How did you discover Fallout ?

A buddy recommended me the Trilogy back in 2006. Bought it, loved it, got hooked.

I guess that makes me a noob to discover fallout so late, BUT i loved the series before FO3. I think thats redeeming ^^
Man. How many years have I just never seen this thread? Guess I don't follow the forum closely. Anyway, 1998. Was going over to a buddy's house on the weekend, ready to get into some trouble. Buddy's roommate, another buddy of mine, just got some PC games from his older brother. Fallout 1 was one of 'em.

Life, changed. Went out that week and bought FO2 off the shelves at some gaming store in the nearest mall. Friends had to drag my ass out of my room to get me to hang out. Good times, good times. This was pre-car patch too. Man that pissed me off.
It was May 1997 and I just got my first PC. And one of the first games I installed was Fallout 1 Demo I got on a PC magazine CD.
What can I say, I spent my youth watching Mad Max movies and this was it. :notworthy:

Me and all the other friends played and played and later in the day met to talk about who found what. We also hanged out in the city's industrial area so we also lived Fallout in a way
Fallout1FTW said:
.. I installed was Fallout 1 Demo
Yes, right the same for me. I have played that single Junktown map for many hours, again and again! Man, that was unbelievable in that time; such great graphics, sounds and animations! Being hooked on first sight. Hey, and the gatling placed into the fridge - that was an unfair trick from the developers. Pure addiction for me, I say. :mrgreen:
I believe it was the Fallout: Tactics demo that introduced me to the series. I was looking up RTS game demos at the time. I didn't like it because the gameplay was a little bit too tactical for my taste (guess I shoulda paid attention to the title).

Thanks to that demo, I though for a while that Fallout was a strategy series. I think it was around the time Fallout 3 was announced that I realized that the main series were RPG games. So I downloaded the demo for Fallout: A Post Nuclear Roleplaying Game and found that I enjoyed it better than the Tactics demo. Of course, it was only combat so I still didn't see what the big deal was.

I bought Fallout 3 on Black Friday but I decided I didn't want to play it until I bought and beat the first two games, knowing fully well how the third game deviated enough from the first two to the extent that many fans didn't even consider it to be a true Fallout game, and I didn't want to be ignorant of Interplay's Fallout legacy, so I played and beat the first game. I'm now just starting the second game.

Now that I'm familiar with classic Fallout, I don't know how I'll react to Fallout 3 when I start playing it, but I'm probably going to be forgiving in my opinion. I'll try not to compare it too much to Fallout and Fallout 2 (apples and oranges is my position), and I enjoyed Morrowind and Oblivion. Also, if it's good enough for the mainstream media, it can't be that bad.[/i]
RL_Nice said:
Now that I'm familiar with classic Fallout, I don't know how I'll react to Fallout 3 when I start playing it, but I'm probably going to be forgiving in my opinion. I'll try not to compare it too much to Fallout and Fallout 2 (apples and oranges is my position), and I enjoyed Morrowind and Oblivion. Also, if it's good enough for the mainstream media, it can't be that bad.

I know that this is probably beating a dead horse to a certain extent (oh yeah, finally I get to use this emoticon! :falloutonline:), but have you played New Vegas? It really demonstrates that it's not impossible to keep the Fallout feel while using the Bethesdian FPS engine. Even if you're unwilling to compare FO1/2 and 3 in terms of themes and adherence to canon, at least play New Vegas and use it as a litmus test before sullying your innocence with Fallout 3. :wink:
I actually want to play the four main games in order, so the chances are low I'll play New Vegas before 3.

In addition, I tend not to buy games until the price drops and there's a Game of the Year or Gold Edition or something out.

It seems that all the mainstream gaming publications that gave Fallout 3 glowing reviews are judging the game as a standalone work and not as a Fallout game, so when I get to it, I'm going to be doing the same.

I do like the quest structure from Fallout better than the ones from The Elder Scrolls, though, and if Bethesda went the same direction for Fallout 3, I might have a bit of a problem with that.
I never had a good PC so I didn't play a bunch of computer games, mainly console ones. I did however play certain PC games (Nox, Neverwinter Nights, Rise of Nations). I got the FO3 GOTY for PS3 and loved it.(That's right most people love FO3) I really liked the Idea of a retro futuristic wasteland, so I learned everything I could about it from The Vault, found this website. Then Found FO1 FO2 and FOT in a bargain cd for 10$. Immediately bought it and Loved FO1, but only I only like FO2 because I prefer the serious stuff instead of the humor. FOT is uhhhh, different. :)
In 98 my parent bought a new Pc and it came with a tin of free software and games. This included the Bladerunner on one DVD (retail one was on like 6 Cds) which I was very pleased with. Also came with some game called 'Fallout', never heard of it. Stuck it on, was just some stupid game in which combat is turn based, bah, in some stupid cave shooting rats, yawn. Told my friend about it, said he could have it. Later when I saw him playing it at his house I realised i'd made a HUGE mistake.

Stupid kid.

My friend had obviously heard about it and rather than tell me about it, he took it. Our friendship has since expired.
As soon as I saw my mate playing on Fallout, I only saw a little bit- he was in Shady Sands and talking to Aradesh. I then realised it was a story based game with characters, I immediately bought it. Had a love affair with the series in the twelve years since.
I immediately take back what I said about fallout 2 a few posts up. I started again after this post, and I guess i was just playing it the wrong way for me. I started playing and couldn't stop.
Played Fallout in 2002 (I think), but couldn't understand a word. My uncle (I played it on his computer) translated some bits of it for me, and although I liked it, I couldn't play it that way, so after some time I forgot about it.
Later when Fallout 3 came out, I remembered (drum roll, please) Fallout!
Got 1 and 2 some time later, played them out, played 3, still playing NV, played Tactics (don't like it!) and that would be about it...
I'm an old school RPG player. Remember paper, pencils, and dice? I loved "Gamma World", TSR's post apocalyptic game, but there were never enough adventure modules published for it. When I found out about Fallout, I had to have it! I was playing it for ages on a Mac in OS9, which I stayed with far too long. By the time I upgraded to OS X, I had to go on eBay to get the OS X version.

I never played Fallout 2 because I had read about all the bugs in it. Then, in 2008, right before Fallout 3 was released, I discovered Killap's patch! :notworthy: I was so happy! :dance: Now I need to finish building a PC so I can download and play the FO2RP. But right now, I can't afford the rest of the parts I need. :cry: Oh well, reading about the RP is still fun. Someday I'll get to play it.
Since I had a crappy pc back when I was a kid, I didn't really had much games and didn't knew how to find them, or where to find them, so most of my time was playind on consoles like Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64 and PS2 being my last one.

But about 2 years back, I heard news of that game, Fallout 3 and that it was launched and had a apocalyptic scenario. I had played Oblivion in an older pc (along with that mod, Oldblivion) since my computed couldn't run it on normal graphics.

After I got my laptop (which too isn't really meant for playing), I managed with a .dll to run the game so it would think that my crappy gpu was supported and would run it.

But waaaay before I managed to get the laptop, like 1 year before, I did a little search and found out about the 2 first games (not including tactics and BOS). Being a fan of old games (maybe because I missed a lot of them), I managed to get a copy and installed it in my computer.

At first I gotta say, it felt a bit weird, not on graphics, I kinda liked them, but the way the game was, the combat, the skills and all that, were a bit unfamiliar.

But hell, once I started to learn its ways, how combat worked, the SPECIAL stats, how to use items, to find npcs to help you, damn, I was in love with the series. But the thing is I never actually finished FO1, because I played FO2 first and some improvements that FO2 has were not on the first, so I still need to give me some time to play the first game.

And after I loved the way the first game was, I seriously didn't felt the excitement I had to play FO3.

But I'm still glad they made FO3, otherwise I wouldn't find out about this amazing series. Now I feel the urge to play FO2 again.
@ AWildmann

FO2 does have great improvements to the original game engine. But, you need to finish FO1 so you will know how that story ends. The first game is the foundation of the entire series. Relative to all the sequels, FO1 tells the legend of the Vault Dweller!
Richwizard said:
@ AWildmann

FO2 does have great improvements to the original game engine. But, you need to finish FO1 so you will know how that story ends. The first game is the foundation of the entire series. Relative to all the sequels, FO1 tells the legend of the Vault Dweller!
Thats why I intend to play it before playing FO2 again =D

I remember playing it a little bit, but I just got past Junktown once, and reached Necropolis, but that was it, I Think I lost the save of the game when I formatted my pc, but I intend to play it indeed.
Brother gave me the disc . That was 13 years ago , was in elementary school back then . I still play them now .

5 days ago i finished Fallout 1 again , unarmed .
Now im trying some blowing nuka cola in Fallout 2 Restoration xD
Haha, well mine is a story indeed, quite a while ago (2007) I read about a Fallout 3 in Playstation magazine, I swiftly forgot about it as my mind dismissed it as FPS bullshit. Later in 2009 my friend Jack kept on talking about it, I went on to still dismiss it. I resorted to getting the FO3 GOTY on my birthday in 2010 (early 2010), I got it. I put 90+ hours into it, doing everything I could to love it even more. About a fortnight after getting it, I had exhausted the Vault on the previous fallouts and joined NMA, boy was I naive. Two days after joining NMA I got FO trilogy, and I got that, but I didn't play it until I finished FO3. I then played the trilogy, one word...great, I just finished FO2 for the first time 10 mins ago, brilliance, outshines FO3 definitely, but then FNV came along, and that is much better than FO3, so now the game that introduced me to the fallout series (FO3) is now one of my least favourite alongside FOT, but it's still great!