Guy on blog: Diablo 3 vs Fallout 3

Seriously, to me Blizzard have never been good at making original and innovative games. They like playing it safe. Ya know, take this idea from here, take that from there, polish it, recolor it - sell it.

But they are good at it. They see that if something works, it doesn't need to be fixed. That's where Beth don't seem to catch up. They are trying to work with what's considered good right now (which is nothing more then a fad), then what has been done and proven it is good.

Like someone above me posted, I too am more excited about Diablo 3 then Fallout 3 right now. Since from just 2 classes, 20 minutes gameplay and only a dozen or so screenshots and artwork, I already know a lot more about the game then I do about Fallout 3. And that keeps me hooked. It makes me want to check the website daily.
pnutz said:
Ausir said:
By the way, Leon Boyarsky was confirmed to be Diablo 3's Lead World Designer.
Link or source?

I don't think anything about it is online. I could check with him if anyone has doubts, but I'll just take Ausir's word for it. Rex is hopping up and down on the Codex shouting "inside info, lead designer!" stuff too, so it's probably true.
Too bad once D3 sells well, BS won't sit back and think. "Wow. Iso does sell, we should think about this for FO 4".

I know better though
Bethesda has been bullshitting us for months and months. We got some screens, some stuff and stupid reviews. Come on, we DON'T NEED those LAME magazine reviews. The only Fallout Fans that ever saw footage from Fallout 3 are Brother None and the other guy whose nick I forgot. Here's a message for Beth: Stop Hiding and start Showing. We wont trust you all until you show the game FOR REAL.

In the other side, in the same day Diablo III was announced, they released two videos, lore and info. And the crowd went mad. And now there's good hype.
Brother None said:
pnutz said:
Ausir said:
By the way, Leon Boyarsky was confirmed to be Diablo 3's Lead World Designer.
Link or source?

I don't think anything about it is online. I could check with him if anyone has doubts, but I'll just take Ausir's word for it. Rex is hopping up and down on the Codex shouting "inside info, lead designer!" stuff too, so it's probably true.

I just found some info online too:

And Rex knows it from me. :)

Great news. I expected him to be just an artist, or *maybe* Lead Artist on the project.
They really should stop calling the invitational WW I. I mean seriously.

You're Rex' inside source? Impressive.

I always figured Leonard was working on the MMO ever since he mentioned he wasn't working on SC2. Poetic, y'know, all the Troika heads working on MMOs.

Wonder what his job entails, exactly...
Per said:
Is he right? Is he wrong? Read, reflect and comment.
Yeah, for all the info I read/watched/listened I guess he's right, but I sure still hope he can also be wrong in some things...

I'll just wait and see when Fallout 3 cames out... But as we say in Portugal: "When something is born defective, later or never gets well done.". And Fallout 3 was born with to may defects!

As for Diablo 3 being truthful to his predecessors, I really couldn't care less, because I'm a Fallout Fan and not a Diablo Fan...
if it's true, i couldn't be happier for Leonard. great news indeed.

not a credible source, but even wiki is saying he works on D3 atm. he should update his personal site. :)
I've never been the biggest fan of Blizzards games, though I did like Diablo 1, Starcraft, Warcraft 2 etc...

But yeah, I really admire them for how they chose to present their games. A cinematic trailer, one pretty lengthy gameplay trailer, screenshots and a fair bunch of nice info. Bam, straight away. No bullshit.

And of course, while I can still find complaints with what we've seen with Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2, I still find the overall direction to be very much in line with the previous games. And both games are PC only as well as far as I know?

Definetely noteworthy.
Rock on Leon!

I'll admit that I'll have to learn that Diablo's combat has gotten deeper than the typical button mashing it's pioneered, but hearing Leon describe his work, and the principles behind it impressed me. Especially in contrast to the canned, reactive b.s. that is spewed out by Bethesda.
Fallout 3 at least has the atmosphere of Fallout. Diablo 3 plays like Diablo, but if you look at the screenshots you'll see that Blizzard Warcrafted Diablo 3 to appeal to more people.
Pope Viper said:
Too bad once D3 sells well, BS won't sit back and think. "Wow. Iso does sell, we should think about this for FO 4".

I know better though

This is never going to be the point. Jesus fuck, ISO?!

I hate to be the bearer of bad news in this thread, because I'm even more excited about D3 than all of NMA put togther in one big seething-with-hatred pile but there's a few things being changed from Diablo II that need to considered:

1). It's not fucking ISO. It's actually fully rendered in 3D, in what appears to be the StarCraft 2 engine. Please don't lose your shit when you find out you'll be able to move the camera around a little. Or a lot!

2). The core gameplay is changing in many significant ways. Generally speaking, it's becoming less of a mouse clicker and more of a button masher. That's right, special attacks will probably be way more common than standard melee even early on, and character creation options include the ability to respec. So somewhere between Gow and WoW.

Potions as reserve tanks for HP? Not any fucking more, grognards! It's all about the God of War soul power, baby! And you only get THAT shit from BEATING SOME DEMON AYUSS :twisted: (The other primary influence, from eariler in the development, was Halo's regeneration system. OH!)

Also, the player loot is going to be instanced :shock:

3). There is no fucking Necromancer. This is unacceptable.

4). It may be 2010 before this game is even released. Perhaps later!

Maybe you don't feel as strongly as I do about fantasy Whack-A-Mole-alikes, but these are all things that matter to fans of this very specific genre.


BN - I'm the one being obtuse? I'd suggest you reread that blog dude's article again before throwing that word at the wrong nigga (to fuck with).

Imagine Blizzard had released those screens and video, only they had the artwork (slightly) rebranded to look like Forgotten Realms and instead announced they were developing Baldur's Gate 3. See what I did there? Now imagine this destructoid clown (no offense) or anyone else posting "now THIS is how you make a sequel!" You'd take that shit to task, IN the news post, and there'd be 7 ready-made "me too!" posts by the time I clicked "comment." Right?

Would anyone EVEN care that the game was "ISO" in that case?
1). It's not fucking ISO. It's actually fully rendered in 3D, in what appears to be the StarCraft 2 engine. Please don't lose your shit when you find out you'll be able to move the camera around a little. Or a lot!

It's been confirmed that the camera is not movable, just like in previous Diablos.
Bodybag said:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news in this thread...
Well then I think I have some good news! Don't worry, nothing you wrote actually constitutes as "news." Or "facts," for that matter.

1). It's not fucking ISO. It's actually fully rendered in 3D, in what appears to be the StarCraft 2 engine. Please don't lose your shit when you find out you'll be able to move the camera around a little. Or a lot!
Or rather, "don't lose your shit when you find out you'll get exactly what you want," since most Fallout fans think that Fallout 3 should feature a movable top-down camera, similar to Neverwinter Nights or Diablo 3.

2). The core gameplay is changing in many significant ways. Generally speaking, it's becoming less of a mouse clicker and more of a button masher. That's right, special attacks will probably be way more common than standard melee even early on, and character creation options include the ability to respec. So somewhere between Gow and WoW.
So when the narrator of the Diablo 3 gameplay video said "These additions make for a game that remains so simple you can play with just the mouse," he was bullshitting us, right?
Ad Astra said:
Well then I think I have some good news! Don't worry, nothing you wrote actually constitutes as "news." Or "facts," for that matter.

All of that was based on the gameplay video (with developer narration) and the Q&A with the lead guy, who people are refering to as Leonard Boyarsky. I'm not sure if he's trustworthy, though; good point!

Or rather, "don't lose your shit when you find out you'll get exactly what you want," since most Fallout fans think that Fallout 3 should feature a movable top-down camera, similar to Neverwinter Nights or Diablo 3.

Hey, you're preaching to the choir! But hardcore Diablo fans might not feel the same way. I expect petitions (lots of them, actually :( ).

2). The core gameplay is changing in many significant ways. Generally speaking, it's becoming less of a mouse clicker and more of a button masher. That's right, special attacks will probably be way more common than standard melee even early on, and character creation options include the ability to respec. So somewhere between Gow and WoW.
So when the narrator of the Diablo 3 gameplay video said "These additions make for a game that remains so simple you can play with just the mouse," he was bullshitting us, right?

No, not at all. Instead of clicking WW until your mana is drained and whacking away on standard melee until it recharges you're going to be doing crazy combos with all kinds of skills. You know, sort of like WoW, only faster paced, like a console beat-em-up. I'm fairly excited about this news, incidentally.

I'm glad that you brought that up, though, because now that the game has been streamlined to work entirely one-handed with the mouse there's realy no reason why Diablo can't make a return to the consoles. Of course there's no immediate plans for that, but do you know how many 360 owners would pay like $70+ for a console version of D3 with a USB mouse packed in? That's right, all of them.

These are exciting times.