@ Hardcore Fallout 1&2 Fan

NV is much closer to the mark than FO3. The writting is an order of magnitude better. That being said, I don't think it's possible for a game to recapture what Fallout ment for video games in the late 90s. Over a decade later and NV is struggling to keep up with the originals. We should be leaps and bounds beyond them.

Part of the problem is that something has to be actiony and easy to be commercially successful now. If Black Isle had to design every hill and dale of the wasteland, as Obsidian has had to, there's no way FO1/2 would have been any good, they wouldn't have had time. Hardcore mode is not very hardcore since I can still instantly eat 50 pounds of food during a punch. The towns and cities still seem underpopulated vs FO1/2. 15 years later and we can't even make a city feel authenitically alive? Daggerfall did that right. Bethesda should take 10% of their marketing budget and hire some better engineers.

So yes, I'll probably vote for NV with my dollars. More like this please. Lots of room for improvement.

TyloniusFunk said:
The towns and cities still seem underpopulated vs FO1/2. 15 years later and we can't even make a city feel authenitically alive?

It would be very easy to put some more piips in villages, problem is how good most of our PC-s will run that shit then. When CL attacked NCR camp with about 10 vs 6, then my PC suddenly was starting to run very very poorly, so better more empty villages then poor FPS.
But yes, changeing the engine motor may fix that, but I think its another topic then accuseing FNV or Obsidian here.
You know, I am actually kinda tired of people saying bad things about the new Fallout games like "So you would consider it a true Fallout game?" The only way you would get a new TRUE Fallout game is to go back to a Eagle vision game, bring back some of the no longer seen monsters. Sure doesn't mean the game wouldn't be great but lets face it ... A company is out to make money Eagle vision probably doesn't or wouldn't appeal to most people these days. So to make a "true" fallout game would be complete folly for an exsisting company to create.
Waggle has sold 75 million console. One of the worse farming simulators on the market at one point had 85 million players within a month timespan. There is a market outside FPS and TPS. I mean hey, publishers can continue to throw big budgets at a over saturated market or maybe crazy thought they could try a few project with a more modest budget and try to target a massively underserved market..
Jay-F said:
With graphics as bad as this I could expect streets filled with NPCs, even GTA4 has better graphics. Where is the "Immersion" Bethedsa is talking about? I can not find it.

Anarchosyn said:
It's worth noting that the NPCs in GTA 4 aren't persistent. They despawn and no amount of resource is spent tracking their exploits when you're on the other side of the map. I imagine this plays a very large difference.

Fallout NV is a game set in reasonably small environments and the wasteland (loading screens or constant noticeable streaming)
The number of NPC's in each area is actually disappointingly small and most (if not all) of them have very limited AI behavior.
Same with the critters in the wasteland, these just re-spawn every xxx days and of course only spawn or despawn within a certain set range from the players location.
These things shouldn't be very resource intensive (in theory).

The amount of calculations needed to "render" a city like the one R* created for GTA IV with all the traffic, pedestrians, etc. is vastly superior than any (Fallout) game created with Gamebryo.
Especially when you also take the far more complex building architecture, animations, physics, weather, lighting, dynamic shadows, and superior graphics in general into account.

(I'm not arguing that the RAGE engine is perfect, far from it.)

But then again, comparing apples and oranges rarely is a worthwhile endeavor.

DasCryborg said:
You know, I am actually kinda tired of people saying bad things about the new Fallout games like "So you would consider it a true Fallout game?" The only way you would get a new TRUE Fallout game is to go back to a Eagle vision game, bring back some of the no longer seen monsters. Sure doesn't mean the game wouldn't be great but lets face it ... A company is out to make money Eagle vision probably doesn't or wouldn't appeal to most people these days. So to make a "true" fallout game would be complete folly for an exsisting company to create.

quoting this, but ontopic of isometric vs fps.
I also would wish for another isometric fallout to be made.
It's not dead, youll see with diablo3 which although not a great rpg its at least true to its roots.

on the main topic.
I must say I have to thank obsidian for incorporating musical themes from the first titles (like they had the music from necropolis in nipton)