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Big hot take Time
Censoring hate symbols gives more power to hate symbols. By making the symbol as mundane as possible can you take away the power. It can also sever links between hate groups.
Same with racist words.
Same with racist words.

Going to slightly disagree, I try not to add to the discourse there seeing as how I'm white and I don't feel it's my place to be able to say the n word or so.

I'm talking more about low tier hate symbols like Pepe and the okay sign, like intersect them and twist then to take away that power.

Anyway, the truest hot take alert, Harry Potter is just Dragon Ball
If you're going down on them it needs to be trimmed or shaved, just sayin.

Again you're using wordplay for your argument to get the best ground to stand on. Being forced to birth and bear the responsibility of a rapists actions is no mere "inconvenience" as you insist. Also, that is a picture of an already born baby being killed by a Japanese soldier during the Nanjing massacre, not a rapist abortion. We even talked about that a few times in the discord when I was in there. Would you support harvesting womens egg cells to freeze them so that this does not happen to anyone?
You should be aware that you have someone upvoting your argument that thinks it would be funny to watch me be raped. :lmao:
"Killing babies is only okay if it's because a woman wants to be astronomically selfish"

Going to slightly disagree, I try not to add to the discourse there seeing as how I'm white and I don't feel it's my place to be able to say the n word or so.
I mean it's not about being any color and wanting to say a racial slur. But I get where you're coming from. I just think we should treat more disparaging terms in a similar manner but we don't.
I support abortion, not because I'm pro choice, but because I like gummy bears
Hot Take: Post more David Lynch videos.

"he showed me these things called wookies and now this headache is you know getting stronger"
Hot take- David Lynch is the single greatest director in the history of cinema.

Even more hot take- Twin Peaks Season 2 was good.
I knew you were a lesbian...

Well it goes off the rails around the time they solve the mystery of the show and David has his panic attack. then they don't know what the hell to do.
The Finale makes up for the middle part of the season imo.
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