Herve Hears A FOOL! Wait...Herve is called a FOOL.

The deal awards Bethesda exclusive worldwide rights to publish the title for PC, console, and handhelds with the rights to develop and publish future sequels. Interplay retains all online gaming rights for the Fallout franchise, as well as ownership of the Fallout intellectual property. The company announced last month its intent to enter into Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming with titles including Fallout.

So, in your opinion will the Bethesda deal ultimately kill the FOOL project (I hope)?

Unfortunately by retaining the online gaming rights, it sounds like Herve will continue to pursue the Fallout MMORPG scam...I mean....game :twisted: , now that he has some cash to keep him and the rats going a little bit longer.
No, Iplay already released a press note saying that they retain the rights to Online games with the Fallout setting. Can`t find it though, too many windows open, too much confusion in my head.

I`m going to rest now...
I want Herve Caen's head on a pike! :twisted:

I know that that's off topic (kinda :)) but I can't say it on Obsidian anymore :cry:
What are the "online gaming rights" though? Does anyone want to have a stab at what that really means? As far as we know, it could mean that all ongoing monthly subscriptions for Fallout 3: Online go to Interplay and Bethesda only get the cash from sales of units.

The publishing rights are interesting. Heh. Isn't that what Interplay used to do once upon a time? How times change.
Well, for one thing, "online gaming rights" means Beth can't do a Fallout MMORPG. They stated that somewhere.

I guess the same is true for FOOL

If this means Fallout 3 can't have online play...dunno
I froget which one, but one of the dev interviews Ive read states that any possible online or multiplayer option of FO:3 wont be connected to FOOL.
"Initial feedback from our investment bank and ongoing dialogue with others in the gaming sector, appear to confirm that the combination of our valuable and popular intellectual properties with the rapidly growing online gaming community is the best way to maximize Interplay shareholder value," Caen said.

Yep, that online community keeps getting bigger and bigger..................in the unemployment line. :twisted:

And yet another one, yay for Herve and his ideas :D

The current situation with Exarch is this. The Exarch project is currently on hold here at NCsoft.
At the present time, NCsoft is still determining how, when and if Exarch or any of its technology will be utilized in the future. For now the Exarch team, that was based in Phoenix, AZ under the company banner of Realm Interactive, has relocated to Austin, TX and is working on other projects at the NCsoft office.

He is indeed a brilliant businessman Eragon, that`s for sure