These are the guns that brought me the greatest happiness….. 

We had a school shooting?Sander said:Like Sweden and Germany last year?
No, I meant Norway. You Scandies are all alike anyway.Dragula said:We had a school shooting?Sander said:Like Sweden and Germany last year?
Are you sure you're not referring to Finland?
Blakut said:Yeah, only Japan has school stabbings tho... right?
Los Angeles Times reported, "In coordinated attacks, gunmen in armored cars and equipped with grenade launchers fought army troops this week. . . . The army said it confiscated armored cars, grenade launchers, about 100 military-grade grenades, [and] explosive devices"
"DHS officials separately question the statistic involving the origination of weapons as currently presented by GAO," DHS said. "GAO asserts that, 'Available evidence suggests most firearms recovered in Mexico come from U.S. gun dealers, and many support Drug Trafficking Organizations.' and fuel Mexican drug violence. Using the Department of Justice's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) eTrace data, GAO determined that about 87 percent of firearms seized by Mexican authorities and traced from fiscal years 2004 to 2008 originated in the United States. DHS officials believe that the 87 percent statistic is misleading as the reference should include the number of weapons that could not be traced (i.e., out of approximately 30,000 weapons seized in Mexico, approximately 4,000 could be traced and 87 percent of those—3,480—originated in the United States.) Numerous problems with the data collection and sample population render this assertion as unreliable."
Blakut said:Dude, i don't know what news you read. But i can assure you that if you leave Ukraine and maybe Serbia out of it, it's pretty calm down here.
It's a different mentality in Europe. This coming from a culture that started two world wars might seem funny enough, but it's true...
There's no such thing as the Europe you're talking about. The streets and schools are largely harmless where I live, which is Western Europe. Things may be different in some countries, mostly in Eastern Europe, but you're not differentiating enough between different countries.the_cpl said:I spent 20+ years in Europe. I know what is happening there. The streets and the schools are really violent there.
Unless you've lived in about 20 different countries, you lived in one country within Europe. I highly doubt you know much about the day-to-day deals of all the other countries in Europe. Please stop making vague generalizations about athe_cpl said:It has nothing to do with world wars. I lived in Europe. I know the situation is the same there. Just a little bit different.
Europe is not a country, dimwit.
I never said it happens daily. But it cant be ignored either.Sander said:Yees, Crni, talk about bullshit argument.
The question is not if it happens. But how it happens. I havnt seen kidz here runing around with Teq 9s. People using explosives or machineguns etc. Usualy the homicides with weapons are quite low here. But that might be cause Germany is smaller. Anyway interesting is that if guns are involved most of the time it are small arms like hand guns or shoot guns. Particuiliarly when people run amok. They use weapons that can be "legaly" aquired and easily hidden. I would attract a lot of attention if someome decided to run around with some AK47 here on the shooting range since those weapons arent allowed in general. And I dont see a reason why a civilian should be allowed to own machineguns or assauilt rifles with rapid fire functions.But thats my personal oppinion. I think even a pro gun person can agree that a machinegun is inherently more efficient in moving down targets compared to a 9mm Beretta.Sander said:Like Sweden and Germany last year?Blakut said:Come on, you have to admit that school shootings and street shootouts receive a lot of attention. And they do happen in places with guns.
Crni Vuk said:The question is not if it happens. But how it happens. I havnt seen kidz here runing around with Teq 9s. People using explosives or machineguns etc. Usualy the homicides with weapons are quite low here. But that might be cause Germany is smaller. Anyway interesting is that if guns are involved most of the time it are small arms like hand guns or shoot guns. Particuiliarly when people run amok. They use weapons that can be "legaly" aquired and easily hidden. I would attract a lot of attention if someome decided to run around with some AK47 here on the shooting range since those weapons arent allowed in general. And I dont see a reason why a civilian should be allowed to own machineguns or assauilt rifles with rapid fire functions.But thats my personal oppinion. I think even a pro gun person can agree that a machinegun is inherently more efficient in moving down targets compared to a 9mm Beretta.Sander said:Like Sweden and Germany last year?Blakut said:Come on, you have to admit that school shootings and street shootouts receive a lot of attention. And they do happen in places with guns.
Recall the Rodney King riots in that anti-gun city of Los Angeles. Every major news network carried footage of Korean storeowners sitting on the roofs of their stores, armed with “assault weapons.”30 Those were the stores that did not get burned to the ground, and those were the people that were not dragged into the street and beaten by rioters. “You can’t get around the image of people shooting at people to protect their
stores and it working. This is damaging to the [gun control] movement.”31
Only 0.15% of over 4,000 weapons confiscated in Los Angeles in one year were converted(to automatic), and only 0.3% had any evidence of an attempt to convert
Only 8% of criminals use anything that is classified (even incorrectly) as an
“assault weapon,”17 though less than 1% claimed to use these firearms when committing
In the drug-ridden Miami of 1980, fewer than 1% of all gun homicides were with
machine guns.
None of over 2,220 firearms recovered from crime scenes by the Minneapolis
police in 1987-89 were machine guns.
0.7% of seized guns in Detroit in 1991-92 were machine guns.
I've also heard the 870 shotgun, but they're so close in operation it doesn't matter.The top 10 guns used in crimes in the U.S. in 2000, according to an unpublished study by U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and obtained exclusively by TIME:
1. Smith and Wesson .38 revolver
2. Ruger 9 mm semiautomatic
3. Lorcin Engineering .380 semiautomatic
4. Raven Arms .25 semiautomatic
5. Mossberg 12 gauge shotgun
6. Smith and Wesson 9mm semiautomatic
7. Smith and Wesson .357 revolver
8. Bryco Arms 9mm semiautomatic
9. Bryco Arms .380 semiautomatic
10. Davis Industries .380 semiautomatic
Do I think they should be regulated? Yes, but not to exclusion.
The question is what is more effective or has more potential. And hands down a machinegun IS inherently more dangerous compared to a usual handgun.Ah-Teen said:No, its not. It doesn't fulfill the requirements of the most common criminal's needs which is concealability.
It's kind of hard to hard to hide the majority of automatic weapons. Of those automatics that are readily available(Ie automatics that can be bought reasonably and are not extremely rare) they are not easily hidden because they're mechanism is simply large.
Thats not to say it's impossible, it's just hard to do without looking like you are.
The VAST majority of gunfights with police total in shots fired 2 to 3 rounds, combined. - on assult weapons, which are semi-automatics in the style of super cool taticool firearms.