Herve Hears A FOOL! Wait...Herve is called a FOOL.


Antediluvian as Feck
GamesIndustry.biz and GameSpot both have reported on the insanity purported by everyone's favorite person to hate, Herve!

Choice snippets from the GamesIndustry.biz article include such tidbits as:
<blockquote>As such, the decision to start building MMORPG titles - a notoriously risk-ridden and hugely expensive venture, as demonstrated by the cancellation last week of Games Workshop and Climax' co-development of Warhammer Online - seems nothing short of utterly bizarre.</blockquote>
So we're not alone in wondering what has Herve ready for the mental ward.
<blockquote>A console Fallout game, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, was released during the March quarter; largely derided by fans of the franchise, it failed to achieve commercial success and was one of the titles whose underperformance was responsible for Interplay's Q1 loss.</blockquote>
I wonder why...

More can be found here.

GameSpot's article, here, has this funny little bit in it as well:
<blockquote>"Initial feedback from our investment bank and ongoing dialogue with others in the gaming sector, appear to confirm that the combination of our valuable and popular intellectual properties with the rapidly growing online gaming community is the best way to maximize Interplay shareholder value," Caen said. </blockquote>
You are a few years too late to cash in on that trend, Herve.
What's next, Fallout: POS for the N-Gage? Better hurry!
Hey, I think I know the perfect developers for this idea as well. Hey, that type of "design" worked for Chuck Cuevas, so it will be an instant seller for Herve and the "lead designer" wouldn't even notice the problems wrong with the setting!
Well, that assumes that he has someone to develop for him. I wonder how Exalted is doing.

frymuchan@Raging Bull Forums said:
He has Exalted, which should be near completion, in case he decides to sell one of his big name franchises, and then hope to stay afloat on money from delivering the Exalted gold master to Vivendi.
frymuchan@Raging Bull Forums said:
He has Exalted, which should be near completion, in case he decides to sell one of his big name franchises, and then hope to stay afloat on money from delivering the Exalted gold master to Vivendi.

Holy shit

That's some damn short dev time there, 'specially considering the lead quit a while ago, and there was a work stop followed by a request to file for unemployement for everyone else.
This is very sad.

In a funny way.

Instead of basing new games on the FO tittle, they should just fucking make FO3.
Well, here is the plan: If FOOL ever makes we should build up a team of mercenaries which will kill any newbie and make the world of FOOL total shit to play in. Sounds childish? Then listen to Herve, I'm only following the trend.
Bobbin said:
Well, here is the plan: If FOOL ever makes we should build up a team of mercenaries which will kill any newbie and make the world of FOOL total shit to play in.
As if that isn't pretty much what happens in all MMMMMMORPGs anyways?
Who would want to spend hours of time devoted to building up a character in what will be undoubtedly a shit MMORPG, just to...do basically nothing?
Cain said:
"Several short-term obstacles remain for Interplay, [but] management is focused on simultaneously financing and executing our new long-term strategy and finding ways to solve these short-term issues."

Let me translate

Several short-term obstacles
A: Lack of money
B: Lack of viable products

management is focused on simultaneously financing and executing our new long-term strategy
A: Were just going to keepour heads up our asses, like normal.
B: Not that it matters, not like were going to get paid anyway

finding ways to solve these short-term issues
-Were trying to make money, but are clueless in how to doso now that our core breadwinners (BlackIsle) are gone.
[3PD said:
PsychoSniper]finding ways to solve these short-term issues
-Were trying to make money, but are clueless in how to doso now that our core breadwinners (BlackIsle) are gone.

Dude BlackIsle has never been Interplay's core breadwinner. Don't be silly, it was just a subdivision amongst many
BioWare's success with their RTS with a speech system boosted Interplay in many ways, though it crippled BIS in terms of development by having to use a crappy engine for a CRPG. An engine that really never had much interactivity with the environment, unless you played "hunt the pixel" in a method that would make the early Monkey Island games seem like masterpieces. Oh, wait, they were.
<blockquote>A console Fallout game, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, was released during the March quarter; largely derided by fans of the franchise, it failed to achieve commercial success and was one of the titles whose underperformance was responsible for Interplay's Q1 loss.</blockquote>

It would have helped if Herve played any of the games Interplay made. I know Brian Fargo played at least some of the titles Interplay produced - he was a big fan of Sacrifice.
Corith said:
<blockquote>A console Fallout game, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, was released during the March quarter; largely derided by fans of the franchise, it failed to achieve commercial success and was one of the titles whose underperformance was responsible for Interplay's Q1 loss.</blockquote>

It would have helped if Herve played any of the games Interplay made. I know Brian Fargo played at least some of the titles Interplay produced - he was a big fan of Sacrifice.

True, oh so true
Briosafreak said:
Corith said:
<blockquote>A console Fallout game, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, was released during the March quarter; largely derided by fans of the franchise, it failed to achieve commercial success and was one of the titles whose underperformance was responsible for Interplay's Q1 loss.</blockquote>

It would have helped if Herve played any of the games Interplay made. I know Brian Fargo played at least some of the titles Interplay produced - he was a big fan of Sacrifice.

True, oh so true

Brian Fargo once caught us playing Bomberman on the big screen TV in the Fitch building at 5pm or so. About an hour before there was supposed to be any gameplaying. He sat down and played with us for an hour, and then chewed us out as he left. Was pretty funny.

He also got into a Rock and Roll Racing game with one of the playtesters, Floyd Grubb. He got so into it that he ended up throwing his controller in disgust when he lost.

Fargo was a gamer. I presume he still is, but I haven't heard anything about him in quite some time.

Those were the days...
When games were games, and men were men...

I remeber playing games on my commodore 64, games like spy hunter, mail order monsters, river raid (first game made by a women I think) and even pools of radaince. Those games were all about "game play" they had to be, they couldnt rely on graphics like todays games do.

Most "gamers" I speak to would rather a game had good game play and adaquate graphics than the other way around. Todays gamers missed out on the golden age (and Im only 25)

Now space invaders that was a good game
Dude BlackIsle has never been Interplay's core breadwinner. Don't be silly, it was just a subdivision amongst many

ill regret saying this im sure, but i thought with baldur's gate II and fallout 2, black isle helped sold shitloads?

proceed with burning answers!
This remind me on a story that happened in our country our president had a investor in his campain and the tthe STT found documents that the investor have to get a citicencip of our contry and a lot of oher things.So the president dienied everything to the end saying im not guilty im not guilty i dont know nothing.So he went on denieing everything for a half a year when he finaly was kikced out of his post.So this is wery the same how Herve is acting maybe there is some deasese that doesint let people just say ja i sru up im goig to give up :idea:
Wild_qwerty said:
I remeber playing games on my commodore 64, games like spy hunter, mail order monsters, river raid (first game made by a women I think)

I used to LOVE that game, thought it had exellent graphics and stuff.

Which it did. For the 80s.

Chris, everyone, when do you think Interplay stoped being 'by gamers, for gamers'.