Hellgate: London preview

It looks horrible. If gives off a pretty repulsive first impression: Gunzors and boobzors; A bastard child between Diablo II and Tomb Raider. And I only say Diablo II because you slaughter countless minions of infernal hordes.

Hours of original gameplay!

Got to love that revolver's... hexagonal barrel.
I have been reading this site for years but rarely post and forgot my old logon info. So there you go on post 1.

Anyways wow man. I am an avid Fallout fan. Have been since Wasteland. I have been in the alpha and the beta for HL. I love the game. I can't believe you would compare it tomb raider... Diablo I can understand since it has a lot of the people who made Diablo in the development team. It has the same obsesive item collection, rare monster spawns, and randomly generated levels from Diablo. I am sure you guys will find tons of ways to pick it apart though since that is what this site seems to exist for.

Looks horrible? WTF are you smoking? The graphics are amazing despite a hexagonal gun barrel...

Gonmzors and boobzors? Couldn't be further from the truth. God even the moderators are mutant trolls here?

The one thing I can't defend is the pay to play. Stupid idea that will likely kill the game.
The gun does not only lack polys, the texture is atrocious. Why would they skimp on the guns that are in your face and polish everything else?
I wouldn't know really since I always play in third person. Only the ranged classes can play in first person POV. Yeah OK the gun models sucked in those pictures... Maybe it was alpha. I will go check and see what they look like now.
Wait a minute, that's a pay to play game?

edit: just watched the video. Seems okay, but it isn't my cup of tea. Still seems like some of the best from Blizzard went and formed ArenaNet. But I prefer RPG's over FPS.
Skullguise said:
I have been reading this site for years but rarely post and forgot my old logon info. So there you go on post 1.

Anyways wow man. I am an avid Fallout fan. Have been since Wasteland. I have been in the alpha and the beta for HL. I love the game. I can't believe you would compare it tomb raider... Diablo I can understand since it has a lot of the people who made Diablo in the development team. It has the same obsesive item collection, rare monster spawns, and randomly generated levels from Diablo. I am sure you guys will find tons of ways to pick it apart though since that is what this site seems to exist for.

Looks horrible? WTF are you smoking? The graphics are amazing despite a hexagonal gun barrel...

Gonmzors and boobzors? Couldn't be further from the truth. God even the moderators are mutant trolls here?

The one thing I can't defend is the pay to play. Stupid idea that will likely kill the game.
What's up with you? Don't you like the right to have an opinion? Wooz has his opinion, you've yours and I don't see trolling coming from him...
Sorry if I over reacted... It simply semed like trolling to me comparing it to Tomb Raider and saying its all about gunzors and boobzors (classic trolling phrases if i ever heard any). I mean.. where does that come from? They don't go over the top in the female anatomy unless you think that any game with females that actually have boobs equates to boobzor Tomb Raider content. They are C cups at best ;) with little cleavage and no boob physics.

So yeah the guns are blocky for the most part. Some look better than others. If you play in first person mode it probably going to bug you. Luckily I prefer third person so I can see stuff coming up from behind. Also their third person mode seems to have like a 95 FOV or so. You can really see quite a lot more.

The gameplay is FUN. That works for me. Yeah it won't exactly be a clincher in the story department I am sure. But don't we play games to have fun? I know people have fun in different ways and MOST will refuse to pay to play this. I can totally understand that even though I will at least pay for a couple months to see if it is worth it. There is a free play version. It won't have as much content and will just piss off those who rightfully don't want to pay for it.

EDIT - Yeah it is a gunzors game :P Luckily!
Skullguise said:
Sorry if I over reacted... It simply semed like trolling to me comparing it to Tomb Raider and saying its all about gunzors and boobzors (classic trolling phrases if i ever heard any). I mean.. where does that come from? They don't go over the top in the female anatomy unless you think that any game with females that actually have boobs equates to boobzor Tomb Raider content. They are C cups at best ;) with little cleavage and no boob physics.
From the FMV's I've seen, there are some hot chicks in there a'right. REALLY hot chicks... Not only boobzorz but also assorz... Just check those rubber suits! :lol:

Skullguise said:
The gameplay is FUN. That works for me.
I'm sorry, is there a demo out there? I'm sooooo behind it :P

No, really, check this: [google search link]

What's the first picture you get? Seriously, you've got chicks and guns all over the place :P I know this may not be representative, but for a guy like me that hasn't been following the game, it says something...
Nah no demo. I was in Alpha and preordered so I am in the Beta now until Oct 10th or so. The game ship Halloween. I am not really breaking NDA since this is all stuff that has been discussed in previews. There are more cool things that I won't mention because they have not been released.

There should be a demo later I assume. The changes they made from Alpha to Beta were huge. This really could be Diablo done right in a future setting. Unlike that IMHO atrocity of a game Tabularasa which I was beta for.

Yeah there are rubber gimp suits all round :P

You are right about it now just being about the guns. I play a gaurdian which is basically a healing meatshield. You actually do BETTER when swarmed by mobs. Much melee fun to be had.

The level design kind of reminds me of City of Heroes with more detructable stuff. The stuff you blow up (and there is a LOT to blow up) gives lewtz too. The instancing works kind of like Guild Wars. You meet other players in subway stations then go venture into private instances from there. There are random treasure instances too. I haven't come across one yet. There is also a "minigame" where you need to finish 3 random tasks like kill 5 undead or receive poison damage or deal crit damage etc. Then when you do all three some rare bosses spawn.

Still it is sad about the pay to play. I'll try to find a link describing the differences.

The mobs aren't all chicks. Hell they are mainly demons, zombies and crawly things. Sure there are some female player models.

And yeah in case you can't tell I do dig the game :P The game is plain FUN.
Skullguise said:
And yeah in case you can't tell I do dig the game :P The game is plain FUN.
Might be, but you've got to understand different people have different fun. A game can be fun, brainless and frustating at the same time for different people.
Everyone's bitching about pay to play... why ? It is purely optional. The game is free to play, and it allows you at least as much freedom as Diablo 2 did.

Pay to play is an option, yeah, but given its unpopularity there will always be a large base of players with the "base game" and so, there will always be someone to play with... assuming the game is as fun as I think it is.

Oh and hexagonal gun barrells... I believe they were going for a Fisher-Price "assemblable toy" look. A stylistic choice, much like WoW and Team Fortress 2's cartoon visuals.
hexagonal barrels are fine btw. those things exist (and rock) irl.

but the textures? design? dear lord, i hope that's a placeholder...
Yeah hopefully they fix the guns so those who play FP will be happy. The rest of the graphics are far better.

As far as pay to play I think people bitch because Diablo and D2 were free to play on closed battlenet. Hell so was Sacred on closed servers.

Personally I don't mind. I know that the servers cost money to maintain and I am willing to pay for it (not sure if I would pay 10 bucks a month though. Maybe 5. After all it is not an MMO). I just understand how some people would be upset by it. At first the game was going to be purely free to play or at least they led us to believe so.
Skullguise said:
I am an avid Fallout fan. Have been since Wasteland. I have been in the alpha and the beta for HL.

Avid Fallout:BOS fan, I presume. Your boasting about "being" in alphas and kappas does not impress me.

I love the game. I can't believe you would compare it tomb raider...

After reading a few of your posts, I think there's a whole dimension of things you wouldn't believe. The pics I've seen depict a chick with tight-fitting spandex or latex armor. Some *armor*. It will certainly protect her body from Demonic Cumshots, bullets or white weapons not so much. All I see is a tight-fitting suit on a good-assed and generously boobed broad. Ojay, she looks femaley. Tres Neo-Aprhodite. Holding gunzors! Ergo, Tomb Raider.

Diablo I can understand since it has a lot of the people who made Diablo in the development team. It has the same obsesive item collection, rare monster spawns, and randomly generated levels from Diablo.

To me, it looks like Diablo because it's got demons and fire all over the place.The rest doesn't look anywhere close.

I am sure you guys will find tons of ways to pick it apart though since that is what this site seems to exist for.


We also make fun of console kiddies. And clueless posters. And other things, such as, dunno, obtaining the Van Buren demo, providing news coverage for interesting postapoc games, insidiously providing an aftertaste for Fallout 3 and interacting with the fanbase, as you would know, being an Avid Fallout Fan.

Looks horrible? WTF are you smoking? The graphics are amazing despite a hexagonal gun barrel...

Lucky Strikes. And it does look horrible. See, Yet Another Game With Boobzors And Gunzors makes me think of FOPOS. Want a game with awesome graphics? Look at Bioshock.

That gun barrel looks horrible. Yes, Sue, I know those things exist. Quite a few games have those handguns, but none as badly depicted as this.

Anyhoo, it's not the graphics I'm specifically ranting about. It's about the overall look feel and first impressions I get after watching quite a few screens of this thing.

Gonmzors and boobzors? Couldn't be further from the truth. God even the moderators are mutant trolls here?

You know, after insulting me, I'd like solid arguments backing up that suicidally bold claim.
Hi there,

i am reading this forum for a long time, and really liked it. I don't agree to everything that is going on here, but it's always good to get to know many opinions. But since im going to play HG:L and always wanted to say something here i do that right now ;D

HG:L is going to be a really simple game. As statet before, you can basically say it's about "Gunzors", the preview agrees to that. I doubt there will be any great depth regarding the story, but i think it will be Itemhunters heaven. I really hope the multiplayer will hold the promises made since i really like the setting.

And as mentioned before , you don't have to pay to play online, but to get additional features like

- Hardcore mode
- pvp
- more storage space
- more character slots (3 vs 12)
- so called "ongoing content" (new items/classes/game modes over the months)

you need to pay the fee. There was a big discussion about that (and i think it's even going on), but i remember some statements like:

- Paying and not paying players can play together without any problem (except the different game modes)
- the new added items and classes are not going to be stronger/better than the standard items

I don't know how much we can give on that, because there is no reason for anyone to pay something if he doesn't get anything better than the non-subscriber has. I don't know yet if i am paying the fee, the first month i wont.

Hope my english was understandable since it isn't my native language

About the guns looking crappy, that's a bug that happens now and then when the game thinks your rig can't handle the GFX, therefore turning them down to Quake 1 level.

It's just that the weapons stay that way if you don't relog.

They actually look rather good if they are displayed properly.

And about the game, it's Diablo in 1st/3rd-person in the future.
Hey, what do we got here?


I'm sure Deutsche Telekom will be thrilled to know you sport that avvie and sig.
SSo? The NMA server is not it Germany. Besides, that is not even a genuine Schutzstaffeln symbol there.