Bodybag said:
Next up: getting you to understand that your whole list of things that aren't canon makes a pretty flimsy counterargument to my hypothetical example, and I somehow get the feeling that Bethesda's* official explaination would be even more satisfactory (and more firmly rooted in lore), and all that that implies.
Their explanation for the BoS is technically rooted in lore, that doesn't mean it doesn't suck.
Bethesda was hella proud of their BoS backstory. Expected us to embrace it and hump their legs over it. If they can't even get the fact that their backstory is idiotic let alone
why, they can't write a good backstory either. Why? Because you need to understand the material you're working with to do so. Some of their art, in-game and concept, implies that they do, but the BoS story pretty much affirms that they don't.
Bodybag said:
Another thing, since you've mentioned them specifically a couple times now: why couldn't the BoS have taken Jet with them?
Couldn't? I never said they couldn't. They're not crippled, they have hands, so they can pick up Jet. Hell, you could make up a backstory where a vial of Jet got stuck between a Brahmin's two heads and he trekked cross-country and they found the vial, reverse-engineered it and now they have Jet. BRILLIANT!
I've said this so many times, and I'm still shocked that people don't get this: just because you can make up a backstory, doesn't mean there is a backstory that makes sense.
I can make up a backstory for Star Wars 7 where it turns out the Wookies are actually the real Masters of the Sith, Han Solo is gay and Leia and Luke bang it out to make an inbred Master of the Force. Is it possible? Yes. Does it make any sense? No.
Now, to go back to Fallout. The BoS storehouse in level 1 of their base contains some booze and some Buffout. Buffout is a non-highly addictive, highly beneficial drug they use for military purposes. In Fallout 2, Jet is a highly addictive, controlled by one family and omni-present wherever civilization is not. VC and NCR don't have it, nor would either city know how to make it.
- Is it possible for one BoS initiate to take along some Jet? Possible, sure, though the BoS doesn't have many initiates and while the Vault Dweller kind of surprises them coming from nowhere, I doubt they'd take on Jet addicts.
- Would anyone on the BoS party know the way to make Jet? No. How would they? That knowledge is exclusive to Myron and the guys who work for the Mordinos.
Bodybag said:
who's been curiously silent on the whole deal
On what whole deal? This Jet thing? It's an obvious mistake from PCZone, they don't need to comment on it. Hell, nobody even cares about it except for you pushing it for unclear reasons.
Besides, you've been around long enough to know Bethesda
never steps forwards to correct screw-ups from the press. Their PR staff is too paranoid for that.
Bodybag said:
I'd actually love for them to come out and say they really do have Jet on the EC in Fallout 3, then the shitstorm you've muted could resume its natural course instead of it just being ol' vomitbag riling up the townsfolk.
You would love for them to do something stupid just so we can get pissy again?
Now, don't get me wrong, I like the wrath of NMA as much as the next guy, but I'm not exactly keeping my fingers crossed for Bethesda to do more wrong just so we can be upset about it. They've done enough, quite frankly.
Bodybag said:
I'm not sure if my position was too subtle on the subject, but I'll just come out and say that it's not a dealbreaker for me.
I don't think it's a dealbreaker for anyone. It's just another bit of stupidity piled on the pre-fabbed heap of stupidity.