Half Life2 out

And of course my DVD ROM is refusing to read...DVDs :evil:

I`ll probably buy a new one tomorrow, they are really cheap now. Still the game must be cursed for me...
Briosafreak said:
And of course my DVD ROM is refusing to read...DVDs :evil:

I`ll probably buy a new one tomorrow, they are really cheap now. Still the game must be cursed for me...

this is probably not the case, but i'll ask it anyway:
are you sure it isn't Securom that is fuckin' yeh up the ass?
did you test other DVDs first?

/me @ some HL2 forum in some 'badstuff about HL2 '-thread said:
- Securom DVD protection:
Securom (a subsidiary of Sony, i believe) is taking care of the copy protection of the HL2 DVDs. First off it requires you to have the disc in drive to play any of the games (at least for the HL2 standard retail version). Secondly it spins up for the test but quite often fails, which means you have to try again and again until it actually works & correctly authenticates the DVD-rom. This is the most sucky copy protection I have EVER seen. The first game I bought with this protection was Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War (which I promptly cracked with a NO-CD .exe). Many drives seem to have problems authenticating the DVDs within the projected timeframe. Which quickly translates in an average of 7 frustrating minutes to try & get it to work... Thank you Securom.com ( or was that Sucky-ROM.com? ).
Why do you use capital letters and correct punctuation there, and not here?

Are we not good enough for you, maybe?
Half-Life 2: How much does it fricking own?!?!

I've just finished playing catch with "Dog"
Nah it was really the DVD drive, CDs still worked, it was the dvd lense thing that went kaput. Just bought a new one, starting the instalation now.
Sander: BWAHAHAHAHA! I'm not a member of STEAM, and even if I was, I'd consider getting banned a blessing!
Wait, how could they release an illegal pirated version of their own software? If they put it up to download, wouldn't that make it legal? Either way, if you get illegal software and actually go online with it then you are a fucking moron.
Just started it. The installation went well, STEAM is working well, and a bit to my surprise it`s really fluid in my low end athlon 2100+ with a Radeon 5600 pro. It`s just with 1240/760 with no antialiasing and world reflections only, but still looks cool. It has some stuttering, that I´ve found to be a problem with the Miles Sound System and my inboard sound chip, going to cut the DSP to see if it helps.

The loading moments are a bit too long for my taste (i have old SDRAM 133, 700 and something of it), and can be a pain since they often cut the wonderful passe the game has in the beginning. This start is one of the best designed ever, many notches beyond any FPS i´ve played.

I have to take some time with this, since i`m starting a crunch work season that will last until the 5th December, but i´m really looking forward to play it. The multiplayer part though it´s a real weakness, not enough, nothing new.

I`ll have to play around with the SDK later in December.
Just ordered it off steam, so I should be playing it later tonight (unless I can find a copy of Bloodlines in the meantime). I feel kind of sketchy about not having a CD or DVD of the game for backup though.
mmmm I bought my copy today, well I got hooked..

Currently at the waterway driving like a madman..
Montez said:
Just ordered it off steam, so I should be playing it later tonight (unless I can find a copy of Bloodlines in the meantime). I feel kind of sketchy about not having a CD or DVD of the game for backup though.

You can make one of the cache files, try the HL forums somewhere, and it`s legal, after you got your registration.
Argh! Just fiished the game, and while I had a wonderful time with it, I couldn't help thinking how much better this could have been if they made it an RPG. I had a lot of fun getting my squadmates equipped with decent weaponry and then keeping them alive as long as possible - with their variety in faces alone, they'd make for decent NPCs!

Looking back, I kinda wonder why this game wasn't covered somewhat on this site. After all, the setting is definitely post-apocalyptic. Not the nuclear kind, nor the natural desaster, but the alien invasion variety, but PA for sure!
If you liked SOURCE and thought it`s good enough for a RPG try Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption, it`s out and it`s from the former Fallout devs that created Troika.
Briosafreak said:
it`s from the former Fallout devs that created Troika.

That line would be so much simpler if it were "From the Troike devs that created Fallout".
I am aware of that, thanks - my imports dealer has one set aside for me. Still, Bloodlines simply does not seem to enjoy the same level of production value that HL2 has. Which goes a long way to show the crux of ever more advanced game engines - they require exponentially greater amounts of work to 'fill in' with content, since flaws and gaps become ever more glaringly obvious.

Speaking of low PV's - I have just installed 'The Fall' and it looks a lot less promising than I hoped it would... :(