UK, and knife crime.
>A series of bills adding regulations to the type of knife you can buy are passed in the 90sand knife crime (especially against unarmed knifeless people) is on the rise because surprise surprise, criminals use weapons to break the law.
That's a strawman.Why do you believe your leftist politicians when they say shit like "When the criminal realizes nobody around him is armed, he'll put the gun down and turn himself in"?
Those big, strong, well-armed American cops who shot and killed 412 people this year alone: that time a muslim armed with a knife in London forced the unarmed cops to run away in fear, leaving their citizens to try and fight the muslim off with chairs? Gee, if only we had those big strong well-armed American cops you only love when it's convenient over here, chaperoning our thoughtpolicing coward cops.
Could it be that political leftism has been around for hundreds of years, and encompasses a massive range of philosophies and ideologies?It's founded on the fallacious belief that leftist ideas are inherently better, because they're leftist.
People who are far left will obviously think far left policies are more enlightened, because otherwise they wouldn't advocate those positions. That's literally how politics/philosophy works, people argue for their positions because they believe they are the better onesThis "Identity Politics" nonsense is integral to modern leftism, where you become cooler and "More Enlightened" the further left you go
Yes it is."Gender is a social construct"
This one is much harder to prove, since you can't cite facts to support morality being either way."Morality is subjective"
It literally does exist."The Gender Wage Pay Gap Exists!"
Yes, that's a very good point.Who cares if centrists and right-wingers laugh when you say things like "There are fifty genders, but actually, there are infinite genders!"
Yeah, leftists are the ones frequently acting irrationally online.Hence why you see leftists acting so irrationally on twitter, on tumblr, on reddit, on any other place where leftists think only leftists are watching
Could you please cite a source for this claim?and the high rape rates in migrant-infested areas as "propaganda"