How are you in matters of love?

Sander said:
I am also a Boy Next Door. Another person with the Boy Next Door profile.
Gee, are people on internet boards often like this?

On another message board where this was posted, the most common result was Slow Dancer. Which is funny, because "for your age, you have average experience" applies to none of those losers.
Twas a rhetorical question, actually. Most people on boards seem to be like that, hence also the popularity of relationship threads consisting mainly of people saying 'I like this one girl, but I'm afraid to tell her/ask her out'.

And the difference between Boy Next Door and Slow Dancer is the Random/Deliberate bit. They are exactly the same otherwise.
satanisgreat9 said:
That's true. Most girls go for the selfish abusive bastard over the nice, romantic guy.

That's not true at all. A few might prefer it, some don't care as long as the guy has other qualities that are attractive to her, but that's it. Girls aren't much different than guys, and just like most guys wouldn't consider or stay in a relationship for a long period of time with a girl who was an abusive, selfish bitch most girls won't either. People love to hear about drama even if they don't want to live it, that's why myths like this get propogated. As an example - people want to hear about "Romeo & Juliet" rather than Ted and Jane who have been married for 40 years and have 5 grandkids, and the former is going to stick in your mind much more than the later - but the fact that there are 3 billion people on the planet should tell you that not many couples are committing suicide over unrequited love.

Shy people love the myth that girls prefer assholes or guys prefer sluts because it helps them justify the fact that they don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend and lets them feel righteous in feeling wronged by the world - but it's not true. A guy being an asshole means nothing except that the guy is an asshole.
Bradylama said:
On another message board where this was posted, the most common result was Slow Dancer. Which is funny, because "for your age, you have average experience" applies to none of those losers.

Yes me especially...

Montez that is too true. Thats actually very sound advice...have you been in a relationship?

The Vault Dweller
Welcome Melchoir.

Also, I think satanisgreat was being humorous.

The test was quite accurate for me though, I mean, as far as online tests go.
Montez said:
Shy people love the myth that girls prefer assholes or guys prefer sluts because it helps them justify the fact that they don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend and lets them feel righteous in feeling wronged by the world - but it's not true. A guy being an asshole means nothing except that the guy is an asshole.

Montez is dead on the money except for one thing; there are two types of asshole. Geeky obsessive type asshole and confident asshole.

The Geeky obsessive type asshole is an asshole, but he'll still get no pussy and he'll still rag on assholes getting all the women.

Confident asshole is an asshole, and he gets all the women.

Their opposites are geeky tender type normal guy and confident normal guy

Geeky tender type normal guy will be in a relationship for a long time, generally, but he won't often get into a relationship or get any women for that matter. He also will rag on assholes getting all the women.

Confident normal guy gets all the women and treats them well

People starting to see the pattern here? No? Let me spell it out; confident guys get women, because the social structure gives the different sexes different jobs. It's the men's job to chase the women. Don't like it? Tough, go live somewhere else. These confident men chase women and exhume confidence as they do it. It's much easier to succeed when you believe success is the only option.

Seriously, you pussies who think being an asshole is the key should just grow a spine. Even if you're infamously ugly women will still flock to you. Except for Ozrat, he's too ugly.
Another of these things I can't finish. There are simply no right answers to some of the questions for me. Sometimes the choices are too restrictive, sometimes the questions are irrelevant in light of others (such as "are you on good terms with your ex-girlfriends" when I don't have any of those). I say blah to your test.
Same here, I was doing it to pass the time while I was witing for a building to be finished in ogame. When I finished I got bored and closed the page before entering my e-mail. It just does not even worth to write my e-mail.
satanisgreat9 said:
Jebus said:

The Last Man on Earth
Random Brutal Sex Dreamer (RBSDm)

Shit, rejected again. You are The Last Man on Earth.

Sorry, but most women would rather see the human species wither to an end--and therefore deny the most fundamental instinct that living creatures have--than sleep with you.

We've learned the following: you don't think things through. You're haphazard. You're dangerous. You're somewhat inexperienced. It's totally obvious that you're a horny bugger, as well. Everybody knows that and steers clear.

To top things off, when you do find your way into a relationship, you tend to be a dick somewhere down the line and fuck it all up.

There's a small, but negligible, chance we're wrong. In any case, your friends find your shit hilarious. There's nothing cooler than a dude reducing himself to human rubble.

Your exact opposite:
The Gentleman


CONSIDER: Half-Cocked, The Nymph

I got the same thing. What a couple of bastards we both are.

Yup. Pretty accurate.
The_Vault_Dweller said:
Montez that is too true. Thats actually very sound advice...have you been in a relationship?

A few, enough to know what's bullshit and what isn't (or at least enough to feel like I know the difference). I've been going out with my current girlfriend for about 5 years now.
The Manchild
Random Brutal Love Dreamer (RBLDm)

Hopeful. Awkward. Soft-headed. Fire intrigues you. You are The Manchild.

Okay, Manchildren have some good qualities. They can be unpredictable, brash, magnetic--and therefore highly charismatic. Particularly, you're passionate and are often a hell of a lot of fun.

Your exact opposite:
The Bachelor

Deliberate Gentle Sex Master

Hey, that's exactly me!
Fuck, I hate these smart-ass tests!
The Vapor Trail
Random Brutal Love Master (RBLMm)

Here today, gone today. You are The Vapor Trail. Are you in a relationship now?

Your exact opposite:
The Backrubber
Deliberate Gentle Sex Dreamer

Backrubber? Ha! Dliberate Gentle Sex Dreamer?

Bah, sounds like excused masturbation

What about now?

Vapor Trails can be highly charismatic people--unpredictable, confident, and magnetic. You're experienced. You know how to handle yourself in a relationship, and many people appreciate that. Many people, all in a row.

You've had your share of blissful beginnings, to be sure. But things almost never turn out how you'd like, do they? The problem is you're never happy with someone for an extended period of time. Relate to the following:

Vapor Trails especially need a girl who will laugh at their jokes. They're also the most likely male type to be haunted by serious regret.

No. Vaper Trails don't need to have their ego's inflated by false flattery. Our heads are already big enough, thank you.

FACT: A few of your exes, the ones you were best to, will always love you. Nice going.

ALWAYS AVOID: The Intern, The Maid of Honor

CONSIDER: The Sudden Departure

Alas, I am reformed Vapor Trail....
Indeed, marriage would do that to you.

I think this thing is flawed.

How many people have you had sex with? Come on! I'm in my 30s!

A lot of you guys are getting results that reflect your relative inexperience.
welsh said:
How many people have you had sex with? Come on! I'm in my 30s!

Are you saying that the answer can't be that high? If so, I'd like to introduce you to a 15 year old girl I know...
No, I am saying that context matters. I have had a number of serious relationships in my life and married quite late- happily late I might add.

In between there have been long-term affairs and short-affairs, and a rather interesting array of one-night stands, friends with privileges, bacchanalian orgies and experiments with hot oil and jello. Natural kinds of activities of a curious mind engage with healthy, warm, woman who were somewhat liberal in both there notions of sexual morality and with their undergarments.

Afterall life is short, one should live it with gusto.
I could've sworn there were some context-related questions like your age, or whether or not you're in a relationship in the quiz. Judging from your board presence alone, I wouldn't have pegged you as a Vapor Trail, welsh. (not in the least because you mentioned you were married :) )
Well Brady, life is torrid and twisted tail in which the end result is rarely what we'd expect.

I have had three major loves (including for marriage for- Holy SHIT! $ Years!- ahem, excuse me), about twice that in long-term affairs and then other relationship. But I am in mid 30s so that's not unusual.

Of course I started out as something of a backrubber and dreamer. Then one gets a broken heart, has a few strange adolescent adventures and a person changes their perspective.

I think I got the vapor trail because I am fairly comfortable dumping a relationship if it begins to go sour, if people begin to get sloppy or if one starts to take things for granted.

The argument I have made for those of you in your mid 20s is this-
Don't take the realtiosnjp too seriously at first. Too much seriousness to fast robs the relationship of the fun. Have fun, but don't get too caught up in it. (This is totally Vapor Trail).

At month 6 make a choice- is this a person you could spend a lot of time with, maybe marry, etc. If so, keep. If not dump.

Every six months repeat that question.

At 4 years, cut the crap and marry the person already.

That time line changes depending on your age.

Other issues- do you both enjoy the same kinds of sexual fun. If no- end immediately.

If yes, enjoy.

Marriage- general rule- it's a bad idea.

The problem with relationships- taking each other for granted.

(These are Vapor Trail kind of rationalizations).

Definitely take the car for as long as test-ride as you can. But be fair and be ready to commit if you feel it's worth it. = Vapor Trail.

In these days of divorce better to be sure of the partner, and realize changes will happen regardless, than not to be sure and marry someone that makes you unhappy.

That said, when you want to commit, make it material and serious and don't be a pussy about it.