Hooked Gamers gives us a Fallout 3 overview

I could see the food/water mechanism working if instead of taking damage your stats got reduced into "hunger mode" - inferior perception, mainly, which would affect aiming and ability to evade some random encounters. Charisma, too.
shihonage said:
I could see the food/water mechanism working if instead of taking damage your stats got reduced into "hunger mode" - inferior [...] Charisma, too.

nah.. doubt that... look at Kate Moss - still famous!

shihonage said:
[...] which would affect [...] ability to evade some random encounters[..]

What random encounters?
Did you confuse it with a game that features a worldmap and conceived game design?
***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC said:
What random encounters?
Did you confuse it with a game that features a worldmap and conceived game design?

They've stated on a few occassions that they'll have some kind of random encounters.

Which will probably mean that enemies will pop-up out of nowhere, just like they did in Oblivion...
generalissimofurioso said:
They've stated on a few occassions that they'll have some kind of random encounters.

Which will probably mean that enemies will pop-up out of nowhere, just like they did in Oblivion...

More evidence that there is a teleport device in Fallout 3 which of course the Brotherhood also used to get to the East Coast.
generalissimofurioso said:
***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC said:
What random encounters?
Did you confuse it with a game that features a worldmap and conceived game design?

They've stated on a few occassions that they'll have some kind of random encounters.

Which will probably mean that enemies will pop-up out of nowhere, just like they did in Oblivion...

thats what i dislike bethsoft for...
they are like the devil (but not mighty at all), he grants you some wishes, but you'll allways get what you asked for, not what you wanted.

"Oh, you want random encounters? No Problem!"
"Yes! You'll encounter random things!"

and hey... nukular catapults, drinking from toilettes, changed looks of PA... cant imagine a more random approach!


and hey... baggy-vault-suits! Who liked jumpsuites anyway? In the New suits you cant jump, you cant run (try that with the crotch between your knees!), but it adds another random element:

guess where my testicles are at! *shakeshiship*
***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC said:
they are like the devil (but not mighty at all), he grants you some wishes, but you'll allways get what you asked for, not what you wanted.

That's actually a very apt analogy. It applies to Oblivion compared to Morrowind too. People complained about mistakes in Morrowind and they got fixed...to be replaced by worst mistakes.
***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC said:
they are like the devil (but not mighty at all), he grants you some wishes, but you'll allways get what you asked for, not what you wanted.
That reminds of an old Twilight Zone episode, "The Man in the Bottle."
SPOILER: A downtrodden pawnbroker and his wife are offered four wishes by a genie. Distrustful, they use their first wish to repair a broken glass cabinet to prove the genie's power. They then wish for one million dollars, but after they give tens of thousands away to their friends, the tax man comes to claim the rest, leaving them with $5.

The genie warns them that every wish has consequences, and that they should consider carefully before making a wish. The husband makes his third wish, to be the leader of a modern, powerful country in which he cannot be "voted out of office" -- and finds himself as Adolf Hitler in the last days of World War II, hiding in a Berlin bunker and contemplating suicide. He uses the fourth and final wish to wish that "none of this ever happened", canceling the third wish and returning him safely home.
spider_pk said:
Your character needs to eat and drink. Eating tainted food might just hurt as much as it will help and clean water sources are few and far between, so don’t be afraid to do some toilet drinking if it comes down to that. Indeed, toilets can in fact be a clean source of drinking water out in the wastes. Take it from where you can get it.
That kind of concerns me - how often will one need to eat/drink to stay alive? Some realism can be fun and help with the atmosphere, but too much can make playing a chore.

Yeah. It reminds me of what I've heard about being able to "contract Malaria" in Far Cry 2. I'll have to wait to see, but it sounds like it might just be more of a pain in the behind than something that adds "fun" to the game.

MrBumble said:
It's their right of course but I just doubt that they will be brave enough not to at least give it a try after all these years. I mean, I'm pretty sure that at least 90% of NMA will at least try it, and that some of us will even have it in their collection even though it is ( and odds are it WILL be ) poopy as hell. I for one, am pretty convinced it will suck but I will certainly at least try it ( not sayin' I will go through it : tried Oblivion, decided it sucked, end of the story ) despite all the stuff in contradiction with the canon, the dumbed down gameplay etc etc etc...

Personally, I'll base my decision on whether or not to buy it on a combination of professional reviews, and what I hear on NMA and from close friends who enjoyed F1 and F2.

Even if I ultimately do decide to buy it, I am, at this point, thinking I might just wait a year (or possibly two) and pick it up "used" on Amazon or something.
Dougly said:
Yeah. It reminds me of what I've heard about being able to "contract Malaria" in Far Cry 2. I'll have to wait to see, but it sounds like it might just be more of a pain in the behind than something that adds "fun" to the game.
Depends on how it's implemented, of course. If it's made like contracting Corprus in Morrowind (id est scripted), then it's ok... But it's a pain in the ass, since, as far as I know, it has no cure...
As was already mentioned, exile had eating, and it worked spectacularly. infact, until I reda that comment I had totally forgotten it had it, thats how bothersome it wasnt, glaring annoyances tend to be remembered.

The food actually worked on an automated system, it just automatically ate whenever your character was hungry as long as you had food in your pack. Just had to make sure to have food, there was very little micromanagement involved.
Exactly. Also, food would have weight, so there would be less Monty Hauling as character would have to carry some food, water and other survival equipment.
Bah, I think I'll buy F3 just for being fair - can't talk about something I know nothing about. And as for the review....all the reviews....trust no one I say. Own experience only, don't let people judge for you. Not that I say F3 will be marvelous, but if the gameplay proves decent enough and the story won't be laughable, I'm gonna play it I guess. I am a fan of Fallout, but I don't NEED everything to be just as in previous Fallouts (I'm speaking about the canon, I don't really give a shit about the Super Mutants looking like LotR orcs), all I want is the spirit of the game (or at least some of it) and some nice graphics. Oh, and the dialogoues need to be mastered, nothing more. I don't hope that it will be at least as good as Fallout 2 and I REALLY want another Fallout game, even if it means playing a watered\dumbed-down game for kids.

Guess I'm not too choosy after all. I bet I'll get called a "Beth Fanboi" or blasphemer for this post, but I don't care really. If it proves to be just as everyone judges it to be, I'll just forget that it is called Fallout. Man I hope all this wise people from NMA are wrong and even though it is doomed to fail, the game will kick ass.

Give me a kiss to build a dream on, and my imagination....
Ravager69 said:
Give me a kiss to build a dream on, and my imagination....
No, no, the BEST music for Fallout 3 right now is one called "Do I worry" from the very Ink Spots. The intro is EXACTLY the same as the intro from "Maybe", only the music is completely different from then on. Here's the lyrics, completely fits Fallout 3 IMO:

Do I worry cause you're stepping out
Do I worry cause you got me in doubt
Though your kisses aren't right, do I give a bag of beans
Do I stay home every night and read my magazine

Am I frantic, cause we lost that spark
Is there panic when it starts turning dark
And when evening shadows creep, do I loose any sleep over you
Do I worry, you can bet your life I do

Do I worry when the iceman calls
Do I worry if Niagra Falls
Though you treat me just like dirt
You think I give a snap
Are my feelings really hurt
When you're sitting in somebody else's lap
Am I curious when the gossip flies
Am I furious bout your little white lies
And when all our evenings end
Cause you got a sick friend that needs you
Do I worry, honey, you know dog gone well I do

Am I frantic, cause we've lost that spark
Is ther panic when it starts turning dark
And when evening shadows creep
Do I lose any sleep over you
Do I worry, you can bet your life, I do

When I first found this music, I was looking form something to put on an eventual Fallout 10th anniversary commemorative video. This just blew me away. Completely. Not only the lyrics, but the irony of the intro being the exact same one as Fallout's... This is one, yeah, oh boy, when Fallout 3 comes out, I'll make a video of it with this music. Oh yeah I will...

On the other hand, Dream a little dream of me was an awesome choice for Van Buren's video too. Anyway, enough offtopic :)
I'd like some more info about that Exile game. Is that the whole name? Does it have sequels & which one do you recommend?
Jack Swift said:
I'd like some more info about that Exile game. Is that the whole name? Does it have sequels & which one do you recommend?
Sequels? The was just released!
Morbus said:
Jack Swift said:
I'd like some more info about that Exile game. Is that the whole name? Does it have sequels & which one do you recommend?
Sequels? The was just released!


Spiderweb's Exile series, which I assume is what you're discussing, was started in 1995 and had sequels in 1996 and 1997, later to be remade as Avernum.
Which is a terrible re-make if you ask me, Stick with good ol' exile and you can't go wrong.

As far as sequels, I'd suggest playing exile 2 - crystal souls, as it's probably got the most enjoyable storyline if you ask me.