the_cpl said:
I never said "you can't kill anybody with a gun". I said you can kill without guns too. That's why 5000-7000 murderers in the US kill without a gun, but with knife, baseball bats, and other "tools". (FBI's statistics)
You really do love isolated statistics, don't you?
the_cpl said:
Yeah right. I bet the criminals in CA and DC can't buy whatever guns they want.

The guns are kind of banned those places, but the criminals have guns. So is the ban worth it? No.
At every single point in this debate you are trying to create a false dichotomy. In this case, you're trying to create a distinct difference between no one having guns or a lot of people having guns. This is a stupid fallacy, and no one is claiming that a total elimination of guns is possible, it's about a reduction of violent crime and victims. Yet you ignore that and go 'there are still guns! This fails!'
Not the point. Are there fewer guns? Is it harder for criminals to obtain guns? Are there hence less violent crimes? Those are the relevant questions, not the ridiculous question 'Is there no crime at all now?'
Logic says that yes, gun laws do have an effect on criminals. As making gun ownership illegal means owning a gun carries extra risks, and obtaining a gun should be more expensive.
the_cpl said:
And why an arrest is better, then a victim, who can save his own life with a pistol?
And here you do it again. Is it really 'Either someone is dead or they save their own life?" No. It is, again, about the total effects of such gun laws. You try to reduce it to an individual example of someone being confronted by someone apparently intent on murdering them (and really, that almost never happens outside of the criminal circuit), while there are many more intermediate situations.
the_cpl said:
I watching the UK crime statistics. You are wrong.
The US isn't all that dangerous. Compare its per capita violent crime and murders to, say, the South Africa.
The UK isn't to the US what South Africa is to the US, smartass. You need to compare relatively similar situations over a large sample size to come to conclusions. When you say 'the UK is a dangerous place' then you need to have a baseline to be able to say that as 'dangerous' isn't an absolute measure. For instance, 12th century England was undoubtedly dangerous compared to modern England - but that doesn't mean it was a dangerous country for its day.
the_cpl said:
So how do you want to debate, if you don't want to see the crime statistics in different countries?
I'm sorry, is that what I said? I thought I said it's nearly impossible to compare individual statistics since you cannot seperate gun laws and effects from all the other processes going on at the same time. That is a reasoned argument as to why applying statistics the way you want to cannot be done, it isn't 'I don't want to discuss statistics'.
the_cpl said:
UK statistics. Gun-ban in 1997. 4 years later the murder rates are about 30% up.
Good job.
More than 22,000 knife crimes each year. Another great example.
Okay, maybe you need a course in how you apply statistics. First, stand-alone statistics mean nothing whatsoever. You need to have a baseline to compare the statistics to. Just throwing out there '22,000 knife crimes a year' means nothing. How does it compare to other nations, what is the per capita line etc.
Second, comparing individual situations makes little sense as there are always a lot of differences between each situation that could also cause these differences. For instance, in the graph you show there is a definite increase after the gun ban, but that increase started before the gun ban, and can easily be seen as a process that was already going on, as the homicides per year had been increasing clearly since 1967.
Third, you need a large sample size to say anything meaningful as any fluctuations could just as easily occur due to coincidence or simple incidents. A large sample size means that comparing a single country to a single country over a few years is not enough.
And lastly
these exact statistics have been discussed to death in this topic already. Go read the rest of this topic and the discussion of those statistics before trying to apply your stilted logic to the stats.