Hot sauces


Still Mildly Glowing
Who here is a hot sauce connoisseur? I've been one for years. Just recently, I ordered a hot sauce made from the two hottest pepper cultivars around: Carolina Reapers and Trinidad Scorpions. It's become my new favorite hot sauce. Tabasco, Cholula, El Yucateco, and others have got NOTHING on this stuff.

Carolina Reaper bottle.jpg
I used to be more into the extreme Scoville type of stuff, but these days I mainly use Sriracha and Tabasco, the latter especially on eggs.
I started with Tabasco and the like as well as Szechuan sauce. Habanero has a kick to it, but it's nothing now. And long since then, I've eaten enough Indian food to tolerate just about anything. There's two Indian restaurants near me that serve great lamb biryani. At one, I order it the spiciest they'll make it. At the other, I had the waiter bring out the hottest sauce, the stuff the chef keeps in a bottle under lock and key. That sauce had chili seeds in it, and that's where the heat is. That same sauce made me sweat and my glasses fogged up when I ate it. My dad and aunts were with me at the time; one of my aunts couldn't tell if I liked the sauce or if it was hurting me. Next time I go to that restaurant, I'll ask the chef if he makes it in-house. If so, I'll also ask what pepper cultivar he uses. Judging by the heat, it's probably one of the hotter ones such as Carolina Reapers, Trinidad Scorpions, or ghost peppers. And now I'm all about anything made with Carolina Reapers.
Valentino is great to marinate chicken in for grilling, Cholula and Tapatio fit anything really Tex-Mex, like a burrito.
My go-tos are usually Louisiana Hot or Cholula. I'm wanting to try that truffle hot sauce, looks and sounds amazing.
There's this one woman I'm friends with on Facebook who cooked four chicken wings, each with a different sauce. She used Valentino for one wing and Elijah's Xtreme Regret for another. She ate all four of them, starting with the mildest sauce, and recorded it all on video. When she got to the Reaper wing, she couldn't finish it. She had to eat bread and drink milk to cool it down. If I did that same wing challenge, I'd have finished the Reaper wing no problem.
I like when the spiciness has texture and flavor to it, I am not a fan of those hot sauces that just feel like you stung your tounge with scorpion venom. Not a fan of Wasabi either, except for Wasabi flavored stuff like potato chips and mayo.

I cook with Cayene pepper often, unless I am cooking for someone else.
Habanero Tabasco is the best one I've had so far, surprisingly. Cholula tastes the best but it's not hot so you get like 6 uses out of a bottle. If it gets hotter than Habaneros in general it's just not even food anymore. I'd like to eat and not make a youtube video about hotsauce.
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I have never tried those. Or maybe I have. A bottle of it at Walmart online is $12.00. Maybe after the WEF and WHO stop soiling themselves.
Everyone has their preference but bonnets are about half a mil on scoville scale and ghost peppers being a million. I feel like getting your tolerance up to superhots like Reaper takes the fun out of them.

Personally, I like for my hobs to be hot.
I still like spicy food, but I usually leave the hot pepper contests to the boys.