Horrible BoS armor design


It Wandered In From the Wastes
What did Bethesda think when they designed their vision of the Brotherhood of Steel armor? The whole thing looks almost like a parody, all the proportions are completely off and instead of being menacing the "face" of the helmet has that retarded look about it.

Worst of all however, Beth didn't really get the purpose of Fallout's combat armor. It is supposed to be a sealed off, completely air tight, self-contained system that protects the wearer from almost all toxic outside influences like radiation, contaminated air, gas and biological threats.

In Fallout 3, the BoS armor looks like it was made from random peaces of metal that are attached individually to the wearer and hold together by straps and strings, barely fitting to each other - more like a medieval knight's armor than a super advanced, high precision peace of technology it originally was meant to be.

It's an older, more primitive version of the T-51b. Which is pretty damn clunky too, with its tin man appearance and all.
I dunno, you get a pretty good look at two soldiers in Power Armor in the Fallout 1 intro, and it doesn't look all that clunky there. Massive and heavy, yes, but actually rather smooth and shiny, just like the ingame art in Fallout 1 and 2.

The version in Fallout 3 must be waaay more primitive indeed, it looks like it was made out of a bunch of wielded together garbage cans.
The BoS members in FO1 and 2 were using the T-51 models of Powered Armor. The chapters in the capital wasteland were forced to use the more primitive T-45b armor, due to their isolation from the main BoS chapters. They probably used bits of scrap to repair them as well.
I guess I can buy that from an ingame logic point of view, still doesn't explain why Bethesda felt the need to replace the cool Power Armor from the first Fallout games with their own rather retarded looking design.

Even if we accept that Fallout 3's Power Armor is an earlier, more primitive version, the Beth artists still did an amazingly bad job at designing it.
aside from the shoulder pads I think its pretty cool. Never understood fallouts obsession with giant shoulder pads.
bonanza said:
I guess I can buy that from an ingame logic point of view, still doesn't explain why Bethesda felt the need to replace the cool Power Armor from the first Fallout games with their own rather retarded looking design.

Even if we accept that Fallout 3's Power Armor is an earlier, more primitive version, the Beth artists still did an amazingly bad job at designing it.

Well, I guess its because the T-45b was more common in the DC area.
There was a stash of military hardware in the pentagon, after all.

Pity they don't explain that in game :/
BonusWaffle said:
aside from the shoulder pads I think its pretty cool. Never understood fallouts obsession with giant shoulder pads.

Fun fact: As a kid I would often draw fantasy pictures of Barbarians and Paladins and stuff like that when bored in school. I would always start with drawing huge, baloon-sized shoulder pads and a tiny head in between them and only then add the rest of the elemens (torso, arms, legs etc).

Somebody should do a master thesis in psychology about adolescent males' obsession with giant shoulder pads.
You know when you think about it, the T-51 shoulder pads are even bigger. But they actually look like shoulder "pads". The other ones seem more like plates.
CthuluIsSpy said:
bonanza said:
I guess I can buy that from an ingame logic point of view, still doesn't explain why Bethesda felt the need to replace the cool Power Armor from the first Fallout games with their own rather retarded looking design.

Even if we accept that Fallout 3's Power Armor is an earlier, more primitive version, the Beth artists still did an amazingly bad job at designing it.

Well, I guess its because the T-45b was more common in the DC area.
There was a stash of military hardware in the pentagon, after all.

Pity they don't explain that in game :/

Funny. If the Pentagon was also part military armory, then wouldn't they take the good, updated armor and NOT the shitty 1st-gen model armor? And if DC is the capitol of the US and requires a strong self-supportive defense from any form warfare, then wouldn't the Pre-War Government had taken initiative better and add more better top-grade weapons and armor to their defense lines, like with T-51b armor?
What a way to lob logic out of the window.
Ghost_Machine_011001 said:
CthuluIsSpy said:
bonanza said:
I guess I can buy that from an ingame logic point of view, still doesn't explain why Bethesda felt the need to replace the cool Power Armor from the first Fallout games with their own rather retarded looking design.

Even if we accept that Fallout 3's Power Armor is an earlier, more primitive version, the Beth artists still did an amazingly bad job at designing it.

Well, I guess its because the T-45b was more common in the DC area.
There was a stash of military hardware in the pentagon, after all.

Pity they don't explain that in game :/

Funny. If the Pentagon was also part military armory, then wouldn't they take the good, updated armor and NOT the shitty 1st-gen model armor? And if DC is the capitol of the US and requires a strong self-supportive defense from any form warfare, then wouldn't the Pre-War Government had taken initiative better and add more better top-grade weapons and armor to their defense lines, like with T-51b armor?
What a way to lob logic out of the window.

And that is why beth shouldn't write.
Even if it is or is not a stash of military equipment, I find the new power armor to be totally ueless from a "has to exist" point of view. I mean, I don't get why they had to redesign so many elements of the original games anyway. The 10mm pistol, the SMG, the "combat shotgun" and all the armors... They proved that they are able to recreate original assets, because they added a (slightly different but close enough) T-51b power armor into the game. So why the need to replace everything else? That's super annoying.
There is no real source for the Pentagon being an armory. It comes from a pre-release blog post by Emil, which is not corroborated by any in-game evidence. In fact, it's explicitly contradicted by the game. Facts Emil brings up are never referenced in the game at all.
Its simple to to understand why Beth made the old armor the way they did.

Oblivion/Morrowqind with guns.

Beth is pretty good at fanatasy hence thats why the BoS 'Paladins', are more like paladins of fantasy than in the original games. Same with the armor. It looks like a suit of full platemail than an actual piece of technological armor and one of the many reasons why Beth shouldn't have even touched Fallout.

They simply don't give a shit about whats Fallout and what is not.
Lexx said:
Even if it is or is not a stash of military equipment, I find the new power armor to be totally ueless from a "has to exist" point of view. I mean, I don't get why they had to redesign so many elements of the original games anyway. The 10mm pistol, the SMG, the "combat shotgun" and all the armors... They proved that they are able to recreate original assets, because they added a (slightly different but close enough) T-51b power armor into the game. So why the need to replace everything else? That's super annoying.

same reason why they made a completely new design for the Vault door even if there was no reason for it.

Because they can.
Eh, I think it looks fine. If you want to nitpick about stylistic changes then stuff like the Super Mutants and ghouls are far better candidates.
Lexx said:
Even if it is or is not a stash of military equipment, I find the new power armor to be totally ueless from a "has to exist" point of view. I mean, I don't get why they had to redesign so many elements of the original games anyway. The 10mm pistol, the SMG, the "combat shotgun" and all the armors... They proved that they are able to recreate original assets, because they added a (slightly different but close enough) T-51b power armor into the game. So why the need to replace everything else? That's super annoying.

Fully agreed.

btw I declare this thread a major success!! Didn't think it would provoke so many answers and spark such an interesting discussion. Thanks everybody . :)