Help, kinda in a DEADLY crisis

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Why not pretend to be someone else for a few months including dress and behavior changes? It works in the movies, books, and various other completely fictional stories.

The Vault Dweller
I think there are some bloody excellent suggestions here.

It'll be hard for you to pick which to follow and to add to your confusion (btw, in an earlier post you didn't know whether to use "your" or "you're"; "your" was the correct choice) I've got a few more suggestions:

Are there any gangs in your school? You could try being their bitch or giving them protection money.

If you could get close to him in the cafeteria, you could drug his food.

Since you live in Texas, it's a safe bet your folks have a gun or two. You know what they say; "never take a knife to a gun fight". Just imagine the look of surprise on his face and the puddle at his feet when he pulls the knife out and you pull out the gun. And don't aim for the head... look him right in the eye and tell him you're gonna blow off his balls.
The best way would just be to walk up to him, unarmed.

Pull up your sweater, and dare him to stab you, if he dares. Two things might happen:

- He might weasel out and not stab you; all the better for you

- He might not weasel out and kill you; all the better for us.
are you stabbed yet?
cause its not that big deal, a friend in my class got stabbed in the back and he had no problem with it (except that he got pissed and beat the crap out of the guy who did it).

just talk your way out of it, shouldn't be hard.
ewwwps You probably won't get stabbed since you didn't pop him one for threatening you in the first place. Learn while you are in gradeschool and dont talk to ugly girls that will get you stabbed!
All the good pieces of advice here! Have another:
have you seen "My boss's daughter"? You should try to get in areal pissing contest with this guy, piss on him. If he is a yellow bellied SOB he will just run in shame and disgust, if he has even half a ball he will stab right there and get the bloody thing over with. It's that easy. Of course pictures will be posted, right?
Remember- "the fear of death is worse then death itself." Or so said Steven Seagal in some otherwise unmemorable movie.

Consider that he probably isn't carrying a knife all the time. You may seek to do a preemptive first strike, get a couple of blows in before he otherwise kicks your ass. But if he does kick your ass than he probably won't feel compelled to kill you, having decided that having asserted male dominance over you, he has shown himself superior.

Lots of this middle- high school shit is really about the alpha male instincts.
he carries around a switchblade everyday yes the kind that make that swshhh sound. i just want to know if i could die from one of those things
Well, according to the movie, "The Chronicles of Riddick," you can get killed by a tea cup. Pretty much anything can kill a person, so yes a sharp, pointed object made of metal can kill you.
According to Mythbusters , you CAN't get killed by a regular playing card thrown at you.

Since he hasn't stabbed you yet, you should start to call him a pussy in public, big bark no bite, he said he was going to stab you and he's wussing out of it. Thant'll discredit him alltogether...or make him snap.
st0lve said:
are you stabbed yet?
cause its not that big deal, a friend in my class got stabbed in the back and he had no problem with it (except that he got pissed and beat the crap out of the guy who did it).

The Vault Dweller
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Anyway, Fish, how about an update on the situation? Did he cut you, bitch? :mrgreen:

If he doesn't answer withing two weeks, don't gravedig.
As in, don't dig his grave in RL? You know because he'll be dead from the stabbing.
FishO'Death said:
he carries around a switchblade everyday yes the kind that make that swshhh sound. i just want to know if i could die from one of those things

Of course you can be killed by a switch blade. You can be killed by a tea spoon if the person really wants you dead.

Now, if he attacked you with a banana... well, that's different. All you do is shoot him and eat the banana, thus disarming him.

My advice to you; pack a couple peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and get the hell out of Dodge.

Remember the old adage "He who doesn't fight and runs away lives to run another day".
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