So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

I stumbled across a Fallout 2 box in a random store in Marseilles, my city in France.
I have never heard of it before, and from what i remember of the box, i don't even remember what made me by it.
It maybe related with a cheap price, as it was already released a few years before. It was during Georges W Bush first term.
Or i just wanted to buy any game on that day and didn't find a game that interested me more.
Anyway, i wasn't expecting anything in particular, and didn't find the beginning particularly impressive.
Then i was step by step overwelmed by the subversive writting. I wasn't use to see that in video games. Same for the gray area.
You were the chosen One, but for everyone, it was a joke. (take take, every other chosen one, special beings and all of destiny crap)
Everyone looked the same because engine, but it was lampshaded for once.
It broke the fourth wall in a way that sounded right.
Vault City made me wander how i was suppose to take them. They seemed so nice and clean, but it the same times were racist, use slavery without using the word, are full of wrong ideas that you can't do anything agains't.
In the same time, it's the first city when you can actually make significants progress in your quest.
It is full of lampshading and critics about societies, video games patterns and storytelling tropes. (it was far before i discovered tvtropes)
In the same time, the story, the cities, the factions, are partially believable, interesting and entertaining.
I didn't have an opinion about TB, at the time, but i wasn't bothered either.
Then, when i reached the end, i discovered that, not only you could reach the villain HQ without a fight, but you that the main antagonist was the fucking president of the United States, that the vault were just experiments of that corrupted governments.
I wouldn't believe at the time, that the game was american.
At this times, the situation was tense between France/USA, as the former refused to let the latter attack Iraq, as there were no proof of mass destruction weapons (and there is still not) and i though that 200% of americans were triger-happy and supportive of war, whatever the reason or the coutry in front of them. (to be fair, this issue went pretty far, with americans boycotting french cheese and wine, just because we didn't want to kill iraqis on false pretense. Not that Saddam was a saint, but the objective for the war was never prooved and Bush was never charged for his internationnal lies)
I was pretty young and i though all americans were sheep or unallowed to voice other opinions. (i remember that a lot of american TV shows that i saw in France at the time were US military propangada, like NCIS, JAG, Stargate SG-1, depicting americans as happy warriors and peoples from other countries as useless or hostiles)
So it basically introduced me with subversive american contents. Fortunally, i am aware today that there is a lot more subsersive opinions and contents in American Culture.
Now that i am growing up, i even think that american/canadian writters are often more daring and subversive that french writters, at least in movies and tv shows. In France, you always have the same crap TV show, were heroes eat vegetables, never use the F-world, never have sex before wedding, and those with an unpopular opinion are jerks, then bad guys. It's like the french TV show writters are living in an entirelly other country, timeline or alternate reality. Sure, we got very great Movies authors, but most of them are dead or in a wheel chair. (and those that remain or the younger are only seen in selected theater, never at TV)
But at the time, it was basically, for me, the first time (outside of books), that i got involved in a game that dare adress subjects in a way that i found more believable that every other craps i've seen at the time, while remaining entertaining and not too straight.
All of this without taking away any other qualities of the game.
Then i tried Fo1 & FoT and got pretty disapointed that they adressed a lot less subjects, were less funny, and allowed less liberties.
Then i learned to love them overtime appreciating they own qualities. Basically, Fo1 have a far better main storyline with a blurred line between mutants and normies, and more intriguing sci-fi, while Tactics provide a better look into BOS and what could happen if we leave in charge a very powerfull military organization, without control.
I didn't have Playstation (or knew emulators) to try FoBOS, and when i learnt that the Fallout rights were sold, i didn't even try the last 3 episodes until 2013. (i wasn't aware of the Devellopper/Publisher difference. For me, the right were sold, that's it)
Since the writting was what got me into, i found no reason to follow it if it was written by someone else. It was like Steve Job writting a sequel of my favourite Stephen King book. What's the point in reading it ? The setting is a side aspect compared of the author intents.
I gave them a chance when i changed computer and looked for more recent games.
I am quite glad that i tried Fallout New Vegas, as it gave me hope of an upcoming game on the Fallout 1 vein, as its storyline was great, or even better, but i don't think i will find any fallout that pleased me as much as Fo2.
Didn't even played any other games on that satirical vein, but i will keep looking, mainly amongs indies.
(not only the satirical side, but also a game that i could enjoy by its storyline and gameplay as well)
I have never heard of it before, and from what i remember of the box, i don't even remember what made me by it.
It maybe related with a cheap price, as it was already released a few years before. It was during Georges W Bush first term.
Or i just wanted to buy any game on that day and didn't find a game that interested me more.
Anyway, i wasn't expecting anything in particular, and didn't find the beginning particularly impressive.
Then i was step by step overwelmed by the subversive writting. I wasn't use to see that in video games. Same for the gray area.
You were the chosen One, but for everyone, it was a joke. (take take, every other chosen one, special beings and all of destiny crap)
Everyone looked the same because engine, but it was lampshaded for once.
It broke the fourth wall in a way that sounded right.
Vault City made me wander how i was suppose to take them. They seemed so nice and clean, but it the same times were racist, use slavery without using the word, are full of wrong ideas that you can't do anything agains't.
In the same time, it's the first city when you can actually make significants progress in your quest.
It is full of lampshading and critics about societies, video games patterns and storytelling tropes. (it was far before i discovered tvtropes)
In the same time, the story, the cities, the factions, are partially believable, interesting and entertaining.
I didn't have an opinion about TB, at the time, but i wasn't bothered either.
Then, when i reached the end, i discovered that, not only you could reach the villain HQ without a fight, but you that the main antagonist was the fucking president of the United States, that the vault were just experiments of that corrupted governments.
I wouldn't believe at the time, that the game was american.
At this times, the situation was tense between France/USA, as the former refused to let the latter attack Iraq, as there were no proof of mass destruction weapons (and there is still not) and i though that 200% of americans were triger-happy and supportive of war, whatever the reason or the coutry in front of them. (to be fair, this issue went pretty far, with americans boycotting french cheese and wine, just because we didn't want to kill iraqis on false pretense. Not that Saddam was a saint, but the objective for the war was never prooved and Bush was never charged for his internationnal lies)
I was pretty young and i though all americans were sheep or unallowed to voice other opinions. (i remember that a lot of american TV shows that i saw in France at the time were US military propangada, like NCIS, JAG, Stargate SG-1, depicting americans as happy warriors and peoples from other countries as useless or hostiles)
So it basically introduced me with subversive american contents. Fortunally, i am aware today that there is a lot more subsersive opinions and contents in American Culture.
Now that i am growing up, i even think that american/canadian writters are often more daring and subversive that french writters, at least in movies and tv shows. In France, you always have the same crap TV show, were heroes eat vegetables, never use the F-world, never have sex before wedding, and those with an unpopular opinion are jerks, then bad guys. It's like the french TV show writters are living in an entirelly other country, timeline or alternate reality. Sure, we got very great Movies authors, but most of them are dead or in a wheel chair. (and those that remain or the younger are only seen in selected theater, never at TV)
But at the time, it was basically, for me, the first time (outside of books), that i got involved in a game that dare adress subjects in a way that i found more believable that every other craps i've seen at the time, while remaining entertaining and not too straight.
All of this without taking away any other qualities of the game.
Then i tried Fo1 & FoT and got pretty disapointed that they adressed a lot less subjects, were less funny, and allowed less liberties.
Then i learned to love them overtime appreciating they own qualities. Basically, Fo1 have a far better main storyline with a blurred line between mutants and normies, and more intriguing sci-fi, while Tactics provide a better look into BOS and what could happen if we leave in charge a very powerfull military organization, without control.
I didn't have Playstation (or knew emulators) to try FoBOS, and when i learnt that the Fallout rights were sold, i didn't even try the last 3 episodes until 2013. (i wasn't aware of the Devellopper/Publisher difference. For me, the right were sold, that's it)
Since the writting was what got me into, i found no reason to follow it if it was written by someone else. It was like Steve Job writting a sequel of my favourite Stephen King book. What's the point in reading it ? The setting is a side aspect compared of the author intents.
I gave them a chance when i changed computer and looked for more recent games.
I am quite glad that i tried Fallout New Vegas, as it gave me hope of an upcoming game on the Fallout 1 vein, as its storyline was great, or even better, but i don't think i will find any fallout that pleased me as much as Fo2.
Didn't even played any other games on that satirical vein, but i will keep looking, mainly amongs indies.
(not only the satirical side, but also a game that i could enjoy by its storyline and gameplay as well)
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