How did you discover Fallout ?

Well, I was 15 when Fallout 3 came out. Wasn't into gaming as much back mate from my maths class was talking to me about how awesome it was. So, a few weeks later, I was in a game shop, and I saw a copy of it going for a relatively cheap price. So, remembering the glowing review my friend gave, decided to purchase it. I love my friend.
It was a long long time ago in a cave far away, I was 11 and had my uncle living with myself and my mother after recruiting him from the local prison a few hundred miles away.
About a week after staying with us he had given me a burned CD copy of Fallout 2 which I played religiously every waking moment I had and still did until I think it was about 2008? might have been 2009, Just now started playing with with mods.
The only game I really played was CoD and I wanted something new and different. I went to EB Games and saw the Fallout 3 case with the Brother Hood of Steel paladin on it. I instantly feel in love with the way the armor looked. When I read the back my new fantasy world was set in the year 2277. When I put it in my PS3 I could not stop playing it. Once I start it's still hard for me to stop playing it about 5 years later.
I remember first hearing about Fallout 3, at the time, I was a pretty big fan of Oblivion, so I decided to give it a shot.

To me, it was good. Not great, but good.

Couple of years later, I got New Vegas and rushed through it. Didn't really care for it at the time.

Almost two years later however, I read up about how many people really liked New Vegas and I decided to give it another shot. Needless to say, I fell in love with it. As a result, I purchased the first two Fallouts via GoG and enjoyed the heck out of them.
I first played Fallout Tactics at 7,when i just bought the game an it was the 2nd game played or the first ones.Now i want an FO4 game.
4 Years ago, my brother got FO3 for xbox and i thought it was shitty and i couldn't orientate myself so i quit playing it. A few months later i turned the game up again and understood the mechanics and everything so it was fun and the next thing you know i got all the DLCs and im pretty sure i did everything there is to do in the game lol (All locations, quests, companions, DLCs, unique weapons and so on). Since then i bought FO new vegas, FO2 and FO1!
My ex introduced it to me to Fallout 3 while we were together, although I didn't really get too into it until after we broke up. I've been hooked on 3 and New Vegas since, but I've always felt bad about never playing the first couple games...even though I was only 3 when the series came out, hahaha. I just started playing the first one yesterday. Kinda odd, since I'm not used to the turn-based combat in Fallout (well, not that odd I guess, since it's the original game), but I'm loving it so far and I enjoy seeing how how everything all began. :D
In 1997, I remember I was at the store randomly looking at computer games. I saw the box which design was outstanding with nuclear stuff on the back (seemed cool back then, and it still appeals me today).
I asked my dad if I could take it and he accepted. It seems to be such a distant memory right now...
In a giant pyramid of boxes at my local game store in Manhattan. I think it was one of the happiest moments of 1997 for me, reading that box and realizing that someone had made a successor to Wasteland, and it looked AWESOME. lol.

I probably should have known it was coming, but I so rarely had time to play a game immediately after college that I think I hadn't even read a gamer mag in months.
The first game was FO3 I was like 11 and thought i got a bargain when i saw it was only £20 i played it couple of times and didnt understand it and never touched it again, i sold it few weeks later back to game for £12. About 3 Christmases ago I got a gift and had no clue what it was, seeing it was FO3 i thought what a waste of a gift , later i started to play it and really haven't put it down ever since, later on in that Christmas i got new Vegas and the two were a perfect combo.
A friend of mine got it the Fallout 1 disc in a PC magazine and he gave it to me for free. I started the game and I became a Fallout fan in like 15 mins. haha
If I'm not mistaken I confused Far Cry 2 (i think) with Fallout 3, got instantly wow-ed by it, then got NV for the XBOX and just this year FO 1, 2 (which is the best in the series for me) and Tactics, i've never touched BOS, and don't plan to.
A friend of mine got it the Fallout 1 disc in a PC magazine and he gave it to me for free. I started the game and I became a Fallout fan in like 15 mins. haha
Yeah, I was also glued to screen from the start ;)
When I was 14 years old or younger, my brother 2 years younger: Some time after Fallout 2 released my brother for some reason had bought the game, but hadn't played it very long and was stuck on his shelf.

It was in his shelf in his room at the time and just out of curiousity I asked to install his game on my MAC computer, as MAC computers didn't have that many games at the time. I remember my only other game I was playing at that time was Caesar III RTS game, there was another RPG puzzle game at that same time called Full Throttle. We played both of the RPG games a bit but not very long, as we got stuck in some puzzle & we didn't really like the combat that much.

1 year later I had some spare time (I had to study my exams & felt I had so much time over) & asked my brother to reinstall that game on my PC, so I did. Now this time I stuck to it a bit longer, I got to the first town & my character started to make some progression. I solved more puzzles too, but somethimes it became frustrating and I got stuck. This is also when I discovered the word "Walkthrough" which I used when I got stuck too long at a certain point that it became frustrating, then I completed Full Throttle game as well & the Fallout game.

I was astonished by the creativity, the dark humour & the tons of possibilities, the very creative more complicated factions, politics, ideology, dialogue, multiple options RPG-dialogue tree, maturity, GREY MORAL CHOICES, controversial choices (pornstar, shotgun wedding both gay & not gay, killable kids, ...) design that it really really was a game that no other game had topped since. And now almost a decade after, still no game seems to have.

Every other game didn't come to the knees of Fallout, because it lacked depth. It lacked that complete package. They didn't have the complicated factions, they didn't have grey moral choices, only black and with. there were not multiple paths to solve a quest (never more than 2)

At that time I remember I was reading books over my age category too, as the books for my age didn't seem to be as good. It s a similar thing I noticed with this video game, this was a video game for adults while most video games are made for children (Fallout 3 is a prime example of a game made for children)
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A friend of mine had Fallout 3. I played it on his Xbox out of curiosity, liked it, and gave away Fallout earlier this year. I played that, but was confused by the controls and left it sitting in a deserted corner of my HDD.
A few months ago I decided to try it again, and read the instruction manual this time (which helped a lot) and got hooked. Not long after I got New Vegas, and recently Fallout 2 and Tactics. I'm not really motivated to play Bethesda's Fallout 3 anymore, because it fails so badly.
The world of Fallout was entered in 2001 by myself as I purchase an international edition of Fallout Tactics. For understanding: In Germany there was a restricted version released, therefore I had to get a not German version. After this I grabbed FO1 and FO2 and often played the games.
Some years later I purchase a Playstation 3 and of course Fallout 3 (once again - in Germany we have here again a restricted version). Actually it is still my favorite game...even as I purchased a PEGI version of the GotY-Edition in Switzerland...not restricted :grin:
A third version of FO3 I received as present (including the bobblehead and the lunchbox). New Vegas...mhm...I do not really like, because the feeling is not the same like in FO3 or the older ones. But I have it...of course. Unfortunately New Vegas has this killing feature in the PS3 version, where the PS3 becomes really I have played again FO3...and still motivated.

All the best
In September of 1997 when it was released, I was at some store, some where. I looked at the disc cover and read the script on the back and thought, eh, might as well try it. Since then I have been hooked. Some times just taking a chance works the best.
My whole life been with Fallout :D

When I was just a little kid, my friend had CDs for original F1 and F2. We played them quite many times and it was "scary" on those times when we were small :P