Happy Holidays from Bethesda

I really, really try not to piss at Bethworks at every possible opportunity...
I really, really try to be one of the calmer and rational guys, speaking in for Bethsoft when they do nothing wrong and are just being pissed at for nothing....

Transparent snowmans with copy-pasted Vault-Boy faces and colors that fit neither to Fallout nor to Christmas?
I'm sorry, Bethesda, but this... just sucks.
You can compare Bethesda's "art" with what the guys from CDProjekt RED (Creators of "The Witcher") made:

I really love this one. And, of course, as compared to it, Bethesda made an utter bungle.
Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Sure they may not look great, but who gives a shit? They are just wallpapers.
Really i didn't excepted any good artwork etc. from Bethesda after i saw Fallout banner on their site :roll:
Per said:
H.A.D.E.S. said:
Why are you making such a big deal out of this?

What did you think was too much? Was it the Google ads campaign?

For example

"Seems like they have no idea what they're doing."

"The fact that they fail horribly at the christmas cards which are orders of complexity less complicated than a game is boding ill for the eventual quality of Felloutofmybutt3"

I really, really try not to piss at Bethworks at every possible opportunity...
I really, really try to be one of the calmer and rational guys, speaking in for Bethsoft when they do nothing wrong and are just being pissed at for nothing....

Transparent snowmans with copy-pasted Vault-Boy faces and colors that fit neither to Fallout nor to Christmas?
I'm sorry, Bethesda, but this... just sucks.
H.A.D.E.S. said:
Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Sure they may not look great, but who gives a shit? They are just wallpapers.

Oh, young one ( not that I,m not young...) you surely have no idea ;)

It may only be wallpapers, but they do look like what Bethesda thinks is fallouty. So dont take them as wallpapers, take them as a sign of F3s art direction...
Granted, only a very small sign. But a sign.
H.A.D.E.S. said:
Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Sure they may not look great, but who gives a shit? They are just wallpapers.

Looks to me you're making a big deal out of it. We're just mocking.
TheSHEEEP said:
H.A.D.E.S. said:
Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Sure they may not look great, but who gives a shit? They are just wallpapers.

Oh, young one ( not that I,m not young...) you surely have no idea ;)

It may only be wallpapers, but they do look like what Bethesda thinks is fallouty. So dont take them as wallpapers, take them as a sign of F3s art direction...
Granted, only a very small sign. But a sign.

Well except that I doupt that even Bethesda thinks that those wallpapers are 100% fallouty. Even they can't think that blue bright colours and snowmen are fallouty. They are just holiday wallpapers.

Brother None said:
H.A.D.E.S. said:
Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Sure they may not look great, but who gives a shit? They are just wallpapers.

Looks to me you're making a big deal out of it. We're just mocking.

Well I can see most of you were just making a joke out of it, but some seem to take even this lit bit too seriously. Oh whatever.
H.A.D.E.S. said:
Well I can see most of you were just making a joke out of it, but some seem to take even this lit bit too seriously. Oh whatever.

Eh, that's just the way people talk here. I've rarely seen anything related to Fallout discussed in a light-hearted manner on the news forum, it's just not our style.
First of all, this is cheery 1960s, not cheery 1950s. Note the acid colours and the lack of pipe smoking.

Secondly, they didn't even bother drawing new art for the cards. They mostly recycled older art or copied some Fallout vaultboys into vectors and pasted them over their "art".

The snowmen are hideous (there's only one snowman, actually, they didn't even take the time to draw more than one and just copied and mirrored it twice, not to mention the recycling of the vaultboy smile). The party wallpaper uses the "addiction" vaultboy, minus the syringe -- they even left the hands in the original positions (correct me if I'm wrong -- I think they actually made a collage of several vaultboys, but I doubt there's any new art in it because the right hand seems oddly out of place).

They're putting a MINIMUM amount of effort into the whole thing. Even concept art is usually more complex than this. They used vector art and they used it lazily while at it! Pretty much every item that appears more than once is an exact copy of itself.

Anyone who possesses even as little as an OUNCE of graphical talent can see that these holiday wallpapers and cards and whatnot are cheap throwaways with no heart, comprehension of the underlying themes or intellect behind them.

These may only be holiday greetings, but they're a prime example of what's wrong with Beth doing Fallout. They may even be trying to get it right, trying hard, but they keep on failing again and again.

I mean seriously now, these guys couldnt be serious making these wallpapers.
My guess is that they did them crappy on purpose, with every effort to make them looking as retarded as possible. It was a well planned action.
The reason behind that is a mistery to me however. Is it a provocation to piss off all these "rabbid fans" perhaps ?

geezus ... did the cofee boy do this ? seriously bad ... send him back to dungeon design pls.

from mooching off previous illustrations to bad composition, colouring, the god awfull type and the snow men .. oh lord ...

basically ... shit.

do they even have something close to an illustrator/concept artist that has some sense ? (and dont point me to morrowind and oblivion because i'm sure they can do medieval because theyve done it to death)
I think they suck cause they suck.

I mean I can see some one in the art department right before a break for Christmas making these in a matter of an hour or so and thinking "I bet so-and-so will like this! lol." Being passed down the line, some one said "Awe, this should be on the blog for the fans!"

Are these themed completely innapropriately? Of course they are.

Are these going to reflect Beths opinions, thoughts, and design choices on Fallout 3? Don't be retarded. They thought they'd be cute for the holidays and pull Fallout out of character for a party foul of a set of wallpapers. The lead designer would/should be shot if he ever let anything like this sneak into the game. Some simply one mentioned "Make it happy :)."

Basically it's a terrible joke executed terribly. The painful thing is Beth keeps displaying pretty shit poor news and to have this added to the smelly pile simply doesn't make it feel better.

Personally, I'd like to see an old weathered 50's sign or poster in it's (snowy?) wasteland environment. Hell, I'd even excuse starving children playing in radiated snow over these.
Ashmo said:
Secondly, they didn't even bother drawing new art for the cards. They mostly recycled older art or copied some Fallout vaultboys into vectors and pasted them over their "art".

TThe party wallpaper uses the "addiction" vaultboy, minus the syringe -- they even left the hands in the original positions

noticed it too. Maybe it would've been funnier with the syringe? :)
eh? what the fuck? the only good thing about the pics is the vaultboy which... is copied, haha. Would expect more from bethesda, or would I, dunno. Not that I usually mock em but this was very pathetic.

thanks anyway, I WILL have happy holidays ;)