Honest Hearts out on Xbox360, will be on Steam later

Normally there should be no problem when the publisher sends it early enough to valve. So either they did that late or there's some problem on valves side.

The fucked up witcher 2 as well, sending it in last minute as it seems, maybe that made the whole plan for valve turn into kipple.
Considering another small indi title just got re-released on Steam looks like their release tube got blocked or something. :V
You people can be patient if you want, there is a bug at the supposed end which freezes the game/makes your character uncontrollable. :roll: I just played it to that point and I can reproduce the bug how often I want , it's everytime the same.

EDIT: I solved it. I put it in spoiler tags incase someone has the same bug.

[spoiler:25689813b9]At the end, shortly before approaching Salt-In-The-Wounds, I was spawned inside Joshua and the cutscene didn't play. Nothing helped, no restart, no reload etc. Only trying to talk with Joshua before he maniacly runs into the canyon could solve it.[/spoiler:25689813b9]

All in all, I don't know what to say. That's it? oO
I downloaded Honest Hearts then I go to the Northern Passage. After agreeing to go to Zion I am paid some caps, it goes to a loading screen, and then it just goes to black and freezes.

I have uninstalled and then redownloaded it, still no better....
So wait, the wreckage of trucks next to the Tumbleweed Ranch with all the graffiti saying 'The Burned Man lives' on it isn't the entrance to the DLC?
Surf Solar said:
No, it's the "North Passage" Tunnel, but it's very close to the Tumbleweed Ranch.

I thought that was odd, the crashed trucks were covered in graffiti talking about the Burned Man and New Canaan. It's also pretty obvious a DLC was planned to start there. I thought the "North Passage' would be were Old World Blues started, since it leads North to all the pre-war military facilities. :?
I played it, on PC, it worked quite fine.
The beginning was a bit buggy, the first time I killed some dude who didn't need killin', so I reloaded, but then some enemy AI scripting broke.
Third try worked, it's fun.
It's just weird how all those tribals have badass endgame weaponry like brush guns, anti-materiel rifles, 12.7mm SMG's...
I guess this DLC is more aimed at lower levels.
Here's a quick review:

1. Lots of bugs/glitches. This might be fixed later, but holy damn is it annoying watching Joshua Graham twitch and convulse when I'm talking to him.
2. Your companion at the beginning of the dlc is the most stereotypical native american character I've ever seen in a video game. Bonus: He won't shut up and you can't kill him/get rid of him.
3. Joshua Graham is unkillable when you meet him. I tried over fifty times to get "Light that shines in darkness" from him (level 35, Gobi Campaign rifle, perk buffs in place) and you just can't get it until later in the dlc it seems.
4. Spoiler alert: If you have wild wasteland on, you're going to see some not-funny shit.
I will never use the Wild Wasteland trait, so... What's that not-funny shit?
Lexx said:
I will never use the Wild Wasteland trait, so... What's that not-funny shit?

Spoiler: Right when you're walking in to Joshua Graham's camp there's a character you see called "Two-Bears-High-Fiving". We get it, Obsidian, you read the message boards. Thanks for this waste of time. He's also unkillable, in case anyone was wondering.

And I don't want to come off as someone who just tries to kill everything he sees when something new comes out, I listened to the story, and Joshua Graham's endless religious mumbo jumbo is mind-numbing. Just give me his goddamn gun already.

Sorry, this dlc is really pissing me off so far.

EDIT: I'm also playing on very hard difficulty, hardcore mode, so maybe someone was able to kill Joshua Graham from the outset. I certainly wasn't. I can't even shoot the gun out of his hand. Now I have to scroll through endless, repetitive, nonsensical, gibbering dialogue lines to finish the dlc to get it. Great time investment, maybe I should've just picked up a bible instead of playing this piece of shi- sorry, ranting again.
Unkillable? Both Follows CHallk and Joshua Graham are killable, I saw a video of someone accidentaly killing FOllows-Chalk at teh begining because they tought he was obne of the attacking tribals,he died and the player got various Mission Failed prompts, also according to the Vault Joshau Graham is also killable, but he has insane DT, so maybe is either a bug or you are just overreacting a lot, as yo uhave just started the DLC and yo ualready want to kill everything becuse is "silly" or because the characters talk about religion.
I saw a video of someone accidentaly killing FOllows-Chalk at teh begining because they tought he was obne of the attacking tribals

This happens actually to quite a lot people. I killed him accidentally as well and had to restart.
I use an uanrmed character so I didn't kill him, I had to get close to him and when I did he started conversation inmediately, Guess it pays to be an unarmed specialist?
Lexx said:
I saw a video of someone accidentaly killing FOllows-Chalk at teh begining because they tought he was obne of the attacking tribals

This happens actually to quite a lot people. I killed him accidentally as well and had to restart.
Yeah, me too.
Graham is supposed to be killable but has a DT of 50, so he is more or less bullet proof :D