Gun Runners' Arsenal Details

KillgoreKillmore said:
I'm more interested in picking up the Courier's stash and in part it seems ridiculous that they even force you to pay for the addon's from GRA. It's ridiculous. I can find better play from a mod than something that's supposed to be official? This just is not right. I think the developers have lost their damn minds and it's a shame somebody out there is going to pay for this stupid addon.

Mods usually aren't balanced very well though
I really would not mind dishing out the $4 for this or any add on of the type. I love new equipment, I love seeing new content for good games but when they just force it and release stuff because it looks cool instead of adding anything redeemable to a playthrough, I guess I'm just alittle anoyed. If I do end up picking this up I will need to see whats included because, thus far I am not impressed.
DemonNick said:
Fallout is not about the serious impact of nuclear explosions. Fallout is a about the juxtaposition of people being terrible with post-nuclear kitsch. Nuclear Explosions are basically a pretext for it. Even if you're taking a DEADLY SERIOUS OMG reading of it, nukes don't really matter that much to the plot and themes.

It's also always been silly and dumb. Stupid goofy crap has always been part of its DNA. The Fatman is nowhere near ad dumb as the Hub.

Maybe if the only Fallout you've ever played was Fallout 3. I was almost offended with how lightly they took the use of nuclear weapons in that game and I'm not at all surprised it was censored in Japan. Nuclear weapons aren't funny and the destruction they cause is a big part the of the setting for the games.

Fallout has it share of silly moments, but I see it more as comic relief for the more serious themes in the games.

Brother None said:

I second this. Seriously, what the hell?
From Josh's formspring on whether Gun Runner's start selling Energy Weapons:

For the most part, they don't, unless you kill the other EW dealers.

Not sure what the "for the most part" means, if anything.

I'm torn about this DLC. On one hand, it's just a cheap price to plunk down for. And I find it hard to argue principles personally at that price point to be honest, unless we're literally just talking about the addition of like one or two items, "appearance packs" or whatever.

But it's too bad it's stuff that will be bought only. There is already gear in the game that I wish enemies would use against the player, it's a bit boring that so much of it is locked away behind merchants (though I suppose this big influx of weapons could make money a bit more valuable for the characters invested in weapon skills).

I'll probably end up getting it because, well... I'm very likely to replay New Vegas quite a few times still and the price just doesn't really affect my economic situation one way or another nor does it hit my personal "omg RIPOFF" limit.
The Hub? Wtf?

I usually give goofy stuff a pass even more so when it can pull it off, The Fat-Man is one of those things that doesn't pull it off, it's only there for "Cool Shit" and it isn't even that good anyway.

If there was a "Radio-Arc Micro Discombobulator" that would fit fallout like a glove. The Fat-Man is just fucking stupid(pardon my french)

as for the GR thingy. Pretty boss for console players. I get free points all the time so I can get it for free and it isn't like there are mods on the consoles.
TheGM said:
as for the GR thingy. Pretty boss for console players. I get free points all the time so I can get it for free and it isn't like their are mods on the consoles.

Not exactly true, I'm running FONV on a modded 360 console where I can download files onto the hard drive and play mods regardless. Sure its not available to everyone but due to the fact that the game plays better on my console rather than my PC, this is what I do.
I've got some dollars left in my Steam wallet after I bought Lonesome Road, so I'll just pick it up when it comes out. Kind of apathetic, but whatever.
KillgoreKillmore said:
TheGM said:
as for the GR thingy. Pretty boss for console players. I get free points all the time so I can get it for free and it isn't like there are mods on the consoles.

Not exactly true, I'm running FONV on a modded 360 console where I can download files onto the hard drive and play mods regardless. Sure its not available to everyone but due to the fact that the game plays better on my console rather than my PC, this is what I do.

I'm don't think that is legal and nobody wants MS to block their system.
It isn't like the common person would do that in the first place.
Not really feeling what they've shown us so far. Though I will say I've always been disappointed with the lack of mods for the laser and plasma pistols, so that's a plus.

Can't say I'm overly thrilled with the direction they went in for the Smitty Special, but I suppose it's better than just turning it into a straight upgrade to the plasma caster. I think they'll need an ace or two up their sleeve for GRA to amount to anything, really.

How many more perks are being released with the DLC? I was under the impression it was simply going to be new weapons, ammo types, mods and a few achievements.
KillgoreKillmore said:
I'm more interested in picking up the Courier's stash and in part it seems ridiculous that they even force you to pay for the addon's from GRA. It's ridiculous. I can find better play from a mod than something that's supposed to be official? This just is not right. I think the developers have lost their damn minds and it's a shame somebody out there is going to pay for this stupid addon.

Ridiculous for PC users, yes, but not for cash cow consoles.
Still lame.

Also why are the Gun Runner's selling energy weapons? I thought anyone that tried to get into the energy weapons business got murdered by the Van Graffs. :?

For $4 they could have at least made it a Gun Runner's/Van Graff's Arsenal DLC, with the Gun Runner's selling the guns and melee weapons and the Van Graffs selling the energy weapons. Seems game developers are too lazy to do stuff like that these days, why bother taking the time to do things right when it's going to sell anyways whether it makes sense or not?

Edit: This DLC would only be worth the $4 if it made NPC's use some of the new weapons, without that it's a waste of money. There's already no shortage of overpowered weapons, why would I want to pay $4 to buy even more?

Edit: Ah, I see that Sawyer answered my questions regarding the Gun Runner's selling energy weapons already. That makes me feel a bit better, although I still do not plan on purchasing this weapon pack.
Brother None said:
DemonNick said:
Fallout is not about the serious impact of nuclear explosions.

Right, it was just a coincidence that they opted to have you end world-threatening forces in both first games with nuclear bombs, or that it is a post-nuclear game, nuclear explosions have no meaning in these games.

The Hub?

If you really want to push the whole "silly and goofy" angle even though that's mostly from Fallout 2, which has got lots of shit for that, realize that just because a franchise has some elements of humor doesn't make for a canvas excuse for all stupid shit, just going "this franchise isn't about sober scientific realism" doesn't change the verisimilitude of the setting, or its themes.
The Fatman was stupid, and had no place in Fallout.
First off, The Hub has Harold, Loxley, Hightower, The Friendly Lending Company, and people running around in purple and gold robes. It was sillier than New Reno, where every gang other than the Wrights actually made sense in the setting and was tethered to a sense of economic realism. The Bishops have a reason to exist, they control vice and act as proxies for NCR. The Mordinos have a reason to exist, they use their control over jet to control smaller communities like Redding. The Salvatores have a reason to exist, they provide foreshadowing about The Enclave. They tie into the bigger picture, which is really what the game is all about. Loxley has no reason to exist. Nor does any of the other silliness in the Hub, it's vacuous goofiness.

As for the bombs... Fallout is about Nuclear Bombs the same way that Hamlet is about Sword Fights or Danish Politics. That is to say that conflating what amounts to set dressing with the narrative, themes, etc betrays not only a stunningly shallow reading but a lack of insight on the part of the reader.
I'll admit, I'm really just a sucker for new weapons, I don't even particularly care about their practical use, anything that adds more variety. I just wish the weapons were added to normal enemy loot lists and was actually balanced into the game. Regardless, I still think I'll buy it.
DemonNick said:
Nor does any of the other silliness in the Hub, it's vacuous goofiness.

Loxley is weird. You're not presenting any arguments why the rest of it doesn't fit, and missing the large point on New Reno too.

DemonNick said:
As for the bombs... Fallout is about Nuclear Bombs the same way that Hamlet is about Sword Fights or Danish Politics.

Great, you're closing in on getting it. Now imagine a Hamlet II where rather than swords being deadly, serious weapons people start shooting swords from crossbows while hunting elk because it's cool.
KillgoreKillmore said:
I'm more interested in picking up the Courier's stash and in part it seems ridiculous that they even force you to pay for the addon's from GRA.

I feel the opposite. Not only you have to pay for stuff they were giving away for free, but it's all equipment that becomes useless very fast.

Courier said:
For $4 they could have at least made it a Gun Runner's/Van Graff's Arsenal DLC, with the Gun Runner's selling the guns and melee weapons and the Van Graffs selling the energy weapons.

Given Sawyer's response I think that this is more or less what will happen. Gun Runners will probably stock only EW mods initially and will start having the weapons only if the Van Graffs are killed. I think. It would make sense.
Brother None said:
Great, you're closing in on getting it. Now imagine a Hamlet II where rather than swords being deadly, serious weapons people start shooting swords from crossbows while hunting elk because it's cool.
That literally wouldn't matter provided that the text was equally as rich. There's a reason that Shakespeare works with any variety of stagings or aesthetics. I mean, God, there's a reason that setting Shakespeare in Soviet Europe or Gangland Chicago is basically as cliche in dramatic circles as setting Shakespeare in Elizabethan England.

Assuming that the aesthetic matters more than things like quest design, theme, etc is just profoundly shallow and infantile. But then again, the fact that you don't see Loxley (A reference for the sake of a reference) or the Friendly Lending Company (Goofiness for the sake of goofiness) as distinct from New Reno (referential, but well-integrated and congruous suggests that you are one of those bold souls who stops bravely at the surface rather than interrogating with any depth.

None of this has anything to do, of course, with the fact that Fallout is a Video game and that the measure of an element's success is how fun it is, but criticisms of the Fatman are almost never made in terms of whether or not the weapon is fun. Probably because if one doesn't find it fun, one can merely use another weapon in its stead.
why would a gun with 3 available shots that's horribly inaccurate and stupidly heavy even be considered fun by anyone?

thats what I don't get here..

people say it's only there for the "cool" factor, but all told it's not cool. The fatman is boring and a pain in the ass to even take out and use in FONV, and if you play hardcore it's not even worth picking it up.

I'm of the opinion it was only in Fallout 3 because of the stupid design decision to put those ghastly behemoths in: they didn't want players shooting them for 20 minutes with every bullet they had just to kill one so they could advance.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
KillgoreKillmore said:
I'm more interested in picking up the Courier's stash and in part it seems ridiculous that they even force you to pay for the addon's from GRA.

I feel the opposite. Not only you have to pay for stuff they were giving away for free, but it's all equipment that becomes useless very fast.

Well, my point being is rather than get some new overpowered weapons which, let's face it with the addition of Lonesome Road there's already plenty of face melting death rays to go around for everyone. (I already have the Classic Pre-order pack by the way) and yes I could go and get the mod to get the rest of the equipment in the stash but I'd rather cop out and go pay for it myself.

The single weapon that I'd be interested in from GRA is the Nuka Break sign and that's it.
Well, Courier's Stash is WAY MORE lame stupid cash rip-off.

Seriously, wtf? Why only complaints about GRA? 1.99$/Euro for what? 3 spears and 5 stimpaks?

I like that they bothered to differ Smitty Special from regular Plasma Caster. And I had much more fun with Laser RCW than this awful Fat Man.