Hellgate: London preview

Wooz said:
Avid Fallout:BOS fan, I presume. Your boasting about "being" in alphas and kappas does not impress me.

Actually the only Fallout games are Fallout 1 and 2... Sadly there will never be a successor either (unless those Wasteland 2 rumors work out AND Fargo can stop making games like Bards Tale) Believe it or not I am not a console kiddie. I never bothered with BOS. Tactics well it wasn't a Fallout game to me. Much like Diablo and therefore HL aren't really RPGs so much as they are hack and slash.

As to what I said about the site. Well I have seen elitism like nowhere else here in some threads. That has always been my view and why I so rarely post. Again this is my opinion...

I also wasn't trying to whip out my epeen and impress anyone by saying I was in the Alpha and Beta. Much like I am not impressed by anyone's knowledge of the Greek alphabet even though Gamma follows Beta... I was merely implying that my view point is based on actually playing Hellgate London rather than a passing glance at some screenshots and maybe a video here and there. Hell I saw a video of HL about a year ago that made me DREAD the game. The animations and sound were piss poor. It doesn't look the same at all now.
Skullguise said:
Wooz said:
Avid Fallout:BOS fan, I presume. Your boasting about "being" in alphas and kappas does not impress me.

Actually the only Fallout games are Fallout 1 and 2... Sadly there will never be a successor either (unless those Wasteland 2 rumors work out AND Fargo can stop making games like Bards Tale) Believe it or not I am not a console kiddie. I never bothered with BOS. Tactics well it wasn't a Fallout game to me. Much like Diablo and therefore HL aren't really RPGs so much as they are hack and slash.

As to what I said about the site. Well I have seen elitism like nowhere else here in some threads. That has always been my view and why I so rarely post. Again this is my opinion...

I also wasn't trying to whip out my epeen and impress anyone by saying I was in the Alpha and Beta. Much like I am not impressed by anyone's knowledge of the Greek alphabet even though Gamma follows Beta... I was merely implying that my view point is based on actually playing Hellgate London rather than a passing glance at some screenshots and maybe a video here and there. Hell I saw a video of HL about a year ago that made me DREAD the game. The animations and sound were piss poor. It doesn't look the same at all now.

The graphics do not matter all that much. The matter at hand is that:

It's another vanilla mindless MMORPG. The same type of filth that has been infesting our blissful little world since World of Warcraft.

The only difference this time is that they allow you to play in first person.

Quoted directly from video (bottom right hand corner on display):

[MonsterName] killed in [Location] : X of Y.

Bottom left (chatbox/translated):

[Newbie]: Where can I buy Paladium?
[Slightly Experienced Player]: There's no market yet.
[Newbie]: Why?
[Slightly Experienced Player]: The game is still in beta.
[Slightly Experienced Player]: Say, how much paladium* have you collected so far?
[Newbie]: I don't know, let me check.. *goes over 2,500 slain duplicate monsters*. Oh only twenty stacks or so. Should take me up to about level 5 in crafting. Gotta grind it for the next twenty months or so.
[Slightly Experienced Player]: It takes time buddy.
[Newbie]: I know, it sucks that everything takes so long and I have to keep paying for it monthly. It's as if the designers made me collect this paladium stuff on purpose, almost as if they wanted me to simply play more and spend more of my money and time; fruitlessly.
[Slightly Experienced Player]: I think you need another lobodomy, your thought patterns are too complex.
[Newbie]: What?
Newbie has been banned from the server.

Well I wouldn't call it an MMO and I also certainly wouldn't call it an RPG... as I said before it is a hack and slash.

Mindless, yes. Deep story, no. RPG, even though there are skills to raise, no too light.

Again the elitism I referred to. Some people actually have fun playing games where you mindlessly run around killing stuff and collecting items (which is all hack and slash really boils down to) even if you don't/won't. I never called HL an MMO nor an RPG because it is neither.

I can understand that some may not like it. I mean there are obviously so many superior hack and slashers out now to go spend time on... right? The last one was Titan Quest right? been a while. OK before that? Sacred... before that Diablo 2?

But if you insist on calling it an MMO well the madness didn't start with WoW. it started with UO,EQ,DAOC etc.. all well before WoW took over the world. Though some would argue it was Neverwinter Nights (the OLD original one)

I would LOVE to play a good RPG that wasn't chock full of FedEx quests or escort drivel. Problem is no one makes them anymore. So I will continue to play games I can find fun in. Meanwhile go ahead and continue to fester on the fact that you will NEVER see a Fallout sequel or really any decent large scale turn based tactical RPG in the near future. The one that was closest IMHO was Silent Storm but that had quite a few issues as well.
Skullguise said:
Mindless, yes. Deep story, no. RPG, even though there are skills to raise, no too light.

*1Again the elitism I referred to. Some people actually have fun playing games where you mindlessly run around killing stuff and collecting items (which is all hack and slash really boils down to) even if you don't/won't. I never called HL an MMO nor an RPG because it is neither.

I can understand that some may not like it. I mean there are obviously so many superior hack and slashers out now to go spend time on... right? The last one was Titan Quest right? been a while. OK before that? Sacred... before that Diablo 2? *2

But if you insist on calling it an MMO well the madness didn't start with WoW. it started with UO,EQ,DAOC etc.. all well before WoW took over the world.*3 Though some would argue it was Neverwinter Nights (the OLD original one)

*4I would LOVE to play a good RPG that wasn't chock full of FedEx quests or escort drivel. Problem is no one makes them anymore. So I will continue to play games I can find fun in. Meanwhile go ahead and continue to fester on the fact that you will NEVER see a Fallout sequel or really any decent large scale turn based tactical RPG in the near future. The one that was closest IMHO was Silent Storm but that had quite a few issues as well.

*1 You contradict yourself.

*2 As for hack and slash, I do enjoy a good game of Crimsonland, Echoes, Geometry Wars, Tunnel Trodder.. was it?, Galaga, Raptor.. etc..

*3 I've played Ultima Online and I found it to be quite enjoyable. The grinding was avoidable, and you could just roleplay out your entire existance, as I did - lumberjacking and building a small cottage in the woods. My small cottage eventually became a castle, with a large guild, then a bustling castle-town, and eventually a small empire.. But anywho.. that's old news..

*4 Try Planescape: Torment.
*1 I didn't realize that trying to find fun in modern games was elitist. I pretty much thought it was people who generally lump a game into one category without even getting informed on the game or trying it out. Don't confuse criticism with elitism though it is a very fine line. Or if by contradicting myself you mean by refusing to call it an MMO, well it might be more of a MO. You can't get enough people together with weapons out at the same time to make it massive. As far as not calling it an RPG... OK it could be considered that by some and I would understand but I don't think of it as an RPG.

*2 Then we have different definitions for hack n slash as I consider most of those arcade games (aka shoot em ups). Though with all the guns I admit HL blurs the line.

*3 I spent way too much time on UO as well. I loved playing the "role" of a Player Killer Killer. I would wander around looking for noobs who got stomped by some max stat guy and kill him then guard the loot on their body for them after claiming the gear of the greiver. I eventually left due to the lag.

*4 I did.. several times. I should have clarified... A new game would be nice. I have already played through most RPGs/MMOs out there.

All I am trying to get across is this. Give Hellgate a shot before you label it a mindless MMORPG or teenage spank inducing boob jiggling simulator. It certainly won't be the greatest moment in gaming but if you at least liked Diablo then give it a shot. If you don't like Diablo style games well then this might not be for you.
Skullguise said:
All I am trying to get across is this. Give Hellgate a shot before you label it a mindless MMORPG or teenage spank inducing boob jiggling simulator. It certainly won't be the greatest moment in gaming but if you at least liked Diablo then give it a shot. If you don't like Diablo style games well then this might not be for you.

That was Wooz that named it the 'teenage spank inducing boob jiggling simulator' (Quite a funny name at that too, :lol:).

I'd give it a shot, but unfortunately, as you have said - it's pay to play, as well as shelling out $50 for the actual game. I had enough of that with World of Warcraft, in the short time I had played it. Maybe I'll convince a weaker minded friend to buy the game as an alternative to WoW and try it out at his house (I have the perfect test subject in mind).

Edit: In order to counter your claims of elitism, I should include as to why I call my friend 'weak-minded'. The reason is that he has been addicted to WoW ever since he tried out the beta release. He was one of the first few hundred that had ever played the game, and he has been playing it for nearly all of his free time ever since he began. It sucks up 8 hours of his day. His day consists of 6 hours of school, 2 hours of transportation, including eating/drinking/bathroom, 8 hours of World of Warcraft, and 8 hours of sleep.

In total, he has already spent: $540 for monthly subscriptions, $120 for WoW + BC, $100 in purchased powerleveling from a Chinese company, and $~250 odd e-bay objects, such as gold for his Level 70 mount, items, and etc.

So he's blown fucking $1,000 on a single MMORPG.

I'd give it a shot, but unfortunately, as you have said - it's pay to play, as well as shelling out $50 for the actual game. I had enough of that with World of Warcraft, in the short time I had played it. Maybe I'll convince a weaker minded friend to buy the game as an alternative to WoW and try it out at his house


Sorry about the caps, but this continuous madness of copy-paste misinformation has got to stop.

The game is free to play like Diablo 2 was.
As to what I said about the site. Well I have seen elitism like nowhere else here in some threads. That has always been my view and why I so rarely post. Again this is my opinion...

can understand that some may not like it. I mean there are obviously so many superior hack and slashers out now to go spend time on... right? The last one was Titan Quest right? been a while. OK before that? Sacred... before that Diablo 2? *2

This is all very swell, but I still haven't seen a *single* argument against the "this game is gunzors and boobzors" hypothesis. In fact, you're confirming it. Except this bit, this is just stupid:

*2 Then we have different definitions for hack n slash as I consider most of those arcade games (aka shoot em ups). Though with all the guns I admit HL blurs the line.

Instead of admitting you're wrong, you choose to reinvent what "hack & slash" means. Cute. See, you can call invent several names for excrement, calling it "choco-corn krispies" or "apple". That doesn't change the fact that at the end of the day, your "apple" is shit.

Here's another pearl:
I didn't realize that trying to find fun in modern games was elitist. I pretty much thought it was people who generally lump a game into one category without even getting informed on the game or trying it out. Don't confuse criticism with elitism though it is a very fine line.


Yes, the forum is run by an "elite". It's how phpBB forums work. And yes, we stand for standards, unlike most of online forae.

If your purpose is only to whine about how this forum isn't run to your liking, and how Assgate: London is awesome and we should all buy it, I'd suggest two things. Get a clue or have a very big, nice cup.
definitely not a "gunz n boobz" game

there are hardly any boobs and no significant sexism in the game

some classes play without guns at all (however they use similar items)

what's bad about the game are the textures, the graphics, the poor poor performance, the hell load of bugs, the missing atmosphere and the boring bad skills

apart from that it's innovative and fun, also quite addicting and the items are great. the weapons are great, despite there could be more and they could be more random in terms of stats

so far
my opinion
the SS in your avatar, Mura.

reminds woozy of:


though i think the difference is enough not to fall into nazi nonsense by default.
shihonage said:

Sorry about the caps, but this continuous madness of copy-paste misinformation has got to stop.

The game is free to play like Diablo 2 was.

Sorry but that is only partially correct shihonage.


There is free play BUT there is also pay to play for the ironically named 'Elite' players. (their words not mine this time :P)

Woozy... OK dude sorry I called you a troll man. I just felt like someone pissed in my Wheaties by comparing the game to Tomb Raider and saying it looks horrible and gives a shitty first impression. It doesn't seem you have even gone beyond looking at the screens. So I questioned the validity of your first impression. Yeah yeah I know first impressions can be made by screenshots alone. But actually seeing a game in action and how the gameplay is should be a better and true first impression of a game. Unless you subscribe to the belief that graphics > gameplay which I certainly wouldn't expect.

Maybe from those screenshots it looks bad to you. If you don't dig Diablo games that is fine. But for those of us who do, the partial randomly generated instancing with rare boss spawns and collection of items with random effects makes for a good time when just blasting critters over an hour or so of free time. It is a fun game for some of us. The somewhat destructive environment combined with the sheer fun brought back from the days of first playing Diablo and wanting to go check out just one more instance and see what new stuff is in it is certainly a good thing to me when I have time to kill. If you consider it beneath you that is fine but I am not backing the fuck down when I say that enjoy it. I don't care if you call it choco-corn covered sewer nuggets or just a plain apple.

You want to call me wrong because I don't think Diablo is like fucking Geometry Wars or Galaga? So be it. I still won't say I was wrong. Proceed to tell me how Pac-man is basically just Fallout with ghosts in a world brought to ruin with nothing left to eat but dots and the occasional power up for the impoverished bodyless beings left behind after the bombs dropped.
Skullguise said:
There is free play BUT there is also pay to play for the ironically named 'Elite' players. (their words not mine this time :P)

Yeah, that's what I said earlier in this thread. Then I simplified it to the core of the message as it didn't seem to be sinking in. I'm not "partially correct", I am 100% correct. The game IS 100% free to play. The "elite" options are just that. An additional OPTION nobody ever has to touch.

Think about it. The whole issue is a non-issue.
I understand your point. Hell I don't even care about the fees. I will pay them. I am not exactly strapped for money. Though 10 bucks a month seems like too much. 5 would be much more appropriate for the content.

BUT it pisses a LOT of people off because there is a fee for it at all. This will sway of lot people from even giving the game a shot. The elite players will get access to new content and items while the freebs won't. I can understand their point as well.
Skullguise said:
Woozy... OK dude sorry I called you a troll man. I just felt like someone pissed in my Wheaties by comparing the game to Tomb Raider and saying it looks horrible and gives a shitty first impression. It doesn't seem you have even gone beyond looking at the screens. So I questioned the validity of your first impression. Yeah yeah I know first impressions can be made by screenshots alone. But actually seeing a game in action and how the gameplay is should be a better and true first impression of a game. Unless you subscribe to the belief that graphics > gameplay which I certainly wouldn't expect.

Maybe from those screenshots it looks bad to you. If you don't dig Diablo games that is fine. But for those of us who do, the partial randomly generated instancing with rare boss spawns and collection of items with random effects makes for a good time when just blasting critters over an hour or so of free time. It is a fun game for some of us. The somewhat destructive environment combined with the sheer fun brought back from the days of first playing Diablo and wanting to go check out just one more instance and see what new stuff is in it is certainly a good thing to me when I have time to kill. If you consider it beneath you that is fine but I am not backing the fuck down when I say that enjoy it. I don't care if you call it choco-corn covered sewer nuggets or just a plain apple.

Hahahah, fair enough. To each his own, whatever floats your boat.

You want to call me wrong because I don't think Diablo is like fucking Geometry Wars or Galaga? So be it. I still won't say I was wrong. Proceed to tell me how Pac-man is basically just Fallout with ghosts in a world brought to ruin with nothing left to eat but dots and the occasional power up for the impoverished bodyless beings left behind after the bombs dropped.

Naw. My point is/was it appears to me as an action game, with heavy focus on slaying, guns and (in the case of female models) boobs. End of story. You admitted it, and apologized for the troll-calling. That's enough for me.

I still won't be playing it, though. I'm not that fond of Diablo, although I did finish the two games. I'd just rather play Gothic 3 as an action game, at least I won't have to pay for it more than once.

This trend of pay-for-play is utterly obnoxious. And yes, it will put a lot of its potential buyers off.
SuAside said:
the SS in your avatar, Mura.

reminds woozy of:


though i think the difference is enough not to fall into nazi nonsense by default.

Oh, now that you linked a picture I kinda of understand.

Haven't actually thought of it looking like that.

Wooz said:
[...]My point is/was it appears to me as an action game, with heavy focus on slaying, guns and (in the case of female models) boobs.[...]

You're right on the money, except for the boobs-part.
shihonage said:
The game IS 100% free to play. The "elite" options are just that. An additional OPTION nobody ever has to touch.

Think about it. The whole issue is a non-issue.

Elite =

Additional play modes, hardcore, pvp, rp, etc..

I know people that where to buy the game FOR those modes (pvp specificly), its pay to play as far as they are concerned, its courses for horses as to whether you see it as free.

Me i will (groan) wait and see, it says that elite players will have elite items, but that these will fit into the "overall balance".

That comment seems to leave to much riggle room for my comfort.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:
Mura said:
You're right on the money, except for the boobs-part.
When Playboy publishes art showing one of the game's characters posing nude, then yeah the boobs part sounds right on the money.

They did?

Didn't know, I was purely basing my statement on my experience playing the game and there sure ain't no "boobzorz" going on.