Hellgate: London preview

aronsearle said:
Elite =

Additional play modes, hardcore, pvp, rp, etc..

I know people that where to buy the game FOR those modes (pvp specificly), its pay to play as far as they are concerned, its courses for horses as to whether you see it as free.

Me i will (groan) wait and see, it says that elite players will have elite items, but that these will fit into the "overall balance".

That comment seems to leave to much riggle room for my comfort.

Ah, well... I always saw Diablo-alikes as cooperative games. The PvP in Diablo 2 for instance was all but broken. This makes the uber-items and being "outleveled" a non-issue.

If one wants to slaughter other humans online there are other game genres that are far more suitable for it, especially considering how everyone and their mom feels like they have to include some sort of deathmatch functionality into their game nowadays.

Generally I don't get people who play PvP in games like WoW, either. Equipment plays too much of a role, 13-year-old 24/7 hardkore gankers are always on top of the game's mechanics, latest balance changes, exploits, and have uber equipment.

I think people like PvP because of the same reason sports and war are so popular. Humans NEED to feel superior to others.

Hell even in WoW PvE it boils down to who does the most DPS or heals the most.

Granted some games just are not geared towards PvP. I didn't think Hellgate had PvP though which would be fine with me.

Personally when I want PvP I just fire up TF2. Once I have blasted enough people in the face or smacked them upside the back of the head (in the case of the Scout) then I can go back to regular ol' gamin.
shihonage said:
Ah, well... I always saw Diablo-alikes as cooperative games. The PvP in Diablo 2 for instance was all but broken. This makes the uber-items and being "outleveled" a non-issue.

Balance matters in coop mode as well, getting into hell games in diablo would be very dull if 1 or 2 of the players where much more powerfull, as the others would just be left tagging behind. Thats great if you looking to level up, but crap if you want a real coop.

Generally I don't get people who play PvP in games like WoW, either. Equipment plays too much of a role, 13-year-old 24/7 hardkore gankers are always on top of the game's mechanics, latest balance changes, exploits, and have uber equipment.

And the only people who still like fallout are old fat geeks, who never got a girlfriend.
aronsearle said:
Generally I don't get people who play PvP in games like WoW, either. Equipment plays too much of a role, 13-year-old 24/7 hardkore gankers are always on top of the game's mechanics, latest balance changes, exploits, and have uber equipment.

And the only people who still like fallout are old fat geeks, who never got a girlfriend.

I'm sorry if you took my statement about WoW as some sort of a personal attack, but it is an observable truth and a common knowledge. That statement was made to explain my views on the subject of PvP in games where player's actual skill matters less than the level and equipment of the character they're playing.

Your Fallout statement, however, is borne out of some sort of hurt feelings which I really don't care to explore, and has absolutely no factual support or even remote relevance to the discussion.

So you're a ganker. I never said gankers were bad. Embrace your nature, have fun with your PvP !

Doesn't mean the rest of us will have a good time with that, though ;)
Your Fallout statement, however, is borne out of some sort of hurt feelings which I really don't care to explore, and has absolutely no factual support or even remote relevance to the discussion.

I think your sarcasm detector needs a service.

I dont actually PVP, but saying all PVP's are spotty kids, is like saying all fallout fans are old fat geeks.

do you get it yet?

Some people see PVP as a major part of th
e game, and having to pay for it, well its not "100%" free is it.

p.s besides this PVP argument there is this.
Balance matters in coop mode as well, getting into hell games in diablo would be very dull if 1 or 2 of the players where much more powerfull, as the others would just be left tagging behind. Thats great if you looking to level up, but crap if you want a real coop.

That was my biggest grip about diablo, the end game sucked once you got a fair bit into the season, as 80% of the games would fall into the above
I think your sarcasm detector needs a service.

I think you need a refresher on the difference between sarcasm and strawman.

I dont actually PVP, but saying all PVP's are spotty kids, is like saying all fallout fans are old fat geeks.

See, that is the strawman argument right there. Putting words in someone else's mouth and then "defending" against your own, imaginary version of what they said. I never said that all PVPs are "spotty kids" (whatever that means).

However it is self-evident that there are many teenage hardcore players who accumulate equipment like no tomorrow and spend way too much time with this game. It is self-evident because they're IN the game, they're ON the game's forums, they can be talked to, their actions clearly manifest themselves, and it is going to become even more evident once voice chat in WoW goes live and we all become privy to a bunch of high-pitched "mom give me chocolate milk NOW" voices :)

As to Fallout fan population, there really is no ready evidence as to their demographic as far as I know. So your statement in that regard remains pure speculation in attempt to defend, eh, I really don't know what at this point.

Some people see PVP as a major part of th
e game, and having to pay for it, well its not "100%" free is it.

Some people = minority. History shows that catering to a vocal minority inevitably ruins all MMO's anyway. The majority of the game's fans simply don't care for PvP because there are many existing outlets for PvP already. PvP requires little content. It is rather generic and interexchangeable within most games of a specific type.

p.s besides this PVP argument there is this.
Balance matters in coop mode as well, getting into hell games in diablo would be very dull if 1 or 2 of the players where much more powerfull, as the others would just be left tagging behind. Thats great if you looking to level up, but crap if you want a real coop.

In Diablo 2, expansion players could not join regular games and vice versa. That aspect was all taken care of. What I meant is that its hard to balance a game like Diablo2 to work for both PvE and PvP and in general the lag-happy, movement-interpolation-happy server mechanics just don't allow for the kind of immediate feedback that would make PvP anything less than a joke.

That was my biggest grip about diablo, the end game sucked once you got a fair bit into the season, as 80% of the games would fall into the above

I don't get what this is supposed to mean... all said and done, this all started with my correcting people who flat out said "Hellgate London is pay to play", which is entirely untrue. Then somehow this branched out into nuances and strawmen I have no interest in pursuing. I'm going to be a lot more precise how I phrase myself in the future ;)
See, that is the strawman argument right there. Putting words in someone else's mouth and then "defending" against your own, imaginary version of what they said. I never said that all PVPs are "spotty kids" (whatever that means).

I misunderstood what you said

Sue me.

once voice chat in WoW goes live and we all become privy to a bunch of high-pitched "mom give me chocolate milk NOW" voices

Yea, voice chat really kills role-playing

Some people = minority.

I picked on PVP because it effects people “I” know but its “Additional play modes, hardcore, pvp, rp, etc.. “

To me those are “key” elements to the game, and you have to pay for them. That is “my” opinion, but then am I in a minority?

You seem to think so, based on what?

I see mostly negative comments with the Pay thing, but they are the minority right?

I don't get what this is supposed to mean... all said and done, this all started with my correcting people who flat out said "Hellgate London is pay to play", which is entirely untrue.

Its not untrue, its an opinoin. Some people see those things as extra, some people see them as key. I don’t think either is wrong, they are just POV. My issue is I don’t want to run about as a gimped player, because I don’t pay a fee. Which they have said wont happen, but the way they have said it has left some riggle room within that statement.

Like I said, ill wait and see.