I'm going to reveal something about myself, up until around 2002/2003, I didn't know about forums. I mean I used the internet, and didn't know what they were. (I didn't even use any chat program until around 2002) I used the internet for game cheats, game demos, and game info, and that's pretty much it. For me, everything before 2004 is a blur, I'm not sure when I started using the internet, or first found NMA. If I want to see what year I first did something, if there is no written/digital record of it, then I have to put the few memories I do have clearly together and figure it out:.
-So I think that I first found NMA in 1998 or 1997, because I remember buying Vampire: Masquerade Redemption when it came out in 2000 and Homeworld when it came out in 1999, and this was after I remember playing Fallout and going to sites about it.
That being said, here goes:
When did you first come to NMA?
Back around 1998 or 1997, I used the internet for game cheats, game demos, and game info, and that's pretty much it. I would go to Pcgameworld.com and Happypuppy.com and download random game demos because I wanted new games but my parents wouldn't buy then for me. (I'm only about 13-14 years old at this point, so no money of my own. Born 1986.)
NMA was one of several sites I went to when I wanted info for Fallout, others included DAC and a couple others I think. For a while I read all the easter eggs they had listed about the game, and visited the humor section. (And even submitted a few items for the "You are a Fallout junkie if" list, which never got posted.

I can't really remember when I first learned about forums, but I think it was around 2003. (I was a noob until
very recently, I know.) I know it was around 2003 because when I was 16, in the summer of 2003, I got an account on Newgrounds.com and my first BBS post is dated 6/19/03 04:48 PM. This was the first post I ever posted on any internet forum. I know I had tried several times to join the NMA forum, but with no success because I only had a hotmail E-mail account. Sometime in late 2003/early 2004, I got a Canada.com account, which I used the next time I attempted to join NMA in feb 2004. That was when I registered.
What is your history in NMA?
I had a huge gap in posting that ran from Tue, 30 Mar 2004, to Wed, 6 Oct 2004 (Gogo gadget digital records!)
Starting in the summer of 2003, I became a little obsessed with Newgrounds.com and it literally became my start page. I started making flash movies during the summer, then games around the new year of 2004. I made a little game during Christmas break, 2003 where you just run over random people in a car. Next, I started work on a game where you are a stickman and you shoot people called Sudden Attack 2. This obsession with Newgrounds.com ceased when I joined NMA and I eventually switched my start page to it.
The story of Fallout Tycoon Rebirth:
I had somehow found out about a game called Fallout Tycoon made by some Polish guy. It was still in development and the basic premise was Simcity meets Fallout. This was like the combination of my two favorite games and so I started checking the site regularly for the next set of screenies or a demo and eventually, the final product. I finally did play it and I thought it was kind of fun, but the fact that most of the text in the English version was in either polish or
badly translated English made me want to scream. This game could be so fun if you could just figure out what the hell was going on.
So I tried to do better. I started Fallout Tycoon 2 and posted a thread about it in NMA, VDHP hosted media about it, so I’d like to thank them for that. Originally, the game was going to be made in macromedia flash. (A animation program to make a city simulator, durr) At this point, flash was the only program which I knew how you get to display graphics on the screen, and so it was what I was going to use. Later, the people who had made Fallout Tycoon E-mailed me and told me that
they were making Fallout Tycoon 2 as well, and requested me to change the name of my project. I thought that since they pretty much came up with the idea of Fallout Tycoon, I should accommodate them. I asked people in the Fallout Tycoon 2 thread what I should change the name to, and among a few other suggestions, a guy named Thorgrimm suggested the name “Fallout Tycoon: Rebirth”, citing how it was kind of like the rebirth of civilization. I agreed and that became the new name. Later he told me that that he got the name from his Civ3 mod, “Rebirth of Civilization” (Which back then he had not told anyone about).
Now I need to sidetrack again. You see, when I first started playing computer games around 1994, there was this one game called
Dreamweb that I used to play. It was a Cyberpunk Adventure game set in the near future (Which for all I know could have been 2004 or something). It was THE most atmospheric game ever made, period, and I think that’s what made me drawn to play it again years later. Since about 2002, I had been trying, unsuccessfully, to play it on a modern computer using windows XP. Finally, in 2003, I convinced one of my friends, Graham, to give me an old dell made in 1996 that was sitting in his closet, unused. I
set it up in my room and installed windows 98 on there and it finally ran Dreamweb, but without sound. I had to have sound, I just had to, and this is where I resume my story.
I continued working on Fallout Tycoon: Rebirth (FTR) until mid March 2004, which at that point I decided that Dreamweb might run with sound on my new computer if I installed win98 on a dual boot menu. Thing is, I used the dos6.2 fdisk for resize the partition on my hard drive, which deleted everything I had. I had backed everything up on a backup partition, but not on CD’s.
I lost everything and was pretty much given up on the idea of continuing FTR.
People who really wanted this game to see the light of day convinced me to continue working on it, and since it was all gone anyway, I decided to start it over in C++ instead.
At the end of March, I realized that I wasn’t getting any work done at all on Sudden Attack 2, and so I switched back to Newgrounds obsession mode, thus began my 7-month lapse in posting. (I only posted 4 posts during this time).
I returned in October when I read that people thought I had bailed on FTR. Life got in the way, I WILL get to it guys, as soon as I’m done Sudden Attack 2.
[/story about FTR]
Since then, I’ve basically been working on Sudden Attack 2 (Still) on and off, and as soon as that’s done, it’s on to FTR. I sometimes participate in debates and discussions, but never get too deeply involved, because by debating skills are pure shit compared to some of the people here, and I have a fear of being intellectually humiliated. (Don't hurt me Rosh!)
How I joined the order:
In my time at NMA, I’ve always been tempted to post in the order, but I thought it was against the rules if you weren’t an orderite. Once I saw other non-orderites (Known as “straight” people to a lot of people in NMA

) I began posting there. I eventually joined the order on Jan 11, 2005.
99% of people on the internet are dumbasses, NMA is part of the other 1%. The people here have discussions more intellegent then any other forum I've been to.
And that’s that.