How did you discover Fallout ?

Bought it '97 when it comes out - I had no idea of the stuff.
At that time I bought every game which seems to be an RPG or a strategy game (I'm playing computer games since the days of 'Asteroids' in the eighties - and much of P&P, and progged a few simple games just for fun for me and my friends on HP and CBM computers with ROM-Basic, Pascal or machine code in the pre-pc-aera)
As an old fan of 'Atomic Café' and scifi books I found it's a fascinating game and a fascinating story. And the theme was really a new one.
In the days of the Cold War I was a soldier in Germany - the NATO's battlefield - and the chances of an global thermonuclear war were much higher than today. So the theme has becomes to a part of my life and I often was thinking about the consequences of a thermonuclear war.
And it was a new kind of RPG - a futuristic one with guns instead of the usually swords and sorcery.
Over the years I've played it (I+II) dozens of times.
Tactics was disappointing, BoS - never bought it.
I actually vaguely remember the boxart (the power armor helmet) and the name of Fallout, but never really even looked into it. It wasn't until about 4 months ago that a friend of mine, who's actually more of an FPS player than an RPG one, asked me if I knew about Fallout. So when I said not really, he told me how awesome it was, and then just recently I got a chance to get a copy of it and I was hooked!

Now I'm working my way through Fallout 2. :)
yevinorion said:
I actually vaguely remember the boxart (the power armor helmet) and the name of Fallout, but never really even looked into it. It wasn't until about 4 months ago that a friend of mine, who's actually more of an FPS player than an RPG one, asked me if I knew about Fallout. So when I said not really, he told me how awesome it was, and then just recently I got a chance to get a copy of it and I was hooked!

Now I'm working my way through Fallout 2. :)

I wish I were you....I was -and prob. am- a FPS'er myself,but the first time through the magnificent games that are the two FO's I'll never forget...
I've played through both more than once and trust me,when you've played through them,you will want to try them again,you most likely will know how to deal with certain things,but you will try other ways...and you will be just as awestruck as the first time.(but nothing can ever beat that first time you venture out into the PA world that is Fallout)
Yeah I mean I'm not even done with FO2 and I'm already planning how I want to play through it again on my second time!

I'm very much an RPG player, but only since about 1999, so I kinda missed out on these the first time. I'm so glad that I finally got a chance to get a hold of them. Although I get the impression that they'll never be impossible to find due to the loyalty to the series (not including the console games of course).
There isn't a big story to how I discovered Fallout, all the games journos ranted on about how great it was and I always wanted to play it, but it was impossible to find a copy (and I wasn't paying an exorbitant amount of money for it on e-bay), and then last year the collection (1, 2 & tactics) was released for a tenner so I bought it, and loved it ever since.
Hahah damn it was when I was real young 98 or 98 in some big box store like circut city with family. I'm looking at games and I see fallout on the shelf right away it grabbed my attention, I looked on the back and I was thinking F**K this game looks awesome. Instead they got me doom or was it doom2? anyways a few years down the line I finaly got a copy fallout soon after Fallout 2 have been my favorite RPGs to date. There has been no game that holds the dark humor and grittyness of it. It sure is a damn shame what happened to the series and its soon demise.

I've thought about it long and hard and I'm tempted to give tactics a try, yes or no?.
yevinorion said:
I actually vaguely remember the boxart (the power armor helmet) and the name of Fallout, but never really even looked into it. It wasn't until about 4 months ago that a friend of mine, who's actually more of an FPS player than an RPG one, asked me if I knew about Fallout. So when I said not really, he told me how awesome it was, and then just recently I got a chance to get a copy of it and I was hooked!

Now I'm working my way through Fallout 2. :)

lucky SOB I remember playing both through for the first time. I wish my memory of both of the games was wiped clean so I could play both of them for the first time again ha.
Captain F*ckup said:
I've thought about it long and hard and I'm tempted to give tactics a try, yes or no?.
Give it a try, just don't expect anything like Fallout.

Also, don't double post.
Sander said:
Captain F*ckup said:
I've thought about it long and hard and I'm tempted to give tactics a try, yes or no?.
Give it a try, just don't expect anything like Fallout.

Also, don't double post.

alright, I'll see if I can find a used copy around town, its funny because the reason why I never played it is because I have a..... Mac yes a Mac. Supposedly tactics was supposed to be ported but never happened. Since I have a new Intel model so I installed windows and no comment.
sorry 'bout the double post it was kinda late.
I got Fallout 2 from some friend in late 1998 or early 1999 as a copy, something like that. Didn't have a clue about what kind of game it is, or anything. That's it basicly, to put it shortly ... :D

Played F2 through few times in 1999 and it was like pure magic (few friends went through the same thing). After that I hunted down F1 and played it through. Then I saw the first "compilation", F1 and F2 being sold together. Bought the package right away. Time passed. The "Fallout Radioactive" CD package appered, containing F1, F2 and FT and some bonus material. Bought it, and gave my first original set to some friend. Some years passed, and I bought the DVD version of the "radioactive" package in Spring 2006 or so. And am just about to donate my previous "radioactive" CD package to one good friend who has last time played Fallout (just F2) in late 90s and is going to start from the scratch :) ...

Just yesterday evening I started F1, after 2-3 years break. Gonna play it through, then F2, then even FT. As a warmup for awaiting F3 (which hopefully will continue "from where F2 left off").
falloutian said:
(which hopefully will continue "from where F2 left off").
AHAHAHAHAH :lol: lol. FO3 will be set in east coast... and will most probably not fit the genre of the first two games...

Back on topic though, I wish I could find that radiactive DVD compilation :(

I first played fallout in late 2000. FO2, only in 2001 did I found FO1. Both games I played as pirate copies. I bought the games two years later, standard editions...
Morbus said:
falloutian said:
(which hopefully will continue "from where F2 left off").
AHAHAHAHAH :lol: lol. FO3 will be set in east coast... and will most probably not fit the genre of the first two games...

Yeah ... well, imagine if the "what coast will it be set in?" would be the biggest reason to worry. Hell, I wouldn't care where it would be set, if it otherwise would continue the real F-legacy ... :(
falloutian said:
Morbus said:
falloutian said:
(which hopefully will continue "from where F2 left off").
AHAHAHAHAH :lol: lol. FO3 will be set in east coast... and will most probably not fit the genre of the first two games...

Yeah ... well, imagine if the "what coast will it be set in?" would be the biggest reason to worry. Hell, I wouldn't care where it would be set, if it otherwise would continue the real F-legacy ... :(
The story, you mean? Well, yeah, it would be good.
You know, I think it is surprising how devs managed to get a sequel for FO1. The story is completely finished in FO1, and the games has no indication (unlike many crappy inconsequent today's games) that there will be a sequel. Notheless, FO2 was made, and the story, again, was finished. I don't really think bethesda will be able to come out with such a genious sequel story as FO2 was... (the story, I mean). Also, I really doubt they will even make references to BIS games: just look at what Oblivion is. No references at all to Morrowind. :(
Summer '99 in macedonia. Was on vacation to visit friends and family. I stumbled over a small shop for PC games and my eyes catched the box of fallout 2. i asked the shop keeper if its good, the answer was short: OH YES! He recommended to get the first fallout too, since then i've never hadn't such a great game experience.
When I was around 13 my brother had a friend that was all into tabletop RPG's, and the Blackisle games. When Fallout 2 came out my brother bought it and he played it a little bit. I was just starting to get into PC gaming and I'd only really played Nintendo games before. When I first played Fallout 2 I thought it was really fun, but a lot of the humor and overall atmosphere of the game just flew over my head. Since then I've played the game probably more than 20 times, and beat it at least 7 times. It's definitely my favorite game of all time, and I still play it every once in a while.

Somehow, everytime I go back to it, I find something new. Like just the last time I played it, It was the first time I found the solar scorcher.
i bought the magazine "Power Play" and it had a Demo Cd on it with bunch of Demos,including Fallout 1 demo.i played the demo and i just fell in love with the atmosphere of the game.
It just came with the computer when we first got one.... I was only about... five?

My brother played it, didn't like it.... Then played it six months later played it again and loved it.... I played it later when I would have been six and liked it but it was too complicated for me back then.

We bought Fallout 2 with another game a few years ago and I've loved it ever since.....

There's the part of my life-story which is centered around Fallout.
first saw it...

first saw fallout 2 probably back in '98, my mate mick had a copy and i was hooked as soon as i saw the opening cut scene with Louis Armstrong's "A kiss to build a dream on"

we used to cut the last couple of school periods (year 12) 'n drink alcohol 'n play Fallout 2, Magic, Necromunda (Orlocks rule!) Talisman, CyberPunk 2020 etc

played that game to death... once spent 24 hrs and lots of coffee on it... went a bit funny after that, looked into the mirror of my soul and realised that my redemption lay at the bottom of my next pot of coffee...

another mate of mine then gave me a burnt copy of fallout several years after that played that to death also, but didn't have the net at the time and that NPC bug which caused multiple copies turning up really gave me the shits, so i threw it in the bottom of the draw for a long time. have only just re-loaded both onto my computer, might just make myself a pot of coffee.........
Interestingly, when I first saw fallout in stores I thought it looked stupid so I payed it no attention. (I also kept confusing it with half life but that's another story) Anyways, my friend obtained a copy (he also initially showed little interest in it due to the box art) which I played at his house and immediately fell in love with. And thus began a long and wonderful relationship with the greatest post nuclear adventure since The Road Warrior.