Sander said:
Look at it another way (ie the American way): why shouldn't they be allowed to these guns?
This are the reasons I see at least. Of course its just my humble oppinion.
Boy Killed Firing Uzi at Gun Show
An 8-year-old boy in Westfield, Mass., died after accidentally shooting himself in the head while firing an Uzi submachine gun under adult supervision at a gun fair. Witnesses told police that Christopher Bizilj lost control of a fully automatic UZI he was shooting
under the supervision of range officers at the club "when the self-inflicted accidental shooting occurred."
What is interesting for me is that those things happen under the supervision of range officers which tells me at least (as I really have no knowledge about it) from a logic thinking that they are trained a lot in "safety". Now the question still remains. Is there trully a need for automatic weapons?
I do ask my self as well how much anyone did to educated those people in "gun safety"
some of those things look funny. But the issue with the child show to me at least that certain things do need control and regarding gun safety those things are pretty much some of the worst things I would say. But as said. Its just my oppinion.
Bank robbery with AK47? (this just found by randoom search in youtoube with the words Ak47 and bank robbery)
I cant remember when in our media was the last time a report about somea bank robbery with assault rifles. Well of course it happens sometimes that in a crime assault rifles are used but its really rare. Thing is that they are usualy a lot less spectacular and a lot less violant. The last 2 incidents I remember was when 3 people attacked a armored car for money transport. The first time was succesfull as the driver opened it in fear the window of the car might not hold back the bullet of the Ak47. The second time the attackers had to flee. The criminals are not catched yet. But I think its somewhat interesting to note that they did not tried to attack a bank on the daylight with assault rifles. Why? I dont know it. I have some idea that it might be acuse its not really that easy to get those kind of weapons in Germany (realtively speaking of course) and thus this kind of criminals which have the knowledge and budged to aquire such guns are more "cautious" in their actions and trying to avoid any unwanted attention or at least have a different mentality. Its less likely that a person with to say low mental stability (for the lack of better words) would get acsess to such a consortium which "sells" guns in illegal fashions as its proably very expensive and complicated to achieve cause of gun control (eventualy). I dont know it, its just some idea. Nothing scientic. I dont know how easy it is in all states of the US to aquire automatic weapons. But I have read somewhere that in the North Hollywood Shootout the criminals have been inspected some time before the crime with weapons in their car. I cant remember everything anymore but I am sure in some states its perfectly "legal" to transport in the back of your car automatic weapons while with gun restrctions in Germany at least you would not be allowed to have those kind of weapons in the first place. As said I just compare a similar situation happening in Germany.
I do not say everything fitts 100%. But somehow I have to measure it with my knowledge, the only experience I can work with. German ones. That it probably is not absolutely correct is something I have to deal with. But I think it also has not to be always correct. Its not about to see whos "right" or whos "wrong" and convince someome from his view. Its more about beeing able to share oppinions and trying to see one point from different angles instead of "extremes". Scientific reasearch, professional oppinions, statistics. They all can only tell so much. But important is that you can also sometimes step out from your own point of view trying to understand the argument from the other side of the fence. I am at least "trying" to understand the "american way of life" and the point people make when they try to argue about "heavy weapons" in the hands of civilians. The issue is just how would people that defend today automatic guns feel if their child would have been killed by their own weapon? Was it some accident? The users fault? Not right training? Even with best training. Best safety. Something always can go wrong. And soon things look different. Or are seen from a different point of view.
What I meant with changes was regarding heavy weapons and automatic weapons. In certain states people are so used with those weapons that you can not even if you would have the power to set such a law do it over night. It would cause a lot of issues. Thats what I meant when I said it cant be in the interest of anyone and changes have to come with small steps. From both directions. Sorry of that might sound "liberal" for some. But you cant always only deal with absolutes.
DammitBoy said:
Yes, because people willing to commit murder or threaten you with murder to commit a crime are worried about harsh penalties for the lesser crimes they commit.
When death or a life sentence are not enough to stop the commision of a crime, what makes you think harsh gun penalties would affect a criminals thought process?
That's just plain stupid.
Its to make it more difficult for criminals to aquire weapons which are one reason behind restrictions and laws with weapons.
And I can only go with examples I know from Germany. I am sorry that its a bit hard for me to argument differently as this is pretty much (next to Serbia) the only "way of life" I pretty much know frmo own experience but I still try though to see it from different angles as good as I can. And the strict control of weapons we have here work for us Germans at least. Some criminals defiently do reconsider certain crimes if they are thinking about how hard or complicated it could (eventualy) be to aquire weapons. Of course probably not many criminals think that way. But since they are not all the same kind of person I am sure some are affected by laws.
Hell if I am honest there have been a few critical situations where I was thinking about "drugs". but they are rather difficult to get for a person without any real knowledge where to get those cause of the laws and heavy restrictions and I feared the heavy penality for the case you ever get arested with it. At some point you get a sobber mind again when you had enough time to think about it. But in those critical moments. Who knows what might have happend. Of course its not the same situation. But I think a few criminals might have thought the same way eventualy regarding a robbery or other things.