So, public transportation in Sweden is worse than ever this winter. In a country that's been populated for some 10,000 years (?) no one expected it to snow, apparently. It actually went so far as the local public transport operator in Stockholm (SL) declaring that if people could work from their homes today, they should (which I am doing). This is to me unacceptable in a country where harsh winters aren't exactly uncommon. Add to this the high cost of public transportation (about €300 for a student semester pass). I took the subway home on friday, and I barely got on the train. People were packed like sardines, and trains were 8 minutes apart. During rush hours. Can't have been very good from a fire safety point of view. We're actually starting to get hired officials who squeeze people into the trains and coordinate boarding, like in Tokyo.
The Left is blaming the Right, and vice versa. Maybe it's time to take this extremely practical problem out of the criminally incompetent politicians' hands and add some technocracy to the mix? You know, let qualified urban planners make the decisions?
What are the consequences of the winter weather on public transportation (and general road traffic) in your country?
The Left is blaming the Right, and vice versa. Maybe it's time to take this extremely practical problem out of the criminally incompetent politicians' hands and add some technocracy to the mix? You know, let qualified urban planners make the decisions?
What are the consequences of the winter weather on public transportation (and general road traffic) in your country?