How did you discover Fallout ?

I've seen my cousin play Fallout 2 when it entered the market, but at that time I didn't quite like RPGs so I waited for four years before actually playing F2 for the first time and since then I've finished the game for 15+ times. Oh, and I've finished F1 a few months ago. Yeah, yeah, I'll burn in radioactive hell while being assraped by a deathclaw, I know. But don't worry, I've played FO:T and consider it a bullshit game, so not everything's lost.
Well I had this piece of crap computer when I was younger, and I was screwing around on to see what games there were. I downloaded the demo of fallout, and I got hooked onto it. I wasn't very bright back then, I must've played through that demo a hundred times before I figured out it was a demo, and you weren't allowed to leave the first town. Later on I upgraded to a better computer and bought Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics.

All very good games in my opinion, Tactics isn't a bad game, it's just a different game.
Surfing around for a good FPS and happened across a demo of this little gem, If memory serves it was the Jackals vs. the Khans in Junktown but my memory is hazy. I think I ended up with a demo of FFVII on the same day. w00t
i went in a shop with computer games and there a saw some gamebox volume 1337 i dont know ah gold games 4 i think, so i was like cool 20 games for a cheap price? i thought like jeah, buy that, buy that. cause i know some women are more expansive, and you can do less than 21 games with them. before that i didnt knew nothing about computer games. my father also thought, when i buy him 21 games for 1 game full price, so he dont gets me on my nerves anymore. so he bought that. i of course were happy. happy because i found this nice little adventure leisure suit larry 7 on this game box, oh for an back then 14/15 year old boy this was very attractive. jeah gold games 4 really pwnt everything back then. and then it comes as it comes. i played fallout1 and 2 and i was like: cool, atomic war and stuff, all dead and stuff, i like that, i want more of that, the only thing i missed was some sex animations like in that leisure suit larry. but ahh you cant have everything in a game. so yeah this is my story, keep it real gangsta. ride or die, or something. lol goris that lame ass.
Schuljunge said:
i went in a shop with computer games and there a saw some gamebox volume 1337 i dont know ah gold games 4 i think, so i was like cool 20 games for a cheap price? i thought like jeah, buy that, buy that. cause i know some women are more expansive, and you can do less than 21 games with them. before that i didnt knew nothing about computer games. my father also thought, when i buy him 21 games for 1 game full price, so he dont gets me on my nerves anymore. so he bought that. i of course were happy. happy because i found this nice little adventure leisure suit larry 7 on this game box, oh for an back then 14/15 year old boy this was very attractive. jeah gold games 4 really pwnt everything back then. and then it comes as it comes. i played fallout1 and 2 and i was like: cool, atomic war and stuff, all dead and stuff, i like that, i want more of that, the only thing i missed was some sex animations like in that leisure suit larry. but ahh you cant have everything in a game. so yeah this is my story, keep it real gangsta. ride or die, or something. lol goris that lame ass.

Best post ever.

Anyway, I first discovered fallout while looking for rpg demos, it took me a while to discover the fact that it wasn't the full game.
Well the first time I saw fallout was the demo when it first came out and fell in love with it and told my both my parrents that is what I wanted for my B-day and they got it for and then when I heard Fo2 came out I went and got that one as well.Still playing both on my Area-51 laptop.Haven't tried Tactics yet.
I already was a gaming nut back then and I knew it was coming. I had to have it so I made it mine right when it was out.

I went in a retro-fit recently and replayed stuff like Master of Magic, Magic Carpet, Syndicate, Populous (I still had all the manuals! =) and the amazing part is... these are still GOOD GAMES that many of the young gamers are totally missing out on.

click-click-click... click-click-click... click, yes, that was Populous alright! Wonder how many read this and have their fingers twitch in that exact beat now. =P
In 89 i think, my father ad brought a new sys, Packad Bell 400MHZ with 256 mo w 4Go DD, something like that if I should remember right.

With the sys was some games, besind them Fallout 1, me and my brother tryed them, at this time F1 didnt suit very well, in fact I remember that I havent been able to get out of the vault cavern :x

Some year after It might have been in 2001 I've my own system and tryed again the game, this time and with the practive gained from the other game played I've been able to play, and since there Fallout is insinde my top list with le BG saga and Blade Runner (98 version).

For now I've got 1 original PB version of F1, one stand alone version of F1, tw version of the box containing F1 and F2, since they are all french version and that i've found there is some mods I've just brought the white label version of F1/F2/FO:T ...

Sound like I'm gonna need to give away some of the boxs.
Well, I discovered Fallout 1 back in early '98. I was shopping at the local supermarket and went into the electronics section to relieve some boredom. I had all but given up on videogames at this point as I felt the industry was pretty much dead, pumping out one DOOM clone after another (Hmm, not much has changed over the last 8 years).

On one of the shelves furthest back and secluded in an obscure corner, my eye spotted a gem of a video game box among dozens of crappy and forgettable shooters. At first I thought this game must have been a left-over from the late 80s but I soon discovered that the worn-out retro look was by design. I read the back of the box and was instantly intrigued; some publisher with the motto "by gamers for gamers" had actually released a game that didn't involve mindlessly running around a maze blasting things for the simple reason of blasting them.

I installed the game and was instantly hooked. If I had a job at the time, I would have called in sick the next day. I had not been this hooked on a game since I had first played Starflight nearly a decade earlier.

Anyways, soon thereafter Fallout 2 was released. Then the Baldur's Gate series, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, and I began to believe the delusion that the game industry was in some sort of "renaissance". I now know that it is not possible for any one sentient being to be more wrong about something than I was with that delusion.

I am still hopeful that there will be a Fallout 3, in spirit if not in title, but I seriously doubt those soulless vampires at Bethsoft will be the ones to do it.
I found a Fallout 2 CD on my desk mysteriously one day. I installed the stranger disk immediately because I do stupid things like that often. After twenty minutes of play I was hooked, and I soon tracked down and purchased Fallout 1 before playing that game to death too.

I can't find my mystery disk anymore. Maybe it went to save someone else's soul.

I wish you luck Mystery Disk.
i found it back in 99 a buddy of mine got FO2 and i soon fallowed suit, i've played it countless times, i have yet to get FO1 i dont think the demo would run so i scrapped the idea at one point
I think I read about FO1 in PC gamer UK, Bought it, played it, loved it.

As for FO2, I didn't have to read about it. Bought it, played it, loved it. (I did have the UK version wich was missiong a couple of quests, but I obtained the US version some other way)

FOT was different, played it, liked it, and up till now, never finished it. Makes me want to try again. Along with the entire BG and clone series...
This seems like an appropriate first post.

The day I found Fallout?

Hell, I was like 14, and looking for a good game... I remember it was at this book store called "Half priced books", Yeah and it was only the jewel case... I still have never had a "Boxed" copy of the game. Man I just remember thinking: this game sounds a lot like wasteland.

I paid $4.95 for it, brought it home, loaded it... (Loved the art at first sight) Blew a rat to tiny bit and never looked back.

Sadly in retrospect. I wish I never played the damn game! I feel if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be the ball of hatred and rage I am today... I wouldn’t want to do horrible things to a few un-named game companies and I wouldn’t have this ridiculously high stander for which I rate all other games.
It all started 4 years ago a new team member on my team and I were bullshitting about games and which ones we liked. At the time and even still I was an absolute adict to Diablo 1 & 2 and similiar games. He starts telling me about this game Fallout 2 and how I should try it. My reaction at first was no thanks I don't like the theme. So he reacted by bringing in the game the next day shoving it in my hand and said play it no arguments. So after a week of it sitting by my computer becoming an eyesore on my desk I gave in and installed it. It took 5 minutes of play to change my mind and become an addict. I went out and bought the jewel case with Fallout 1 and 2 and now eagerly await the day that Fallout 3 will be announced and released.
It was a hot day of august. ı was bougth my first game magazine in 1998. on the last pages of that magazine, theer was 3 pages of Fallout description. I remeber that, ı had to read it many times, until ı found the game in the shop. That was great ı played it at least ten times.
I was after a game called Die By The Sword and managed to find a RPG compilation that had Fallout and Stonekeep, if i remember right.

Man, that was years ago! I remember giving it a shot and was blown away at the freedom you had after you left vault 13 :D

I hope Fallout 3 comes around.
I was running through a copy of PC Gamer and saw an ad for it. I loved the graphics and the ad itself just looked amazing.

I actually cut the ad out and put it on my bilboard. "Thats the game I want for Christmas"

I got the next edition of PC Gamer and it included a demo of Fallout. It was love at first sight. I could not get enough of kicking the Junktown guard in the groin everytime.

It was amazing. I especially loved the mini-gun I found in the fridge.

I played that demo every single fucking day for hours, trying to do EVERYTHING I possibly could until Christmas came.

I woke up early torn it open and RUSHED to my computer to install it. The only other time I did that with a game is when I first got Syndicate Wars.

Anyways. Just amazing.

By the way, anyone know where I can get a Fallout poster?
A friend of my came to my house one day all excited and stuff. He couldn't stop talking about this new game he played. He was all about how you can go around and talk to people, kill them, get killed, steal etc... Anyway, he was overwhelmed by the game and at this point I must say that he never played a RPG before - only arcade shooutouts and console games... (Un)fortunatly, he never finished the game and it never really got under his skin :) He brought the CD with him the next day and that's about it. Well, not really. I played it for 14 straight hours the first time I played it. I was tottaly immersed in the game and I remember dreaming about still playing the game and solving some imaginary quests which, of course, all made perfect sense to me in that dream and then being dissapointed in the morning when I found out that it was just a dream :) Really, playing Fallout is like being in a dream that you don't want to end. That game defined RPG for me and I consider it the best game I have ever played. So, a big thank you to my friend for not liking RPG games :)
Fallout Discovery

It was the summer of 2002...

My friend came up to me and told me he had a copy of this game, "Fallout 2". He gave it to me and I got totally addicted to it, problem. It was a copied CD and it was a bit damaged, I could not get into Vault City, it would always crash.

I hunted down the first one, found it second hand, finished it, loved it, finished it for a grand total of 9 completions.

Finally, 2003, I'd gotten a job, my first paycheck went to getting Fo1 and Fo2 from Ebay. (I'd broken the CD for Fallout 1 when my CD Drive went berserk.)

Completed Fo2 about 13 times now. Fallout Tactics wasn't so bad if I treated it different to the other games.

Oh, and the day I found out Interplay died / found out about Fallout PoS... I cried. Well, not really but I actually did feel pretty damned sad.