Guy on blog: Diablo 3 vs Fallout 3


Vault Consort
Staff member
Solivagant on his Destructoid blog gives us his view on the Diablo 3 news and how it relates to another favourite franchise of his, Fallout.<blockquote>And now we got D3. It looks the same as D2 and D1. Two orbs. Mouse clicking. Iconic classes. It looks gorgeous as well. Using the same isometric (sic) perspective. And from what I can see, people are lapping it up. People are loving it, me included. Why? Well I guess it's reassuring to see a team that is made up of several different members from D2's team (even though it's still Blizzard) behind the steering wheel of this game, and how they managed to make the game be like what Diablo III SHOULD be like, in the hearts of fans and gamers in general.

All of this disturbs me. Why? Because I'm a fan of another franchise. One where action takes a sidestep into turn-based chaos, and dialog, options, different routes, take the center stage. A game whose setting was, and still is, unique.


[Bethesda] decided to scrap turn based, scrap the isometric perspective of Fallout, and are basically modding their Oblivion game with new textures, models and weapons, turning it into, you know it, Oblivion with Guns. And everybody is lauding them for it. No one is recognizing their lack of creativity and courage to bring out Fallout 3 as a turn based isometric rpg. Instead, most people are accepting their excuse that Fallout was only originally like that because of "technological impairments at the time".


It would take Blizzard to show them how to do a proper sequel.

But now it's too late.</blockquote>Is he right? Is he wrong? Read, reflect and comment.

Link: Solivagant's Blog :: Diablo 3 vs Fallout 3: How to make a proper Sequel.

Spotted by Seymour the spore plant
One thing is funny (well, it's not, but hey). We don't even know when D3 is going to be released, knowing Blizz it'll be after a year or even more. And still there's more info about D3 (screenshots, even fucking gameplay video) than about FO3, which is supposed to be released pretty soon.

i c wat u did thar
Personally I think he's dead wrong because for me, Diablo was never about the gameplay but about fantasy stuff and that you interact with this fantasy world with creatures in it and cows. Accept it, things move on and games must change. If they could have done cows with more than 11 pixels don't you think they would have.
Blizzard and their fans / gamers have always been like this (shows pointer and middle finger crossed over);

They flew over to Seoul, South Korea to present StarCraft II to their fans (Starcraft is the official national sport in South Korea). They even created the FMV in their native language. They care that much.

Blizzard, listens to feedback from people. On their forums, through their phonelines, etc. I've called them before and asked them on StarCraft 2, (six?) years ago. They don't hesitate in responding with honesty and openness.

Blizzard Entertainment is one of those 'great' guys of gaming. They're like ID Software, Activision, Pirhanya Bytes, Black Isle Studios, Westwood, Maxis, and the other select few that actually know what the hell they're doing.

So uhm, we're comparing the two company policies; Blizzard's: Very open, honest, trustworthy, and caring. Bethersda's: greedy, close-minded, and has zero contact with fans..

Hmm, easy to see why they kept the isometric perspective in Diablo 3..
You know, that blog brings up a good point about not changing perspective and game play of an old game vs. Fallout.

Too bad Blizzard didn’t release this information on April 1st and say Diablo 3 is going to be a FPS click fest. Imagine the positive feedback! :roll:

The more I hear about stuff like this the more I hope that Bethesda is wrong about all their reasons for drastically changing Fallout 3 from the originals. well, if Bethesda ends up releasing the game and being wrong, that hurts Fallout 3 (in sales, reputation, etc).

I honestly can say that I'm comfortable with that. Don't get me wrong, I'd hate for the Fallout name to be hurt yet again, but I don't think Bethesda is going to learn any other way. If the sales suck on Fallout 3 there may never be a Fallout 4, but I much rather never see Fallout again than see another bad one.
Blizzard is like what Interplay was back before the FO:PoS travesty and the whole console game mistake.

By Gamers, For Gamers.

Some idiots in Interplay thought they could make a killing by screwing over their loving fans and making games for the "new generation". That ended with them going belly-up.

Blizzard on the other hand made a "game" that's now making a killing. Personally, I HATE MMORPGs, no real story just something that resembles a donkey with a carrot on a stick. Still, I'm heavily impressed with what they did.

Now, because of all the revenue they make on WoW, they can afford to make the games in the same vein as their predecessors. Plus Blizzard DOES have a good grasp of good story making. Bethesda could not outwrite a retarded monkey drunk on alcohol and high on window cleaner.

Edit: Idiots today have next to no imagination and as such cannot conjure the image of "A pile of junk", they need the hi-def 3D representation of it.
Man, looks like these shiny updated graffix are picking up some new fans for Diablo, eh? :wink:

Say, are there any more "part 3" games on the horizon that look to be pure successors to their "part two" bretheren? I can't wait till some blog drags them into the fray too.

You guys don't mind if one of them is a soccer game, do you?
K.C. Cool said:
but I much rather never see Fallout again than see another bad one.

"Let justice reign or let the heavens fall!" comes to mind. 8-) I'm right there with you pally.
High-polygon cows rule, just like high-polygon brahmin. I mean, that was all Diablo and Fallout were about, right?
Per said:
Personally I think he's dead wrong because for me, Diablo was never about the gameplay but about fantasy stuff and that you interact with this fantasy world with creatures in it and cows. Accept it, things move on and games must change. If they could have done cows with more than 11 pixels don't you think they would have.

I heard you couldn't even play from the cow's perspective. What kind of immersion is that? How is that a justified attempt at putting the player inside the world you created. Truth be told, if i can't see from the cow's perspective, i can't put myself in as the cow, it just doesn't work. What's fun in playing and seeing the cow from an isometric view, it's just a blur of pixols. Pathetic.
Per said:
Personally I think he's dead wrong because for me, Diablo was never about the gameplay but about fantasy stuff and that you interact with this fantasy world with creatures in it and cows. Accept it, things move on and games must change. If they could have done cows with more than 11 pixels don't you think they would have.


Bodybag said:
Man, looks like these shiny updated graffix are picking up some new fans for Diablo, eh? Wink

New fans? Not likely. Hell, I still play Diablo 1 on occasion (I find its gothic horror atmosphere way cooler than the sequel's), and both of them are without a doubt among the best roguelikes around.

Bodybag said:
You guys don't mind if one of them is a soccer game, do you?

It should be noted that both are RPGs as far as most people are concerned, and you used to be the one who thinks that RPG fans are anal with their genre definitions.
blizzard is what bethesda will never be. sadly we're getting screwed on fallout 3... but diablo 3, which looks to continue what diablo1 and 2 did so well, will be a great game.

maybe if beth didn't care so much about the added revenue from the console market, they would make a good game again *yes again, daggerfall was great for it's time*

but alas...

bravo blizzard. can't wait.
Bodybag said:
You guys don't mind if one of them is a soccer game, do you?

Football, for me, has never been primarily about kicking around a ball on a field and scoring. It's much more about the whole experience, you go somewhere with your chums and you have tickets for something and you sit on seats and then maybe a game of some sort goes on nearby. Also I don't understand this whole unhealthy attachment to grass people are having all of a sudden. We can do better than grass now. So yeah, I'm looking forward to Sensible Baseball Soccer 3: Titanium Space-Time Court, BAN ME.
Sensible Soccer was originally meant to be turn-based, but that idea was scrapped due to technical limitations of that time.
Or maybe replace the ball with a little girl? Of course, you shouldn't be able to kick her around, kicking = prohibited. The players can only gently poke her, or tell her in which direction should she roll. On the other hand, they should be allowed to carry weapons so the game can retain it's competitive and physical nature. Who cares what happens to the grown-up players as long as the little girl is alright!
Yes. I think kicking or killing children is immoral. As long as you can shoot lots of other people. I mean, that's what Fallout was all about, right?
It should be noted that both are RPGs as far as most people are concerned, and you used to be the one who thinks that RPG fans are anal with their genre definitions.

This is actually the first time I've read someone here refering to Diablo as an RPG without also adding some snarky qualifier to it. Good to know! :clap:

But yeah, the main thing is this whole F3 vs D3 comparison is so flawed it's hard to believe people are entertaining it, even around these parts. For starters - this isn't an IP that Blizzard acquired.

Secondly, the same rules can't honestly be applied to Blizzard that you'd apply to most other game companies; they don't create games so much as they define genres. Starcraft is still what most hardcore RTS people consider to be the holy grail, Diablo is the most popular mod for whack-a-mole ever, and do I EVEN need to bring up WoW?

Thirdly, and this is the big one, Blizzard is probably the most popular PC game maker ever. What's the point of comparing any game from the Fallout series to any game/series from Blizzard? Also - there's a sea of dollars in it for them to keep D3 as close to the originals as possible. Bethesda with F3? Do we really need to go there? This Blogger guy likes to keep things simple - Blizzard just gets it.

Their accountants certainly do!
Bodybag said:
It should be noted that both are RPGs as far as most people are concerned, and you used to be the one who thinks that RPG fans are anal with their genre definitions.

This is actually the first time I've read someone here refering to Diablo as an RPG without also adding some snarky qualifier to it. Good to know! :clap:

But yeah, the main thing is this whole F3 vs D3 comparison is so flawed it's hard to believe people are entertaining it, even around these parts. For starters - this isn't an IP that Blizzard acquired.

Secondly, the same rules can't honestly be applied to Blizzard that you'd apply to most other game companies; they don't create games so much as they define genres. Starcraft is still what most hardcore RTS people consider to be the holy grail, Diablo is the most popular mod for whack-a-mole ever, and do I EVEN need to bring up WoW?

Thirdly, and this is the big one, Blizzard is probably the most popular PC game maker ever. What's the point of comparing any game from the Fallout series to any game/series from Blizzard? Also - there's a sea of dollars in it for them to keep D3 as close to the originals as possible. Bethesda with F3? Do we really need to go there? This Blogger guy likes to keep things simple - Blizzard just gets it.

Their accountants certainly do!

No. I don't think Blizzard ever really cared about the money up until World of Warcraft. Their old SNES games, etc (Blackthorne, The Lost Vikings); they were just in the buisness of making GOOD games. If you'd ever played Diablo, or Starcraft - they included FREE online gaming. This increased replay value tremendously, and for a company that was only selling single-volume-unlimited-use copies, this would be a 'bad' marketing strategy, I mean after all - if they kept replaying your game over and over, what reason would they have to play a new one, right?

Blizzard is simply the ultimate gaming company. They're the Disney of video games. :D