HL2-more than source was stolen

Ratty said:
And then again, how dumb do you have to be to lose the most anticipated game on the planet? :D

Roughly as stupid as Macintosh deleting the source code of MacOS (up to...when was it, 6?)

I'm not anticipating Halflife 2, by the way. Haven't played the first.
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Invisible People Community present: Musical ring óþòíûé êëóá; ïðèâàòíàÿ îáñòàíîâêà; íåäîðîãîé áàð; âîëøåáíûé ôëþðî-äèçàéí îò I.P.Coommunity; îòëè÷íàÿ ìóçûêà; íåçàìåòíàÿ, íî
Kharn said:
I'm not anticipating Halflife 2, by the way. Haven't played the first.

You will be... you will be...
