Well Brady, life is torrid and twisted tail in which the end result is rarely what we'd expect.
I have had three major loves (including for marriage for- Holy SHIT! $ Years!- ahem, excuse me), about twice that in long-term affairs and then other relationship. But I am in mid 30s so that's not unusual.
Of course I started out as something of a backrubber and dreamer. Then one gets a broken heart, has a few
strange adolescent adventures and a person changes their perspective.
I think I got the vapor trail because I am fairly comfortable dumping a relationship if it begins to go sour, if people begin to get sloppy or if one starts to take things for granted.
The argument I have made for those of you in your mid 20s is this-
Don't take the realtiosnjp too seriously at first. Too much seriousness to fast robs the relationship of the fun. Have fun, but don't get too caught up in it. (This is totally Vapor Trail).
At month 6 make a choice- is this a person you could spend a lot of time with, maybe marry, etc. If so, keep. If not dump.
Every six months repeat that question.
At 4 years, cut the crap and marry the person already.
That time line changes depending on your age.
Other issues- do you both enjoy the same kinds of sexual fun. If no- end immediately.
If yes, enjoy.
Marriage- general rule- it's a bad idea.
The problem with relationships- taking each other for granted.
(These are Vapor Trail kind of rationalizations).
Definitely take the car for as long as test-ride as you can. But be fair and be ready to commit if you feel it's worth it. = Vapor Trail.
In these days of divorce better to be sure of the partner, and realize changes will happen regardless, than not to be sure and marry someone that makes you unhappy.
That said, when you want to commit, make it material and serious and don't be a pussy about it.